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Oil fired Boiler


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Private individuals will find that the likes of Leroy Merlin, Mr Brico etc sell good quality budget boilers (simple is good!) with and without burners and with and without integral hot tanks.

Expect to pay around 750 Euros for a boiler and burner, and double that for one with a hot water tank within. All the boilers sold here are CE marked, and makes such as DeVille (French) and Lamborghini (Italian) are common. High end boilers like DeDietrich, Buderus and Geminox are usually only obtainable from dealers, and are quite sophisticated, and premium prices.

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I agree with Opel Fruit regarding the usual suspects but I would also recommend you look out for a proper trade supplier.  They are there and they do deal with the public.  We stumbled on one by chance on an industrial estate near us, saw what we wanted and asked them to name an installer, which they did.  The price we saw in the leaflet was the price we paid including installation.  Like you OH wanted to install it himself.  When we looked at the relative prices, because you save on the TVA, we had the man and lad to do it and the job was done in the day.  We have a Franco Belge, installed about 18 months ago, excellent


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Absolutely none, of course!  I didn't mention the price because it involved hunting through the paper work but I've now done so and it was about 3,500 Euros fully installed.  One of the few occasions when we did not go for the cheapest, although we shopped around.   Worth every centime on all counts, ease of installation, economy and efficiency in use.


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the original poster wanted to know where and what to buy to self-install. I think €3500 is slightly more than €750. A competent DIYer can fit an entire central heating system for that and still buy a round of Gallettes.

We fit Franco-Belge (without DHW) and the like for rather less, dependant on exact model and existing installation state... of course. We sell the old boiler... good market amongst the pikeys round here.

For those who want to know what things cost, here is a devis extract. Prices are trade, but can be found by careful "shopping"

17-33kW Boiler and BurnerDeville620.40 €742.00 €
Alternative GicleurDanfoss5.84 €6.99 €
12 Rads (4 x 2.2kW, 4 x 1.8 kW, 4 x 1.2 kW)Belge 444.85 €532.04 €
Oil Tank (Plastic 1000L bunded)SotraLentz479.47 €573.45 €
Oil Filter assyWatts15.99 €19.12 €
Tank fittingsCombifuel45.15 €54.00 €
10 TRVsDanfoss92.06 €110.10 €
12 Lockshield valvesWatts40.13 €48.00 €
2 Wheelhead valvesWatts6.69 €8.00 €
Alpha Pro/+ 25/60 6m pumpGrundfos91.97 €110.00 €
Pump gate valvesHammel9.20 €11.00 €
12L Expansion vesselHammel12.39 €14.82 €
Relief valve and gaugeWatts5.10 €6.10 €
Boiler iron connectorsHammel18.39 €22.00 €
Boiler flexis x 2Hammel23.41 €28.00 €
Auto Air VentCaleffi4.35 €5.20 €
ProgrammerDanfoss43.48 €52.00 €
Room statHoneywell9.20 €11.00 €
Frost statHoneywell8.36 €10.00 €
22m Cu pipe x 40mComap102.17 €122.20 €
16mm Cu pipe x 50mComap72.74 €87.00 €
10mm Cu pipe x 16mComap16.59 €19.84 €
10mm fittingsComap8.36 €10.00 €
16mm fittingsComap33.44 €40.00 €
22mm fittingsComap45.99 €55.00 €
Iron/flexi fittingsHammel20.90 €25.00 €
125mm Flue tee InoxPoujoulat20.82 €24.90 €
125mm Flue 1m x 5Poujoulat29.68 €35.50 €
125mm 1m x 1Poujoulat15.80 €18.90 €
125mm ChappeauPoujoulat10.79 €12.90 €
Shutoff valves 33/42 x 210.03 €12.00 €
Pipe clips (various) 20.07 €24.00 €
Pipe insulation  22mm x 40m10.03 €12.00 €
Pipe insulation 16mm x 35m7.53 €9.00 €
Anti-Gel x 20LGEB75.17 €89.90 €
Inhibitor x 2LGEB9.87 €11.80 €
Material Total2,476.56 €2,961.96 €

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[quote user="Liz"]

Absolutely none, of course!  I didn't mention the price because it involved hunting through the paper work but I've now done so and it was about 3,500 Euros fully installed.  One of the few occasions when we did not go for the cheapest, although we shopped around.   Worth every centime on all counts, ease of installation, economy and efficiency in use.




