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Woodworm treatment...


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I've been put in charge of finding someone to quote for sorting out the woodworm in my parents 'new' house (it's still pretty obviously active!) and needs a damn good going over.  I don't think a coat of Xylophene is quite good enough!  Does anyone know someone (English/French) who'd do a good job of injecting the beams - without charging a fortune for doing so.  In the 86 (16/79 border) area.



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Hi Ya

I took over and used wicks own 5 gallon drum I bought for around -£60  better than the 1 gallon - £26 I first took over and thought would be enough to do the lot, lasted around five mins and coated about 5 mts of wood, It claims to treat for woodworm and numerous other buggy things but I wont be able to give you the thumbs up for a while as I have only just done it and can only tell if its effective if the place doesent fall down in the next few years, I used a manual pump up canister from a garden center designed for spraying fence panels -£15 

At least I feel happy its been done, and no buggy dust droppings since.  [+o(]


Dave 79





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I don't mind using that for furniture and floorboards, but I need loads of oak beams, floor joists etc. etc. injecting as that's the only thing that really works properly on those.  I had a card from a local French guy who spoke reasonable English a while back but annoyingly I've lost it!  Anyone know of someone in the local area?



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Most reputable companies will give you a devis for treatment without any obligation to use them, Matt is absolutely right in saying that spraying is no good for beams, if you have sprayed beams to protect from capricorn and termite you might as well as thrown the solution in the yard for the good it will do.  Where you are the big risk is termites and capricorn, woodworm is hardly a threat compared with those two, whilst triple spraying of beams and boards will protect from capricorn to about 25mm -30mm, it will not stop termite infestations through the end grain which is how they get in, only pressure injection will prevent that.  Go to http://www.pagesjaunes.fr/ and enter traitement des bois and your post code, you will find a number of companies who will do what you want.  But be aware, it is not cheap to do a big house.
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