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Just Katie

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Ah Johnd someone without surliness.  I dont think we will get shot for not spelling difinetly correctly.  More of a science mind myself.  Anyway, dont know if anyone saw it but the trampoline idea came from one of these documentaries about an ex pat who bought a huge trampoline and got himself a pitch on a large campsite and apparently did quite well for himself.
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Am I missing something here? I feel that I am on the end of an argument that has been raging for some time between people who don't really like each other. I thought the forum was there to exchange ideas and experiences for people who like me either hope to or already do live in France, not some sort of club whereby people try to score points off each other with their tremendous use of the English language. This sort of thread really does not reflect well on the people contributing to this infantile name calling. I know this is my first post and it may well be my last as I am not very impressed. The rest of the real site is tremendous, informative, sometimes witty, mostly well written, a shame about this one.




 Embarrassed [:$]
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[quote user="Katie KopyKat"]shut up[/quote]

OK you started this thread about an alleged Romanian trampolinist doing business in France and when people see through this and play along, you suddenly don't get the joke.

I am not the least bit offended by you telling me to 'shut up' but I'm afraid I don't believe that you are Welsh any more than I believe you are Romania and at the moment I think 'Twinkle' is your siamese twin.


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[quote user="Adrian Squires"]

Am I missing something here? I feel that I am on the end of an argument that has been raging for some time between people who don't really like each other. I thought the forum was there to exchange ideas and experiences for people who like me either hope to or already do live in France, not some sort of club whereby people try to score points off each other with their tremendous use of the English language. This sort of thread really does not reflect well on the people contributing to this infantile name calling. I know this is my first post and it may well be my last as I am not very impressed. The rest of the real site is tremendous, informative, sometimes witty, mostly well written, a shame about this one.








Agree with you completely. Same users always same type of arguments. Petty.

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Bums, its a bit like finding out Father Xmas isnt real as a kid ..I was really looking forward to the trampolinist in our village this summer...and now its all turned out to be a fib!..bit like when the circus came and the poster promised tigers..all we got was a camel and a goat...poo... do they have trades descriptions in france. Wasnt sure about the performing chickens though lol.

Although as a child i did go to the circus, which had performing pigs, which ran riot though the audience, seemingly pigs are hard to train, so maybe chickens are'nt such a bad idea.

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[quote user="Katie KopyKat"]

SB good idea.  "Tramping" is good for the liver and your wellbeing.  I think (and this is only my opinion before you all slaughter me again) there are loads of members here who need to loosen up a bit!  Who knows may be just the remedy!!


and I think there are some members who need to learn some social skills................


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