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Cleaners Pay


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Yes, I know that! And my friends pay a lot of tax, they can afford the tax and the cleaner, but they get their allowances for the cleaner as they are entitled to them.

However, I don't know of anyone poor who has a cleaner to be honest.

Edit, I have been going on about how 'poor' so many french people are for years, so I do know. It was incommers to France joining   boards such as this that seemed to not understand how many people actually lived in France. And the 'poverty' is often in rural France, where incommers tend to move blinkers and all. And if they learn french and 'look' around them, then the blinkers will eventually be taken off, at least I hope so.  

I know how people live and I know France and it's ways. Has it changed that much in the last three years, well in so much as everywhere has changed with la crise and nowhere for the better!

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