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Why do you stay in France?


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[quote user="Cassis"][quote user="Jon"]

I don't equate money with happiness. My job paid extremely well, but the other side of the equation was that I was "owned" - I went wherever and whenever my employer wanted me to go. This generally meant the seamier and more frisky corners of the world. More than once (three times, to be precise) I found myself in circumstances were I expected to die. This is not a way to earn a living when one has small children.

Obviously one needs a certain level of income to feel comfortable, and only fool would pretend otherwise in my view. We have to work very hard to make a living, but instead of catching swamp fever in some s**thole in West Africa  ...


Spooky - I could have written that myself (apart from the small children).  [:)]

Some of my former work colleagues used to regard my stays in West Africa as extended holidays [Www] - possibly because I always tried to make light of my experiences there.


Now I think of it, some of the compounds were a bit like Butlins - 18 foot barbed-wire fences, beer and TV. I'll grant that generally Redcoats don't wander around brandishing AK-47's but I've often wondered how nasty they (Redcoats, that is) could be when cornered.

I still sometimes lie awake at night thinking happily about places I'll never, ever have to visit again. [:D]

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Akshully, I think I'll send this thread in another circle......... out of all these posts, the recurring theme is money.   Like wot I sed at the beginning, retired and/or rich.   Most of youse are living in cheap parts of France with no mortgage.   That's why you're happy, isn't it?    It's actually nothing to do with France itself, it's freedom from the tedium of having to worry about paying the mortgage.

Katie, where's Eastwick, and why is it famous for witches?    Oh, I could look it up on Wikipedia..... maybe after Noodles Part 2.  [:)]

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[quote user="Teamedup"]

Dago just skip my posts and anyone else's you don't want to read. You more or less know what you will get from me.

In your case Jon, I always thought that you 'made it', always sounded to me like you were an overpaid yuppie who became disenchanted and as they gave you lots of lucca to leave, you had a full change. People are often way off mark about me,  so if I'm way off mark , then I'm sure you'll put me right.

Beryl,  the 'happy' crowd, I would suppose that they watch brit tv and get the papers. Would they be au fait with all things brit, like the UK snow, and hand holding and letter bombs. Because if they are, why would they have to have brain shut down on things french. Why shouldn't all the banalaties and the important things like the presidentielles, immigration, how french schools work not be of at least passing interest too. Even the health services current state........And you have made me think that you may be right anyway about far too many people, and  'living'  France doesn't have much or any interest.  Otherwise why would we have had posts from some of those gite owners running businesses who have, a to use Stephen Fry's words, general ignorance about some aspects of their business. LOL and there are retirees who aren't with it either.

  Happiness is not the exclusive domain of those who don't really know what is going on. Beryl you made it sound like jolly naieve innocence........ adults doing that? Keep me away from them, ah yes, I am,  a long long way away from them.



       why should I skip your posts, tell me where I said that I did not want to read them? You and the others that 'tell it like it is' do not seem to like it when another poster disagrees with your view on life in France or the UK. We have had answers from those who are happy to live in France as to 'why do you stay in France' but so far I don't think that I have read any answers from those not so happy as to why they stay? And yes I do know what to expect to get from you, some kind of put down but no answers. And Bugbear was right, this Forum and this thread is for all of those with an opinion to express to do just that and so is not limited to those that 'tell it like it is' I have been a member since 2004 and read may of your posts and you have and will I hope posted lots of useful info and long may you continue, surely there is something positive to be said about living in France from your point of view, if there is not then we are back to thae same question (sorry Will, going circular again) 'Why do you stay?'

best regards


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[quote user="Just Katie "]

Come and join me on my threads BB!

I must say, I am a little intrigued by the statements from the "Witches of Eastwick" ([:)]) and the things they hear.  Am I correct in assuming that the "Happy Clappers" amongst us would be heartbroken if we knew what "they" really, really thought of us?

Or shouldn't I ask?[Www]


Don't forget that the French (generalisation I know but you know what I mean, no doubt) are not as tolerant as the Brits about differences. So JK, I definitely think you shouldn't ask. Not much of it would keep you happy and clappy, unless you drown yourself eternally in the red/white stuff.[6].

From a happy resident of Eastwick on the Med. Grey today but the sun is just around the corner [:D]

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Why do I stay in France?

