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PV Electric generation deal from EDF.


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Hi All,

Just had a call from EDF about a new  offer from them. This means having PV panels on your roof, but they would fund the installation and we would get between €2-3,000 per annum. Presumably this would be a form of rental for the space occupied. There would also be an eco grant available of up to €700 from the government in order to fit a ballon with an Immersion heater.

Almost sounds to good to be true to an old sceptic like myself!

Anyone else had this offer and also has anyone had sight of the contract involved?

My questions are what are the legal complexities and how long does the contract last for, also is it able to be transferred to a new owner in the unfortunate event of having to sell for any reason. It would be a definite plus I guess if it were transferable.

So, any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated and of course I will update as soon as I get any info from the rep, once they contact me for the survey.


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Thanks Q, have had a look at the EDF website and cannot find the deal mentioned. Did however look at Group Energie Universel, who were mentioned in the call and found some not too favourable comments! ( If my limited ability in reading french is not mistaken!!)

Will be on my guard if they do contact us.


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For further info, wifely phoned EDF whilst I was away on a fishing trip and I can confirm what Q has said about them not having partner companies. They have not called back anyway (Group Energie Universel) ,but we are prepared if they should deign to!

The original phone call seemed to be from EDF, but their name crept in at the end, so be warned. Thanks again for the heads up Q!!


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Having set one or two of these systems up, well more to the point fix them, I can tell you a little of how they work.

First they buy a set of DVD's with names addresses and phone numbers for a country. In this case they buy from Orange/FT.

The program runs and starts calling the numbers in sequential order automatically, once the program gets a ring tone it 'creates' a screen at one of the operators desks which is linked to the name, phone number etc. The operator gets a script on the screen to read, it will differ for whatever service etc they are trying to sell. The script is written in such a way so there are questions asked and the answers entered on the screen. In the case of these 'EDF' calls near the end will be a box to say if you own the property or not. If you don't then the program will block calls to you for anything that requires the owners (and not the renters) permission to install.

The great temptation is to stop them half way through the call but you don't want to do that unless they ask the question "are you the owner", you wait till that question is asked. Now with a bit of luck they tick the box although some don't because they simply slam the phone down and pick up the next call. This is because they are paid per number of calls per hour or per day with a bonus added after a certain number of calls made.

After a while the calls will dwindle to almost zero because your name and number will be marked as a renter rather than owner. It won't stop them completely but it should reduce them a lot.

This latest plague of calls is, as you have probably worked out, Indian or Asian based.
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