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insurance renewal time...


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Any  recommendations for good ( not necessarily the cheapest) car insurance appreciated please. I am hoping to find a company who are helpful and are happy to pay out in the event of a normal claim ( had a bad time with the house insurance company who tried their utmost to weasel out of paying anything.) I would rather pay a bit more for recommended insurance. Any to avoid would also be welcome.


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You realise you'll get inundated with recommendations from satisfied insured members, so I'll start things off......

We shopped around when we arrived in France and found MAAF to be the most competitive in terms of premium and cover.  They accepted my full UK NCB on the basis of my previous Saga renewal schedule - no special letters required showing the last 13 years driving record or anything like that. They also give me a 40% discount on the premium for my motocycle because the car's insured with them.

I've had two claims so far - a broken fog lamp caused by running over a truck tyre carcass in the dark, and a cracked windscreen.  Both claims were authorised immediately and they handed me order forms to get the work done at their approved repairers.  No arguments, no payments up front and no loss of NCB.

Just received my renewal notices - no increase for 2007.




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I too am with the MAAF.

Only 1 claim to date, when I wrote off my greatly misse beloved Smart on a sheet of black ice... very prompt and efficient dealing, they arranged everything with the garage from my one and only tel call to them...

I have moved my house, gite rental and scooter covers with them...

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Also with MAFF. Not had a claim yet but when we found that our bank would not insure the bikes, we moved the car and both bikes to MAAF and have found them very helpfull. They allowed the NCD for the car against both bikes and gave us a further discount.

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House and two of our cars now with Gan Assurance.

After having paid for a fair amount of insurance over many years here, we have at last found a company that has insured our business and house in a clear and well documented contract.

The bottom line is quite simple, we all talk of our one little agency, run by one to 10 people (add as many people as you like I guess)What MAAF do for the others and Gan does from me, is purely from the view of our own agencies. You must do the leg (or fingerwork) to try and get the best deal for you, ask around your local area, never ever have I gone with any assurer who I couldn't get to, within 15-30 minutes or so. Just as when buying electrical "stuff" buying local, although appearing more expensive at the time, will all too often, pay back in spades, at the actual time of need.

I know I can get cheaper on the internet, I also know the hassles I am likley to get should I need to contact them to make a claim.

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We use AGF, for exactly the same reasons that Miki uses his insurer, and have had no difficulties.

Do remember that you cannot just chop and change as in England, although changing insurers is easier than it was, you still have to follow the right procedure and timetable.

And whichever company you go with, do get quotes from others every two or three years and let the original insurer match them. If they think they have you for life, any French insurer will start to take the p***.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just found this thread and need to insure our french car when we go down in Jan, could anyone tell me if they know of a MAAF office near us, we are between Montmoreau 16, and Riberac 24.

thanks in anticipation

[8-|] Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum.

The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind;

the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

 Do one thing everyday that scares you


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[8-|] Hi, thanks for that Clair, I had already checked this site out and it is very quick to show offices in Major towns (Angouleme or Perigueux for us) I just wondered if there were any sub agency offices nearer, I have been told that MAAF are in Auchan supermarkets?

[8-)] Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.

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