PS I wanted to edit this message to say that the price included removal of the old asbestos lined chimney and iinstallation of a balanced flue but I couldn't get the 'edit' to work.

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Many thanks Opal Fruit for the information. Comprehensive beyond my expectations! I note that the pipe sizes you listed are 22, 16 and 10mm.

Are these compatible with british sizes? on the face of it the 22 and 10mm are but is the french 16mm compatible with british 15mm?

( I appreciate that this sounds daft but I wonder if the measurements are OD or bore sizes and I've got a stack of 15mm stuff from a previous job)


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(Sorry the devis extract format is a bit wonky - I translated the items and everything went a little tits)

16mm isn't compatible with 15mm, but you can buy various converters. If you have a peep at the sticky "Oil Heating blah.." there are a couple of examples. You can buy 15mm copper connectors here too. At a pinch, it is sometimes possible to use a 16mm 1/2" BSP compression fitting or rad valve with a 15mm BRASS olive. I wouldn't recommend this course of action since it is dependant on the machining of the fitting somewhat....

10mm is for the oil supply. 22mm is for distribution and 16mm is for the rad connections. The 10mm and 22mm are the same as the UK, and as you say, are O/D. 28mm is the same too, for reference.

Have a squint through the Comap site - they sell 15mm stuff. http://www.cedeo.fr/cat_cedeo/chauffage_solaire_3.htm


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''16mm isn't compatible with 15mm, but you can buy various converters. If you have a peep at the sticky "Oil Heating blah.." there are a couple of examples. You can buy 15mm copper connectors here too. At a pinch, it is sometimes possible to use a 16mm 1/2" BSP compression fitting or rad valve with a 15mm BRASS olive. I wouldn't recommend this course of action since it is dependant on the machining of the fitting somewhat''.

Many thanks again Opel Fruit.  I think I will stick with the normal french size fittings for the sake of simplicity and availability. It will not make that much difference to the overall cost of the job.


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Hello Opel

We will be completing on a house sale in about 6 weeks and are about to decide on cylinder gas or oil central heating. The current owner has had an Antargaz 1000kg cylinder installed to run 3 individual flued gas fires plus an instant hot water heater but we will have the cylinder removed if we choose oil.

You appear to favour oil over cylinder gas, is this due to better performance or are there other reasons? 

If we decide on oil, we couldn't site the tank inside (as we don't have a suitable room) so it would have to be outside where we don't have any restrictions and there is plenty of space. Is this a viable option due to freezing weather during the winter? ( the fermette is 25km west of Moulins at 310m elevation).

The handful of plastic tanks that I have seen have all been in a cellar or garage etc, is this for a good reason?

Would like to thank you for your very generous contributions, hope to be able to do something for others too.





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 I know you addressed your question to Opel Fruit, whose answers are always so helpful, but I thought I would give you information based on our experience with gas.

I agreed a nine year rental plan with Antargas using an existing 1000kg tank. We installed a new, efficient boiler for conventional central heating and hot water. I have been astounded by the ever growing costs of running the system. When we are in occupation during cold periods ( Various weeks in October, November, February, March and April) we use the system to heat about 120sq m of living space and also run a huge wood burner in the salon (living room). The average cost is about €120 per week!

During the warmer months it just supplies hot water and the cost falls it about €20 per week and I am happy with the convenience and general performance.

If I had my time again I would not choose the gas tank.

                                Regards, Alistair

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