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Exchanged uk licence to french


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Have just exchanged my UK licence to a french licence. Some of the categories, eg C1, have been given a limited period of validity. I understand that. The overall period of validity of the licence itself though is only 5 years. I was expecting 15. Prefecture assures me it is correct. I want to check that but can find no info on the web.

Anyone have reasons or suggestions.


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It is because the old UK licences had on them validity to drive what are now regarded as 'poids lourds' but which weren't so regarded back in the days when we passed our test. The ability to drive these categories has been transferred wholesale from the old licences to the new ones to speed up the giving out of the licences but then the licence has been given a short life.

The préfecture person who dealt with us explained to OH and I that the renewal of the licence in 5 years time would require a medical or medicals if we then wanted to keep the heavy goods categories.

Edit :   Caractéristiques du permis

... le permis est valable 15 ans (ou 5 ans pour les catégories dites "lourdes").

from here : http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/particuliers/F1758.xhtml


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Thats what i don't understand. The poids lourd and similar categories have marked validities for either 1 or two years. Thats on the back of the licence. The overall validity on the front of the licence is 5 years only.


Edit one or two years because i am 62

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Ho Hum. The lady at the precture is standing on her dignity and not acknowledging any mistake and without any explanation. A bit worrying as there does not seem to be in place a renewal procedure. Not surprising as none are expected until 2028.

It is at moments like these that France seems to evidence southern european caracteristics. I expect I will have to dream up an oblique approach to the problem if it is real.

Suein56, was the overall period of validity of your husbands licence also limited to 5 years.


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[quote user="JohnFB"]

Suein56, was the overall period of validity of your husbands licence also limited to 5 years.


Yes. There is no error. Our friends here in Morbihan who have the new card licences also have a period of validity of 5 years.

We were told a letter will be sent out in 5 years time re renewing the licence.

In the meantime we will be notified about medicals to be taken if we want to keep some of the heavy load capability on our licences beyond the noted expiry date .

My OH is thinking about keeping one of the categories. I happy with just the usual car and low weight remorque category.

It was explained that if we don't have the required medical the category for which it is needed will just drop off the radar.


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They are supposed to be phased out by 2033 but don't hold your breath [;-)]

I have no idea how they propose getting in touch with people since there is no requirement to notify a change of address and many people will have moved several times since they got their licence !

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Yes I was aware. Car plus trailer < 3.5 is all I need now.

Thanks Sue. Your Prefect' is more informative then mine in 46. The concern was that all web info indicated that no renewals were expected b4 2028. Plus the lack of logic between category expirey of 2 yrs and licence of 5. Could see a no win on the horizon.

But having worked in Africa and similar I tend to roll with the flow but keep an eye on what can happen.

Think I will go back to sleep on this one for 5 years, don't want my retirement unneccessarily ruffled.

Happy Xmass JFB

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[quote user="AnOther"]They are supposed to be phased out by 2033 but don't hold your breath [;-)]

I have no idea how they propose getting in touch with people since there is no requirement to notify a change of address and many people will have moved several times since they got their licence !


I think you will find that there IS a requirement to change your address....

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  • 2 weeks later...
 That link is not very good Betty. There is a question, do I have to exchange my EU licence and it says do so after a year, but it is up to the age of 70 basically.

AND people holding UK licences in France, cannot change the address on them, as they will not allow a french address on a UK licence....... and yet the licence is legal.

All too complicated for words and proper information so hard to get hold of.

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A valid U.K.licence for a non U.K. resident is valid in any of the EU countries up until it needs to be changed either by an infringement or reaching the age of 70, when it needs renewal by U.K. law. Then, as it isn't possible to get a new U.K. licence without a VALID U.K. address you will have to get a licence of the country that you live in, i.e. here in France, a French one.

I changed mine about a year ago as my 70 was looming [:-))] and I decided to drop the heavy stuff and stick with the 3500kg limits. There's no way I'm going to be legging it around with a 7.5 tonner now!

So. Even although you may have a U.K. licence and be a permanent resident here your U.K. licence is fully legal until you either reach 70 or 'earn' points to be deducted from it [:$] Even then, if you are copped with a lead foot and get a speeding fine, if it's decided that you owe the French lot a single point you probably won't have to do owt but pay your fine, like what I did about 7 years back for having my photo took doing 131km on a 130 km autoroute! Well, that was what the paper said..

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I stand, sit and lie down corrected Mint, but I had a nice pink-ish paper one and never even saw a card type. I did know about the 10 years, but had a bit of a senior moment there [8-)]

I also carried a bit of paper in the car glove box that explained to the nice gendarmes that the paper licence is perfectly valid here and that their demand that it HAS to be changed is a load of old pony poo [8-|] It's still there as SWMBO still has her paper jobbie. She's younger than I [:D]

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  • 2 weeks later...
 im new here,good luck!


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