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Everything posted by tegwini

  1. Many thanks all for help  and advice ...   It's now sorted, someone local  will arrange it for me. Regards Tegwini
  2. I waited nearly 5 months to see a 'consultant' podiatrist, and the x-rays of my foot were not even sent to him.  Five minute appointment and only advice given.   I hobbled around for  more than a year, and at the time was working full-time.   In  1990 I needed to see a specialist gynae - also waiting list for over 3 months.    Fortunately OH had BUPA so I saw the same specialist in Oxford, at the same hospital,   the same week,  but self funded - in spite of both paying NIC. And, our joint NIC contribution now is a few hundred pounds, excluding what our employers also pay for us. I know that this is supposed to include pensions etc.,  but my pension is not far off the EMA money that 16-18 year old school /college children get.   - hence I still work - and have to.  And this EMA money (is this a politically cunning bribe from Tony?) is not unusual, I sign many forms daily. Tegwini
  3. How about when it became so easy  for young people to arrange their  lives so as to spend most of the day in bed/watching TV, funded by others,  and thus having excess energy and could be out on the streets until the small hours ...    And,   no fear of getting the sack for arriving late at work, or  fear of  anything  ... Tegwini
  4. Many thanks Dave I'll have a go - French OK (ish) - trouble is I'm in the UK until near Christmas- so I shall have to rely on local man. Many thanks Tegwini
  5. Sadly, the days of proper punishment are gone.  Scum such as in this report will doubtless get short sentences - or even community service.   And, some bleeding heart liberals will try to excuse such evil behaviour by claiming they had a deprived childhood etc etc... Tegwini  
  6. How about when criminals cost the taxpayer more to house than staying at the Ritz ?                                                                                  Prison vs Work   @ PRISON @ WORK You spend the majority of your time in a 10X10 cell @ PRISON you spend the majority of your time In an 6X6 cubicle /office @ WORK You get three meals a day fully paid for @ PRISON you get a break for one meal and You have to pay for it @ WORK You get time off for good behavior you get more work for Good behavior @ PRISON The guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you @ PRISON @ WORK You must often carry a security card And open all the doors for yourself @ WORK You can watch TV and play games @ PRISON you could get fired for watching TV and playing games @ WORK You get your own toilet @ PRISON you have to share the toilet with Some people who pee on the seat @ WORK They allow your family and friends to visit @ PRISON you aren't even supposed to speak To your family @ WORK All expenses are paid by the taxpayers with no work required @ PRISON you get to pay all your expenses to go To work, and they deduct taxes from Your salary to pay for prisoners @ WORK You spend most of your life inside bars wanting to get out you spend most of your time wanting To get out and go inside bars @ PRISON You must deal with sadistic wardens @ WORK They are called managers   I couldn't manage to put the pictures of a new luxury prison- but it's clear life isn't so hard 'inside' and therefore  there's no serious consequences for commiting  crimes - or fear or respect of authority figures, or fear of anything really. Tegwini
  7. Thanks JR I have asked someone I know living nearby,  now awaiting their answer. Regards  Tegwini
  8. John I've just re-read & noticed you are some distance away from me- Ah well, back to the start... Tegwini
  9. John Are you in the Vienne ? any chance  30 mins NE Poitiers? I still haven't found any ! Regards Tegwini
  10. Julie Andrew in Camelot .....  I loved you once in silence a real favourite, beautiful, romantic ...- Tegwini   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnUJVuh7rEw
  11. Hello Tony Glad to note your, and my "odd ways" ! Lots here in the UK do echo these views, especially regarding Charles.  I too had a laugh to see them done up like christmas trees when they have neither served, and certainly never suffered as a result of the various wars remembered yesterday.  Sadly, I can't see much change in the near future, as somehow politicians, once in a position of power become creeps too.  Perhaps the fancy titles and and silly gear appeals ?   - or is it a way of getting one's snout into the trough? For years now I have believed that the 'system' not only creates division, but also holds Britain's economy back.  Some would say how great things are - in the top 10 etc ...  But, this crisis will sort out the men from the boys and  it has not hit republican Germany & France  and others as hard as Britain. Tegwini 
  12. Jackie As I understand it you have to pay NIC if you are working in the UK and under 60 (as a female).  NIC deductions stop after 60 for females still working.  You can continue to pay 'top ups' after 60 and get an increased pension, but it is difficult to establish if it's worth doing. I didn't think it worthwhile for me. Regards Tegwini
  13. Thanks Sweets Decades of teaching, and especially in the UK does make one immune to almost everything, but perhaps I have always been a bit of a rebel, and have always questioned the status quo. Regards Tegwini
  14.   "British National Anthem is a complete dirge and inspires nothing, just fawning to an unelected head of state".  Pierre ZPF I completely agree with you here Pierre.   Many would say that eg Sarkosy is not perfect, but at least he can get the boot if the electorate so decides. Here in the UK we are stuck with a rather thick family, and the future monarch is considered by many of us to be total waste of space.  And, no chance of giving him the boot. Another reason to live in a republic   Tegwini
  15. Hello I teach English in the school holidays to foreign students.  I also teach English part-time in a well known grammar school during term time.  The college I work for in the holidays would never or rarely put students having the same language into the same home, and it emphasises this in its literature.  Generally students go into a family situation living with their teacher and thus cannot speak their own language and make good progress.  This is what is normally considered to be an 'immersion' course. Having officially retired, and being a similar age I do not consider age to be a problem.  Motivation and effort are more important. I have investigated the Poitiers Univ. course and it sounds OK, and quite good value.  I am planning to do this course once we move. It's a good idea to start now and the BBC has lots on its web site, also www.bitesizedlanguages.com is very useful, and f.o.c. and arrives daily, with clickable sound too.  Other www. sites too, Bonne chance! Tegwini  
