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Next job re-register car!

Barbel Bob

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Hi all,

I am slowly moving down my to do list and next is to re register the car, i have been reading up and feel confident on what needs to be done so just a couple of questions if i may?

My car is not 4yrs old till 23rd June, so i presume i can miss the CT bit out for now, but the headlights will need to be changed so can this also wait?

Where do i find my local Hotel des Impots & prefecture? I live North of Perigueux 45mins or so away will this be my nearest one?

I also have not received a utility bill as yet? are bills quarterly?

Thanks again for your invaluable help!




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Hi Bob,

My wife's Astra was not four years old until November, so I got her CT then. The CT however does need to be less than six months old when you register it, otherwise you'll need a new one! I did however change my headlights and register it before then, although regarding headlights, there probably isn't a requirement if you have deflectors fitted. I read somewhere recently that there is no longer a requirement to re-register your car unless it is sold. (The buyer changing the registration I believe) I don't know what your car is, but Vauxhall UK have a department dealing with Certificates of Conformity. Ours cost about £40 from them. Two copies, French and English sent by DHL. Not bad! You don't have to go to your prefecture, it can be re-registered by taking the forms to your local Mairie. Although, if you go to the Prefecture, I believe you get your Carte Gris while you wait. Our Mairie gave me a receipt for my paperwork, then sent us a letter when it arrived there. It took less than two weeks. When I registered my car, as none of the utility bills were in my name, just the bank account, I had to get a letter from my wife stating that I lived with her!

Have a look in your telephone book for the Hotel des Impots. Some of our bills are bi-monthly and others six monthly.

Hope that helps,



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Hi Paul,


We are in similar situation - took car over in October and parked it up.  From what I understand our (British) Insurance will run out at end of January.  Am I correct to assume we need the headlights done and certificate obtained to take to the prefacture along with all other papers before it requires a MOT and to get it registered???  OH normally deals with all this stuff in UK.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]what numberplates you got?[/quote]

[quote user="Fiona"]We are in similar situation - took car over in October and parked it up.  From what I understand our (British) Insurance will run out at end of January.[/quote]

I don't think there's much doubt that they're UK is there wooly ?

[quote user="Paul Bradford"]I read somewhere recently that there is no longer a requirement to re-register your car unless it is sold. (The buyer changing the registration I believe)[/quote]It's inaccurate nonsense. I was published in a well know English language newspaper a couple of month's back and quickly debunked.

[quote user="Barbel Bob"]Where do i find my local Hotel des Impots & prefecture? I live North of Perigueux 45mins or so away will this be my nearest one?[/quote]

Do you not know anyone in your area who has been there, they can't ALL still be on UK plates can they [Www]

How long have you been driving it in France ?


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Barbel Bob,

Based on what you give as your location and assuming you are still in the Dordogne,you will find that your Centre d'Impôts is in Nontron:  17 Place Alfred Agard, 24300, Nontron.

It is the same place you will make your Declaration de Revenues. 

The Préfecture is:

Préfecture de la Dordogne

2, rue Paul-louis Courier



Tél: - Fax:

(La préfecture est ouverte au public d
u lundi au vendredi)

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Thanks to all who replied!

So its off to Nontron first for the quittus fiscal then to Perigueux with all final documents............Just found out my Renault does not have the letter of Conformity, well i could not find one amongst the manual etc so will need to send off for this first.

Just to confirm then, I can get the CT later when it is due, this is not a requirement to complete the re-register onto French plates??????

Thanks again


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No you do not need a CT to re-reg and without that they won't know which way yr lights dip [:D]

I strongly recommend that you visit yr local prefecture, armed with yr logbook, and ask for a list of docs that they will require e.g.  when we did our Mist Wagen we did not need a quittus fiscale e.g you may need a cert from DRIRE costing 67€ instead of a Renault CofC costing ??



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Hello Sunday Driver - "Happy New Year"

please can I ask you to explain what the DRIRE is and where it is located and what exactly they would provide? We are in Dept17. We need to get something that will do for a cert de conformite for our 1994 Volvo.


Getting a certificate of conformity from the manufacturer for older vehicles

Just a note that Peugeot UK would not provide one of these when we phoned them and spoke to export, sales and technical depts in turn. They said there was no such thing for their cars over 10 years old (this was 2 years ago). They said try asking Peugeot France if I really wanted one. It was easier to ask DRIRE which took just a couple of weeks when we sent of the application form and UK reg document. Seems a more reliable route to ta

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The DRIRE is responsble (amongst other things) for all matters concerning the type approval of vehicles. 

They should be able to supply you with a type approval certificate (attestation d'identité) for your 1994 Volvo.  Here is the relevant [url=http://www.poitou-charentes.drire.gouv.fr/vehicules/RTI/7-5-2RCR19.pdf]application form[/url]

Their address is:

Z.I. de Périgny - Rue E. Mariotte - 17184 PÉRIGNY Cedex
Tél. : 05 46 51 42 00


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I'm also in the process of registering the car.

One thing I find puzzling about the DRIRE application is that it asks for "le certificat de conformité original délivré dans le pays d'acquisition" to be sent with the application.

I thought the point of taking the DRIRE route was to avoid the need for a certificate of conformity - or am I being dim? (a not uncommon occurence).

My car (Citroen) doesn't have anything resembling a cert. of conformity attached to any of the documentation and Citroen UK want £100 for one.

Any light would be appreciated.


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A certificate of conformity is required in order to register your car in France.  This can be obtained from either the vehicle manufacturer/importer or the DRIRE.  The attestation you are applying for is actually a certificate of conformity.

The DRIRE form asks for either (soit) of the documents listed so that they can identify the vehicle on their database.  This could be a national certificate of conformity issued in a country where, say, the registration document has been retained by the local authorities.  In other words, it's any official document that identifies the vehicle.

In your case, a copy of the UK V5C registration document will be sufficient.


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Morning Sunday Driver more help required please,

I sent the application form and cheque off to the DRIRE for a letter of conformitie my reply came this morning, my french is not great but it says that due to DSCR 31199 du 3/9/02  i can benefit from going direct to the prefecture and it seems i do not need the conformitie.

They have sent my cheque back and sent a document with the heading of 'Element Carte Grise' with all my car details on.

So do you think i can go off to the prefecture with this letter and see how i get on.????????????

My car is a 3 1/2yrs old Renault. Also i am still waiting for a utility bill, been two months now, can i go with out one, as i am aware my time has run out!



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I suspect your DRIRE have assumed that as your car is so young, you already have an EU certificate of conformity which you could take directly to the prefecture to register without their intervention.

Check the DRIRE letter to see if it contains the key items - either the CNIT number or the e*xxxxx number - needed by the prefecture to produce the carte grise.  If it mentions them, then you could alway try it.....

Your house insurance contract will suffice as proof of address.


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