BECAUSE I'M FRENCH, that's why.

Except, of course, the answer is infinitely more complex than that.

But I now make a claim to being the French person on the Witches of Eastwick team.

How interesting that, apart from "awareness of financial circumstances",  one of the things that the W of E have in common, is they are all fluent in French!

From that, should one surmise that being fluent in French, and having much to do with French life (as opposed to "living in France") can damage your view of France?

Hey, I am retired too - but on a part UK state pension, so this is the same as being RMIste (for those of you who know enough about France to know what it is!)

In the UK, husband lost his work because of ill-health, is now on incapacity benefit. We are just getting by, and no prospect of any windfall or inheritance or cashing in of this or that. No more wind in our sails, not many options. Our very ordinary house is all we have now. But we still live like kings, manage a quality of life which is phenomenal, all things considered.  We are RICH!. 

But we have managed to retain our critical faculties, and we both intend to keep using them as long as they last... Being in England, or in France, has nothing to do with it... Without critical faculties, we would still be living in prehistoric times.

For those who complain about  "negativity" where there is just another reality, are you so afraid of your bubble being burst that you cannot allow other perspectives to enter your world? If your boat is rocked so easily, what does that say about you?Why is it so important  to pretend that France is some kind of theme park?

Personally, I find that it is  best  not to live in denial. I prefer to carve my happiness in an aware way, ditching the blinkers,  embracing the roses as well as the s**t, the good and the bad. It is possible to love and hate at the same time - indeed, is there any other way?


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[quote user="5-element"]

For those who complain about  "negativity" where there is just another reality, are you so afraid of your bubble being burst that you cannot allow other perspectives to enter your world?

It seems that it is to use Dago's phrase  'them that tell it like it is' feel threated by us that don't.  I cannot relate to the world of TU, SB, LG etc but I am not walking around with blinkers on. 

If your boat is rocked so easily, what does that say about you?Why is it so important  to pretend that France is some kind of theme park?

Of course we don't think France is a theme park but because we cannot see things as they do, we get treated as though we are some kind of imbeciles and we are not.

Personally, I find that it is  best  not to live in denial. I prefer to carve my happiness in an aware way, ditching the blinkers,  embracing the roses as well as the s**t, the good and the bad. It is possible to love and hate at the same time - indeed, is there any other way?

No there isn't, I have had some bad things to deal with since I have been in France, grabbed a fistful of thorns to get a few roses but MY France is fantastic!



There are a handful of posters that seemingly cannot find much to commend France, which is their choice. However they are not in the majority and whilst they might fit in better in 'The Real France', they are out of step with most who post on here.


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[quote user="5-element"]

It is possible to love and hate at the same time - indeed, is there any other way?


Oh 5-E, you really ARE French, aren't you?  [:)]

I think I would like visit IKEA with you, and we could gaze at the meatballs together, and wish they weren't building that Geant Casino right there.   

Miki, we'll name a ball after you, okay?   Probably the biggest one, I reckon that would only be right.   Anyone else who wants an IKEA meatball named after them, just let us know, okay?    If there are too many of you for two portions, then LG will have to come along as well so we can fit you all in.

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[quote user="beryl"][ they are out of step with most who post on here.


But only dead fish swim with the current.    

Mwaha ha ha ha ha ha evil laffter resounds throughout the outer, uncharted reaches of the Montpellier Agglomeration...... [6]

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[quote user="RumziGal"]

I think I would like visit IKEA with you, and we could gaze at the meatballs together, and wish they weren't building that Geant Casino right there.   

Miki, we'll name a ball after you, okay?   Probably the biggest one, I reckon that would only be right.   Anyone else who wants an IKEA meatball named after them, just let us know, okay?    If there are too many of you for two portions, then LG will have to come along as well so we can fit you all in.


What are you smokin' RG ?

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[quote user="Cerise"]

RG - Jack Nicholson lives there innit.[:)]

He's rich - maybe France would suit him better than Eastwick[6]


No way, Cerise!