  16. Me too Richard, still curious to hear French opinions. The French can't point any fingers regarding colonialism - they were very much part of the 'Scramble for Africa' & elsewhere,  well after Napoleon during the reign of Q. Victoria (1837-1901).   Napoleon died 1821.  But, a decade or so of war under Napoleon didn't help France's economy, and ordinary people suffered, and the throne was even re-instated by Napoleon. I suppose all nations seem to need heros & other opposing nations will usually not hero-worship them.    I well remember taking a party of 40 French students to HMS Victory and on hearing where and how Nelson died they cheered.   The Royal Navy rating showing us around was quite disgusted and threatened to have them removed from the ship. These days historians  usually attempt to avoid bias, and students are taught to think for themselves.   I doubt that this happens much, but them I am a cynic. But,  La Marseillaise is a far superior tune IMO,  to the UK anthem, which  has words that are anachronistic.  The Marseillaise has words, especially after the first verse which are quite blood thirsty.  Regards Tegwini        
  17. Many thanks all, and to Nich too. I expect I really do need someone local to ensure a reasonable price. Anyone else with contacts near Bonneuil Matours ? Thanks Tegwini
  18. I often find using 'vous' easier really, and somehow remember the conjugations for 'vous' , better than for  'tu'.    So happy to continue with 'vous' at present.  And, another complication- how can you be on 'kissing terms' and not using be using 'tu' ? Sometimes, I  contemplate how difficult it is to become fluent in a second language, and often believe that   'fluent in   ...   languages'   is such an exaggeration.     Fluency requires not only a thorough understanding of grammar, a comprehensive vocabulary   and knowledge of current colloquialisms.     Not easy, especially the latter,  as much of our normal speech is peppered with colloquialisms, and they change so rapidly too.  Depressing really- even though I am working at it daily,  and did French at university,  and have even taught it to GCSE students. Amicalement Tegwini  
  19. Wooly That's already happened,  but in fiction of course -  in Animal farm by Geoge Orwell.   This Napoleon was not a very kind pig, and was quite cruel and despotic. Come to think of it, Napoleon Bonaparte was not such a good and kind ruler either. The Spanish and the Portuguese and other assorted countries do not remember him with fondness. I would be interested to hear from Frenchie, or anyone schooled in France what they learned about him. Regards Tegwini  
  20. Many thanks Nich This Forum does work well ! Tegwini
  21. I agree with Sweets &  my OH also believes that Obama will be in danger of assassination if he wins.  The number of guns there must be enormous.  And, loads of nutcases too - often armed. Both of us believe that an Obama win will divide the US,  especially if he does follow his re-distribution of wealth proposal.   Perhaps a more radical   re-distribution that has ever happened before in the US. China is said to take over as wealthiest country in the next  few decades or so - will this increase the speed of China's rise ? Somehow,  I would rather that did not happen... Regards Tegwini  
  22. Mine boiling too Ernie! My paternal grandfather was in the Lancashire Fusiliers & was killed within weeks of the landing  in 1915 at Galipoli.  This regiment lost so many troops in WWI.   And, NO benefits then.  His widow was left with 8 children, my father was  the youngest and only 2 years old, so life for them was really hard, and the Great Depression soon followed WWI and life got even harder. But, it does not surprise me - seen it all as a teacher when  so many kids these days think they are entitled to so much, and expect to have their 'rights', and are encouraged in all this by this useless government.    I second your comments on a suitable punishment Ernie.   And, I do wonder who might have taken the plaques since they have been there safely for decades, and now have been stolen.   Is it possible that someone with a grudge, and not understanding, or caring about the impact of this theft, someone who might perhaps have no connection whatsoever, or loyalty to the UK may be guilty ? Tegwini  
  23. Hi All Can anyone give me the price of firewood (approx) & perhaps the best places to get a load delivered NE of Poitiers (30 mins) near Christmas - and,  would the holidays be a problem for delivery? Many thanks Tegwini
  24. Hi Sweets Trouble is with Wossie his lisp always sounds like an affectation- not really a speech defect, and as for Chris Eubank - definitely.   Did he have a lisp as a child, or  before he moved into his mansion and started wearing spats and the like?  Children often grow out of lisps, my daughter lisped a few words until she learned how to say them properly. Ron Many of us don't listen to too much radio, especially at night so did not hear this broadcast initially.  So many people have objected and why not ?  Most resent the enforced tax, and it's far too much, that we pay the BBC.  And, they waste our money on the likes of Woss.  I rather feel that it is not necessary to have first-hand or immediate experience of something to know that it is wrong, vile, evil etc.   I, for example, never  personally experienced Auschwitz, Buchenwald etc, but know what they were about. Regards Tegwini
  25. I can't understand how it was calculated that Wossie deserved millions and would go 'elsewhere' if not paid buckets full of dosh.   I now never watch his programme (Fri on tv), I used to, but got fed up with his arrogance, infantile sense of humour and his annoying lisp.  Is this lisp really natural ? I often wonder about lisps -  I have rarely heard them out of the UK.    Do they originate in UK indep. schools amongst the well-heeled, and primarily with males ?    I can only think of one lisping female -Carol Thatcher, and I have never heard any children/ teens lisping in nearly 40 years of teaching in LEA schools here and in other english speaking countries.  Woss's rudeness and bad language was the end for me.   So much of it on the BBC these days - or any channel for that matter.  And, unlike many in France we  are obliged - or criminal record/ prison,  to  pay this enforced tax  (£3 billion) to the BBC.  And,   it has increased massively over the last decade, but the quality of the programmes has not.    Lots wasted - eg   Woss. Regards Tegwini
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