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Can anyone offer advice as a result of their experience of attending the Le Mans Classic?  I want to attend Saturday and Sunday and camp overnight at or close to the circuit.

Thanks, Steve

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Book direct, don't get conned by an agent - the Classic is less popular than the 24 hour so no need to pay over the odds:



MB is the best camping but sold out now, so aim for Bleu Nord (under "Aire Accueil" on the link")  For the best experience, get yourself a paddock pass.  Walk around all the club car parks (being sure to wave to Mrs and Mr Loirette's yummy red 'Vette on the way); get out to Mulsanne in the early hous of Sunday morning if you can, take loads and loads of memory cards for your camera....  Don't know where to begin and end really!  For more info' and up to date stuff have a look at another forum I'm on :


where all the chat is LM.  See you there (Courbe Bar 21.00 Saturday.)

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It must be done, though I've only ever done it as part of a club organised event, including a marque few laps of the circuit, and pit pass etc, we stayed at Chambre d'hote a few kilometres away, however one tip I can give (as given to me previously by a member of the forum[Www]) is that as a member, access to the members stand proved invaluable on the day. http://www.autoclub.fr/offers.asp


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Cooperlola is undoubtedly the expert on this, so everything she said goes!  One thing I would add is to try and take a stroll around the paddocks late at night.  We managed to go around last time at about midnight or 1:00 in the morning.  Wonderful atmosphere, with some of the night and early runners prepping cars etc.   So, yes, definitely get a Paddock pass!


Thanks for the complement Coops!  We’ll be parked in the Corvette Club France stand, which in the past has been at the “top” end of the paddocks, behind the village.   Perhaps we'll see you there?    We're bound to see Mr & Mrs Cooperlola!

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Thanks, all booked - bleu nord, access circuit and Chinetti tribune. The official website says that paddock passes are sold out but the link that Cooperlola gave me says "tribunes and paddocks" therefore I'm not sure if my tribune passes include the paddock, so I may or may not have the pleasure of introducing myself! I'm not sure how I would recognise you anyway, would anyone like to describe Cooperlola and Loirette please?

Now for the dress code bit - my OH never throws anything away and thinks there's a cravat around somewhere, and my son says he'll wear a smoking jacket and sport a long cigarette holder, so, with his trendy stubby beard be on the look out for something similar to the meercat on the tv ads.

All we need now is sunshine on the weekend so that we can bring an open car and a tiny tent......





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  • 1 month later...

Steve, I feel I owe you an appology if you were looking for me on Saturday night.  I had a really bad bout of food poisoning so was obliged to stay in the grandstand within close proximity of the loos......[+o(]

Hope you had a great time though and hope we'll get to meet one day!

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I've a bit more time now........

We had a great time thank you. We watched the first two grids race on Saturday from our grandstand and then wandered around the village to see if we could spot a) The bar in question, and b) A red Corvette. Well, we found b, several in fact but then the heavens opened and right afterwards their owners whisked them all away somewhere to be blow dried or something.

For some reason I was looking for the Club Arnage Bar and no-one, including the little train driver knew where it was - no wonder as it didn't exist and I should have been looking for the Courbe Bar, but I didn't know that until I got home and re-read the thread.....I think that we may have seen your car though if it was parked in the Morgan club parking on Saturday afternoon, unusual colours although the shop at Loheac museum sells a model one just like it.

Unable to find the wrong bar, we decided to give that a miss especially as it clashed with dinner, but over the rest of the weekend I got some very frightened over-the-shoulder looks from several women on mobility scooters that I followed looking for that sticker!

We drove out to Indianapolis/Arnage at 11 and watched the racing until 2.30AM and then got some shuteye before watching the faster grids from 8AM onwards at Ford and Dunlop, and looked down on the Esses from Tertre Rouge (and all points in between). Another wander around the village before downing a can of Red Bull and leaving to get home in time for the end of the tennis....

I renewed my acquaintance with all those racing cars that I watched, studied and occasionally got a ride in as a youngster and was surprised how I now liked the appearance of some cars that didn't excite me much back then. Those that stirred me then though were still thrilling to watch now, particularly the Cobras twitching their tails out of the corner onto the pit straight - I guess that the better grip of their modern tyres has been matched by performance upgrades on the original engines that keeps the car as fun to watch as it always was. (Mind you, seeing Jack Brabham's arm movements in his open Cobra as he tried to set it up for Paddock takes a bit of beating!) Four speed gearboxes in those Cobras too - onto the pit straight in third and not changing up until the end of the pits, wonderful to see such a spirited drive from David Hart matched by a wonderful soundtrack. The compleat Cobra - it sounded like he was machine gunning the pits!

