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Posts posted by Doodle

  1. Many thanks Gardian for the timetable. I will be going on a weekday hopefully Monday or Tuesday intending to be on as early a morning train as is possible so looks like it's the 11:13 from Laval to Paris as I may if possible return the same day or the following day by car so not so worried about the return journey.
  2. Hi all,

    I need to get to Ashford Kent 2nd week of December. I am not taking the car so will go from Laval via Train to Paris and then via the eurotunnel - I think? or is it the shuttle I need - I have not done this trip before neither have I been on a train in over 14 years and am slightly apprehensive about it so would be very grateful for any comments for where to go once I get to Paris infact any information whatsoever would be good. Thanks in advance.
  3. Got this idea from Gardeners' World years ago and solved our mole problem with 6ft hazel twigs poked in the ground in various places which seemed to do the trick - wind vibrating the twigs and also smaller twigs with plastic perrier type bottles dropped over each twig which the wind then rattles the bottle vibrating the twig in the mole run and again this seemed to work - some other poor b***er must have got the mole but at least it wasn't murder on our part!

    Mrs KG
  4. Sorry to hear about your cat. Some years ago we discreetly cut out three small square holes at the bottom of our grillage one at each end, one in the middle so that our cat could nip through quickly when she was being chased by a local tom! Worked a treat.

    Mrs KG
  5. Hello ladies out there and maybe some gents?

    For anyone who is a fan of FU like me for gifts for friends/family & of course for the OH oh and not forgetting for myself, I have recently discovered AB which is cheaper and delivery is free if you spend over £20/E25 compared to FU which is free for purchases over £30/E40 euros.

    If you are not aware, it's necessary with FU to check out the price for the same article on their .fr .com & .uk .eu sites as the normal price can differ for the same item and the special offers differ from site to site as well some being much better than others. So for me, it's farewell FU and hello AB.

    Mrs KG
  6. Thanks to all for the replies and yes my mistake 1100KG!

    Reused the box the book originally came in with a bit more bubble wrap and loads of parcel tape and set off to the post office this morning and was very pleased to pay E16.50. So thanks to all for your input and I can now RIP that the mother in law will get a book that she will love and not be expecting and one that will keep her quiet for a while!

    Mrs KG
  7. Thanks Wooly, I missed my chance of sending it back with a friend (I forgot) so I may just get another copy sent and keep this one for myself. That said it's going to cost £10 to send a copy as it was from the Folio Society but it sounds like that would be a cheaper option.

    Mrs KG
  8. Hi all,

    I have a book that I would like to send to the UK as a gift for Christmas. The book weighs around 1100kg value around £40. What be the best way to send it to the UK ie should I pack it myself or use one of the boxes at La Poste and does anyone have any idea how much this might cost. Some years ago I sent an A4 calendar which cost me 13 euros - ouch as that was more than the calendar itself so unfortunately for the recipient if the cost is going to be extortionate they wont be receiving a book for Christmas.

    Thanks, Mrs KG
  9. We get a sonic boom at least once a month here on the border of Normandie/Mayenne. Last week two jets that usually come over once a week were really low, lower than usual and the sound of them was deafening. The cats, horse and dogs were quite disturbed by the noise. So was I and I have a hearing problem!

    Mrs KG
  10. Blodwyn hope that all is well now with the OH.

    There was a gardening horror programme on ITV last night. One lady had cut the green tops off of her parsnips that were lolling over the path. As her garden is private and it was a hot day she took her top off. She scooped up the parsnips leaves in her arms holding them to her body to throw them to the pigs. Next day she was covered in terrible looking blisters and had to go to hospital. Conclusion was don't cut parsnip tops in the heat and scoop them up unless you are wearing clothing with long sleeves and gloves as the sap reacts with the heat/sun and that is what caused the problem. They also belong to the giant hogweed family.

    Mrs KG
  11. This is take from the website www.britishinfrance.com and I thought some may not be aware and may want to sign the petition. Apologies if it has already been posted somewhere else in the forum. I haven't looked as over the last weeks I haven't had the time or inclination due to my very ill cat who has just departed this life. Mrs KG

    As a service to our fellow Britons in France, we urge you to support two recently-created online petitions to the UK government: one on the healthcare question, the other on the pensions question.

    1. Petition "Commit to healthcare arrangements for British pensioners living in the EU"

    The petitioners say: “British pensioners living in the European Union (EU) could lose their right to free or low-cost healthcare when Britain leaves. We call upon the Government of the United Kingdom to commit to maintaining the current healthcare arrangements for British pensioners living in an EU country.

    “Whilst Britain is a Member State of the European Union (EU), British pensioners living in another EU country are entitled to the same healthcare as nationals of the country in which they live. This is funded from the United Kingdom. Once Britain leaves the EU, this may change. We call upon the Government of the United Kingdom to make a commitment that the same or equivalent healthcare provision will be in place before Britain leaves the EU in order that there is no break in continuity of care.”

