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What is a CDI contract?


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I was mooching round looking what was available in my line of work (windscreen replacement).   have found quite a lot of vacancies, which is nice to see but there are a lot of ads saying things like CDI contract required.  Any one know what a CDI contract or licence is please.

Not looking for work just yet, much too much DIY to do but in a year or two, it would be nice.

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CDD = Contrat à Durée Déterminée

CDI = Contrat à Durée Indéterminée

With a CDD, you are employed for a pre-determined duration, (say 3 months, 6 weeks...) and it can be renewed.

With a CDI, your contract does not have a pre-determined duration. It's a long-term job.

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Wow.  How quick was that?  I am impressed. 

Thanks all.  Like I said I am not looking this year but soon after.  I am missing my industry, 23 years and 7 of them in a good position in the independent sector in the UK takes some getting out of your system.  I'd like to go self employed but there are fare too many things to learn at the moment.

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A lot of employment agencies like Manpower or Addeco offer CDDs, which are renewed every other week and can be terminated with just a couple of days notice.

Mr Clair had worked for Andros (Bonne Maman jams, fruit compotes etc...) for the last 5 years via Manpower.

Every week a new CDD, extended to a fortnight. Hard work, night shifts, 9 months on, 3 months off, and every time, an argument with the ASSEDIC or Pôle Emploi as they are now.

Then earlier this year, that's it. A new manager wants to re-organise, to make his mark, whatever, and 8 people are told on a Friday they don't need to come back on Monday.

Just like that.

Mr Clair did find another job through a friend who had heard of a vacancy where she works. It's a CDI this time.

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Great.  I had a series of CDD, which normally should have given me the right to a CDI, but the organisation used a contract for seasonal workers, even though I was working as a Language Trainer.

Then ooops new President of the region....no more CDDs, and no more contracts.

These organisations are very inventive at getting around employment law

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[quote user="NormanH"]Great.  I had a series of CDD, which normally should have given me the right to a CDI, but the organisation used a contract for seasonal workers...

These organisations are very inventive at getting around employment law[/quote]


Mr Clair, too, should have been entitled for a permanent job.

As far as the employment laws were concerned, Mr Clair's job description on his CDDs had him doing a different job on every contract, yet for 9 months of the year over 5 years, his actual job was exactly the same.

Every year he worked there, he applied for a permanent job by sending a CV, and again earlier this year when he was laid off when the section was "re-organised".

Not once, not a single time, did he receive any kind of acknowledgement, let alone a job offer.

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The CDD should be called CDP, Contrat de Duree Precare, it would be a better description.

I do know people who have been happy to have a CDD sometimes, but most people want a CDI and that sounds right to me.

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