Once the Tresorerie de la Republique get their hands on his pognon, he'll probably do a Johnny. He's much better off with us in Eastwick on the Med, which is an independant pays de trouble-fetes, it would seem.[:D]

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[quote user="5-element"]

For those who complain about  "negativity" where there is just another reality, are you so afraid of your bubble being burst that you cannot allow other perspectives to enter your world? If your boat is rocked so easily, what does that say about you?Why is it so important  to pretend that France is some kind of theme park?


Constant, unremitting, negativity should not be confused with realism. It is a frequent truth that those describing themselves as "realists" are as far removed from the world as those that they decry. The term is usually a crude camouflage for (or, perhaps more fairly, a synonym) for "pessimism."

That's what I think.

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[quote user="Just Katie "]

Is it me or does anyone else feel RG and LG seem uncannily alike??[blink].

I wonder if LG cooks rice in her garden?[blink]


Probably Sisters............................................

I don't know about rice but I'll bet there's a toad or two......................................[:)]

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[quote user="RumziGal"][quote user="5-element"]

It is possible to love and hate at the same time - indeed, is there any other way?


Oh 5-E, you really ARE French, aren't you?  [:)]

I think I would like visit IKEA with you, and we could gaze at the meatballs together, and wish they weren't building that Geant Casino right there.   

Miki, we'll name a ball after you, okay?   Probably the biggest one, I reckon that would only be right.   Anyone else who wants an IKEA meatball named after them, just let us know, okay?    If there are too many of you for two portions, then LG will have to come along as well so we can fit you all in.


I am so truly honoured SB but am I worthy? I dos swim against the dead fishes but do love Saumonette, a poor mans Rock but it will do until me pension kicks in.

Please can you call my big ball Jimmy and I would like José to unveil it. And may I may be allowed to give a speech on how my love of France all started with a lovely young fille and an old goat. Now all these years later it is a load of balls that holds me here [:)]

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Ah ah! There is suspicion of doppelganger here, or perhaps a suggestion that LG and RG are in fact one and the same... I think we should get the other RG (as in Renseignements Generaux) onto them  - or onto her.... or even, onto him? Who knows what lengths of impersonation some beings can get into...

Yes RG I most definitely am French, and getting Frencher by the minute. Born vanilla French, of vanilla French parents. Learned the 1789 revolution and the departements and Victor Hugo at school.

But I am also very British. Many French people think so anyway, including my French family. And I have the passport, and the pension, to prove it. Some of us hybrid can be a bit derangeant, if you see what I mean. A bit difficult to place. Especially since I have in-laws from across the seas as well.... I am grateful for that, it gives me a headstart I reckon.

LG, since I know you are not RG (or do I???)mmmm... I was going to say, where are you?

Let's all go and have meatballs in IKEA, this hotbed of Languedoc subversiveness.



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[quote user="Just Katie "]

Is it me or does anyone else feel RG and LG seem uncannily alike??[blink].

I wonder if LG cooks rice in her garden?[blink]


If I had a garden, I'd give it a go but cooking is not my forte so we'll leave that.  We've already decided we are Sun Sisters on another thread.[:D]

On the same basis, before joining this forum, I thought exactly the same thing about 90% of those posting here[:D]. It was quite a breath of fresh air for me to come across certain posters. I thought most of you lot were on the pay of the French govt tourism propaganda machine[6]

Jon, I understand what you say, but what a lot people seem to enjoy missing in my posts is the fact I am happy here and I have said that on numerous occasions. I just hate the idea of people moving here, hearing all that 'theme park' nonsense about France all the time because it's false. If you speak French and are a news junkie, then you know that.

5-E has also said she is happy here. Living in rural France doesn't mean that you are happier or more fulfilled than the rest of us. We all have our positions and are entitled to them as much as the 'everything is perfect' mob.

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[quote user="Jon"]  It is a frequent truth that those describing themselves as "realists" are as far removed from the world as those that they decry. .


Do really think, Jon, that my being a French national born in France, of French parents, and having been through the French educational system and having worked in France, has no bearing on my perception of....France?

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[quote user="LanguedocGal2"]

 I just hate the idea of people moving here, hearing all that 'theme park' nonsense about France all the time because it's false.

 We all have our positions and are entitled to them as much as the 'everything is perfect' mob.


A serious question, well two actually..

Where does the 'theme park' reference you refer to actually come from ?

Who has actually said that 'everything is perfect' ? I can find no statement to that effect on this thread.

Thank you.

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