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Being paid for half the time I actually work - Rights


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I recently found that my job entailed more hours than I was actually being paid.  One of the jobs I was sent to was actually double and I found it very distressing as I could not get home to feed my children in time in the evening.  It was also very very disgustingly dirty place and I do not want to go back. This is just one place out of about 20. My contract is due for renewal.  I am actually paid for half the time I was there although my employer did say that some jobs would be longer I took that to mean max an hour longer and that this would be accounted for later, this I believe is taking the mick.

Can any French person tell me on how to approach this.  I don't want to refuse outright (well I do, I want to say stuff it) but without putting my case thoroughly but basically I just cannot do it, IT left me feeling very stressed.  Do I have a protection against this type of abuse. The job was longer as a result of the person being very slow at his job and nothing to do with me at all.

I have a meeting next week.

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When you are legally employed in France, whether with a CDD or CDI, your contract should show the Convention Collective which applies to your job.

This is the equivalent of your terms of employment.

Your contract is derived from it your employer is bound by it.

Can you say what your Convention Collective is?

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How are you paid, by the hour? or per job? it depends what your contract says I would guess,

In my case I have a CDI I work 40 hrs a week but I am actually paid for 35. The extra hours are tallied up and when the boss doesn't need us we recoup the hours that have been worked (RTT). Miffs me a bit as he generally uses this for his benefit, if I want a bit of extra time off when I need it he usually says no!! When I was still on a CDD I used to get all the extra hours plus a prime for the end of contract when the duration had finished

Not sure if any of this applies to you though


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err no too! I am paid for 35 hrs per week, but actually worked 40 hrs a week. I do get that back eventually in the form of RTT (Recuperation temps travail (time in lieu)) now just recently they have upped that again and I am now doing 45 hrs per week!! OK I get the time back eventually but wouldn't mind it being paid as overtime but this company won't play that game :-(

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Yes, I know about RTT, but when in restauration and it is/was illegal to work more than a certain number of hours per week, then you work so you don't lose you job and simply do not get paid. Max legal hours including overtime not much more than approx 46 per week. Hours worked per week, 80-90.  And he did that in well known ski ressorts, summer ressorts, very bad very very bad.

It did his back in and he is now, at long last, trying something else, a new metier.

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