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Posts posted by Doodle

  1. On form 2047 under 1. Traitements Salaires, Pensions et Rentes Imposable en France go to item number 11 Pensions, Retraites, Rentes and under the heading Pensions, Retraites complete pays d'origine ie Royaume Uni then the boxes next to it under the heading Nature Du Revenu Public Prive both need to be ticked then complete the Revenu En Euros (a line for both of you presuming there is two of you). Complete you box for your interest etc (2TR for me but may not be for you depending on your interest) 2OP is on form 2042 a bit further down from the 2TR box tick the box if it applies to you. On the 2042 which comes under Divers and you will find the 8UU to indicate you have foreign accounts then on the following page where you enter your total income for both of you in the box you need ie 8TV etc you will see below the boxes 8SH and 8SI which you must tick as you are on an S1 and so not to incur the Prev Soc charges on your pension income. Hope this makes sense (as I'm doing it from memory) and haven't totally misunderstood what you are asking!
  2. Yes, last year she forgot to include a ref to 2OP but did send an email a few days later with the info. This year I see that she hasn't changed the year from 2018 to 2019 but having been doing mine on line bit by bit all else seems to be the same.
  3. Yes you should tick 8SH & 8SI if you are in receipt of an S1 via your state OAP.

    Can't answer the other questions as I don't have a gov. pension or rental income but it sounds right. Hopefully someone will come along and confirm for you.
  4. To be sure, I emailed my local I'mpot office regarding my question and the response received today as follows:

    Non vous ne devez pas inscrire le montant des retraites sur ce formulaire car il est réservé aux comptes bancaires détenus à l'étranger.

    Hope this is of help do those who worry about it like what I do!

    Mrs KG
  5. Parsnips post jogged my memory re an email I sent to SIP Mayenne 2 years ago re Paypal which I kept (as proof if necessary) and after some digging around found where I'd stored it! . The response was as follows:

    Vous devez indiquer sur le formulaire 3916 vos comptes à l'étranger. Le paypal n'est pas un compte bancaire . C'est un moyen de paiement . Il n'est donc pas à indiquer sur le formulaire 3916.

    I guess that the reply would indicate that we only supply bank accounts info on the 3916?

    Mrs KG
  6. Thanks for the info Sue - I will mention it as I'd rather not incur a fine for a PPP I'd not even thought about. So if it increases during the financial year about £100 last year (so far this year decreasing) should I be showing last year's increase as interest on my yearly tax dec, my thinking being that when I finally take some/all of the pot I will list it in the pension box on the tax form and pay tax on it at that time. I hope I"m making sense?

    Mrs KG
  7. Yes I know it's that time again but I've been thinking ahead to this year's tax declaration, I would like to know if I should be including on my form 3916 the following:-

    A Personal Pension Plan. It is a very small amount invested that I have never contributed to (but which has grown a little and decreased a little through the years) through contracting out as an employee giving up my right to additional state pension ie Serps. I've been letting it sit there because it is such a small amount and thought it might cover a sudden April shower rather than a rainy day!

    One other question, do the tax forms get sent out in the post whether or not you are declaring on-line or do I have to ask for them/go and get them? I don't want to do the declaration on-line so am willing to pay the 15 euros or whatever it is because I find it easier to read forms and information in a hard copy format than on a screen.

    As usual very grateful for your replies.

    Mrs KG
  8. Hi Sue,

    Yes, I am going to hang a on a while but it's impossible to tell whether the application is/has been looked at or if I'm being fobbed off for the moment as they are soooooo busy.

    The first email I sent to ANTS 9th Feb to ask if the application was going through was answered with 'we will reply within 72 hours.' They didn't reply so 19th Feb using the same email I asked if they'd forgotten to reply. Not having had a reply to that email I've been checking the site daily to find yesterday the response dated 16 Feb 'En attente etc. So from that I presume that my emailed has been answered on the ANTS site and backdated to the 16th - if you get my drift!

    Mrs KG
  9. Hi Mint,

    Yes I could reapply but I don't want to at this moment. It would probably create even more problems to their system! I have sent what bit of information rec'd from them - ref nos etc to my insurer, if I reapply I'll be given a new number, be at the back of the queue and have wasted nearly 2 months - which might be the case anyway. At least the insurer is very understanding and has extended my insurance until March - he probably knows something that I don't!

    Mrs KG
  10. Thanks Mint.

    It's bizarre but when I look at each document that I've sent - (each is listed seperately) the documents themselves are not showing on the system but my originals look to be OK. On the ANTS site it just says against each item listed 'Nous vous informons que votre autre demande immatriculation n°..... est passée à l'état "Analyse par le service instructeur'.

    So I have no means of checking what is missing if there is it would be on the original ANTS registration form I guess which I can't look at on the site.

    You cannot contact them by phone.

    I know from my insurer that their IT system is in a mess and they are trying to sort it but they also have a shortage of staff and are taking on temporary staff to help out so who knows where this is going!
  11. Thanks for the info Sue,

    As far as I know I have scanned everything ANTS asked for ie

    Avis d'impot 2017, Cert of Conf, UK Invoice, Cerfa 13730, Cert d'acquistion, DVLA reg doc, EDF bill. It doesn't say what it is they want if there is something else they want and I can't think of anything to send. I have emailed twice in the last couple of weeks to see what was happening and the reply was to keep checking the site. I've just sent another email asking if they want more documentation and if so to let me know what is that they want! Do you think I will get a reply?

    It really is a nightmare and is enough to drive anyone to drink (well more than usual that is!)

    Mrs KG
  12. I applied for a CG for my new car on the ANTS site at the beginning of January and have heard nothing until today when checking on the site I find this '16/02/2018 En attente d’information Télédéclarant'. I've been checking the site daily and this info has only appeared today. I believe it means that they are waiting for more information but not sure what exactly the 'Teledeclarant' means.

    If someone could enlighten me I would be very grateful.

    Mrs KG
  13. Sorry to hear about your cat. Some years ago we discreetly cut out three small square holes at the bottom of our grillage one at each end, one in the middle so that our cat could nip through quickly when she was being chased by a local tom! Worked a treat.

    Mrs KG
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