The T70s were wonderful too, my T70s were the open CanAm ones that knocked the formula one lap times for six and led to the closure at the time of Goodwood as a race venue. Francois Fillon in a M1 too....respect.

I've always assumed that at the 24 hours the cars settle into a procession (one reason why I've never gone), but at the Classic weekend each grid race was a blast to the flag, with minor issues fixed between races and earlier rivalries resumed in the following race. Generally great viewing too although it was a pity that the "any grandstand with any grandstand ticket after 8PM" concession didn't carry through to the Sunday when we could again only enter the (crummy) stand we had tickets for and we couldn't use it go into other stands that were two thirds empty. Thats my only grouse.

I suffered a bit from all the walking on uneven surfaces and why I thought I would be comfortable in a little tent I don't know! I think in 2014 I'll bring Sue and stay at a hotel that we'll book well ahead.

Thanks for all the advice and link to the Club Arnage website that contributed to us having a great time!

Yup, shame about the biscuits, I was so proud of that touch......


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I think you picked a truly vintage year in terms of competition on track - some of those guys were really trying this year.  Post the little "argument" between the Lotus XV and the Squeely during the Le Mans start, I reckon that there must have been 20 people round the little Lotus, plastering it with duck/t tape and pulling out the body panels to get it going again for a top 20 finish.  Summed up the whole weekend for me in terms of the spirit of the meeting.

Yep, love the T70s (both versions) and all the other cars of my childhood.  The main gap for me in the entry was David Piper whose green 250LM made me fall in love with sports cars from a very early age.  Also a shame that both 917s failed to make the final race, as did the wonderful ugly-beautiful Inaltera which is always plagued with problems anyway.

If you come back next time I'll fix you up with ACO grandstand tickets as I'm entitled to 6 for the Classic.  As I don't move very well and can't get up from floor level, I now have a little camp bed from Decathlon which opens up in a couple of seconds - it has really made a difference to the camping thing.  See you in 2 years time then! Glad you enjoyed the bikkies.[:D]

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We're not into proper photogaphy but here's our best photo http://www.relaxcheznous.com/cobra_daytona.jpg taken by our son. A bit blurred, but he got the wheel in the air!

I think this one is before your time (he said politely) but I've scanned my old photo of a Piper car (a 250P?) http://www.relaxcheznous.com/pipers_car_scan.jpg taken around 1965 on out of date film - hence the odd colour, it cost about a week's wages to buy and process a colour film in those days!

Thank you very much for your offer of ACO grandstand seats in 2014. On reflection I should have joined myself before buying tickets following JJ's post but didn't cotton on to the free "pilotage"? days that I'd like to take advantage of.

Thanks again,


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I've always liked racers that looked as though they worked straight out of the box - no add-ons necessary. For sheer pretty I like the 904GTS...... and Keira Knightley.

Coming down to earth my 1.2 8v Punto elx is missing a cylinder when I start it up and has a water leak, I like to tackle these things professionally, can you still get Radweld or will powdered egg work?.............


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[quote user="Sc"]

 For sheer pretty I like the 904GTS[/quote]As it happens, I have one in front of me on my desk.  Lovely.

Keira, however, does nothing for me (although I saw her in the Children's Hour on stage last year and she was superb).  Raymond Narac, on the other hand, is gorgeous and has a Porsche (or several) so will do fine for me, thanks[:P]


Oh, and yes, you can:


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Mr C had no idea what Ms Knightley looks like so I showed him a pic.  "Oh, no, far too skinny" was his predictable response.  Each to their own.  I, on the other hand like skinny men (if you ever met Mr C you'd see what I mean) - I guess opposites attract.[:D]
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[quote user="cooperlola"]I, on the other hand like skinny men (if you ever met Mr C you'd see what I mean) - I guess opposites attract.[:D][/quote]  No chance for me then!

Kristen Scott Donkey yes John, but mostly because I felt sad for her in her role in 4W+1F, rather than thinking her pretty like a 904. Similar nose though.....


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