    To sign the petition "Commit to healthcare arrangements for British pensioners living in the EU", please click on this link: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/156984.

    2. Petition “Maintain Pension increases for British pensioners living in the EU”.

    The petitioners say: “Depending on what treaties are agreed for Britain's exit from the EU, some British pensioners living in the EU may lose their annual State pension increases. We call upon the Government of the United Kingdom to commit to maintaining these increases for all British pensioners living in the EU.

    “Annual State Pension increases for British pensioners living overseas are only paid in 16 countries outside of the EU, and Britain has not signed any new treaties for this since 1981. When Britain exits the EU, the mechanism that allows pension increases to be paid there will also cease. For this reason, we call upon the Government of the United Kingdom to ensure that when the UK leaves the EU, appropriate provision is made with the European Union to allow the payment of these increases.”

    To sign the petition “Maintain Pension increases for British pensioners living in the EU”, please click on this link: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/161717.
  12. You are correct people of my age did start work at 15. I couldn't get out of school fast enough. At 15 I got an offer from the Co-op to train as a florist.

    Do parents and children/teenagers sit around the table and have debates anymore? Doubt that many do as I'm sure if they did many old & young may have voted differently.

    Mrs KG
  13. Thanks Chrissie & pomme. I've been sat here for several hours wandering through the mentioned websites and have found some useful info. I do need to see BMD certificates now to confirm that I am on the right track. You have all given me access to a lot of free information and the census' are great but I'm finding that I'm not just tracking back BM&Ds but am noting down the occupations & other bits of information and have even found - well I think I have - that several children were being looked after by the church so I can only presume that the parents must have died - how sad is that.

    Mrs KG
  14. Judith 'So the UK is split down the middle on this issue, who'd want to be there when the s***t hits the fan.'

    But was it really split down the middle? it seems only half of the UK population voted because the other half either;

    weren't allowed to vote? what percentage of the UK would that be?

    and those that didn't bother to vote that could have what percentage was that.

    It seems to me that half the population of the UK have disappeared somewhere. Do you see what I'm trying to say? Not sure that I know where I'm coming from either - the whole scenario has done me in!

    Mrs KG

  15. Wow, thanks both for the info. (Unfortunately, I am in France so will have to pay up) I have been using familysearch which has supplied me with some information but I hadn't allowed for the fact that surnames I thought wouldn't be that popular actually are very popular and when combined with Jonathan's father being Robert whose father was Robert and his father also a Robert I've given myself brain fog and then confused dates of marriage with one or other of the Roberts! I do absolutely agree with you that it is addictive and I've spent hours without realising it only when the OH delivers a cup of tea and says shouldn't you take a break and I've only been at it on and off for a couple of weeks.

    Thanks again, Mrs KG
  16. I don't know a great deal about my ancestors so thought I'd give the genealogy thing a go and having done a bit of searching I can't go any further without paying a subscription to get access to BMD certificates and Census/War records etc. Not sure which site to subscribe to so any recommendations/info would be much appreciated before I part with my cash.

    Mrs KG
  17. There were a lot of problems with CF earlier in the year concerning Earthport. For anyone who may not know, CF are now giving you the opportunity to change from Earthport to Barclays if you so wish. My last few transactions via Earthport have taken hours to reach CF and several days to reach my french bank so I decided to try the Barclays system. I am very pleased to say that I did the transfer at 8:15am and at 8:50 CF confirmed arrival - now that's what I call a result. Hopefully the transfer onwards will be just as fast.
  18. Sorry I've gotten a bit melancholic but......this brought tears to my eyes.

    Lest we should forget - Britain was, is and will always be Great whichever way it goes.


    Mrs KG
  19. Awesome.

    It reminded me of when I sang in the choir at Christ's Hospital School many years ago.

    Also of one evening around November 2001 when I went to a packed choral evening at Chichester Cathedral. The top of every pillar had lit tea lights. As the evening drew to a close the choristers walked very slowly down the aisle to a beautiful piece of music (Barber Agnus Dei) holding their lit candles, each one extinguishing their candle, their voice lowered to just an echo as they disappeared into the darkness behind the alter, until the only light in the cathedral was that of the flickering tea lights atop the pillars. It was surreal, everyone was mesmerised. It was an experience I shall never forget. Mrs KG
  20. Well I don't know or do I? I've listened to all the debates from both sides on the TV and read various articles and well, I don't know or do I? All I hear from both sides is "If...., I believe...., I think...., that's not correct...., that is correct...." etc etc. I do think that you can fight the devil you know by just saying 'NO' others do so. The TV programme 'Very British Problems' has identified that we are terrified of saying 'NO' as we do not want to be seen as being rude, the code of conduct that somehow becomes a part of us without us knowing how it got there - so is it any wonder I don't know - or do I?

    For the sake of sanity over the next few days I will repeat to myself.........

    “Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.”

    ― Groucho Marx

    Mrs KG
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