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Everything posted by Richard

  1. [quote user="cooperlola"] Read this http://www.connexionfrance.com/expatriate-news-article.php?art=35 It could be very important to you. [/quote]   Thanks cooperlola!   So, this article basically spells it out....   if you're under the age of 62, you will have no health care coverage unless you can afford private health insurance.  And, if you leave the UK you're buggard because the NHS won't be possible either....   Bummer!
  2. Oh, and one more piece of info...  We would like to settle in Brittany, Normandy, or Pays de la Loire. Thanks again! Richard
  3. Hi Everyone! Well, we've decided to enter into our "3 - 5 year plan" in that we will definately be leaving the UK for France.  However, as with many people who make this same decision, there are LOADS of questions: Do we move, lock stock and barrel?Do we keep any ties to the UK?What are the tax implications in France vs UK?Is actual assimilation into French culture, and daily life, fairly straight forward?What happens if my dearly-beloved remains employed by a UK employer whilst working from home in France?What happens to our access to the NHS?  (My other half is insuline dependent diabetic)Do we bring, or sell, our cars?Our 3 dogs have pet passports.  Will we face any difficulties getting back into the UK?  (I read the 2-1/2 year old post on DEFRA, and became concerned)Our plan is to run a small B&B (enough to keep me busy, but not too much to be insanely overworked....  too much of that in corporate life).  So, apologies if I have not posted this in the correct section.  I figured it was the best place to start... Thanks in advance! Richard
  4. Bonjour!   Does anyone have experience with the "Rosetta Stone" language courses?   You see them a lot in airport kiosks, etc.   I was given a set (levels 1 & 2) but have not installed them yet. Other than evening evening courses at my local college, is there any hope is becoming conversant in French?   [:)] Cheers! Richard
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