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Everything posted by Richard

  1. I agree.... however, ALL of BF are on winter timetables. We enquired earlier, and the normal timetable resumes 1st March, 2013, as several of their boats are currnetly in for refurbishment/maintenance.
  2. Hi Mike, We bit the bullet and joined Club Voyage immediately after we completed on the purchase of our home in Brittany. Yes, I agree the initial £130 to join was nearly a show-stopper (£70 Admin Fee??? ) However, we are VERY glad we did. In the two trips we have already taken we have saved nearly all of that cost just in the tickets alone; plus you get free breakfasts, discounts on other goodies on-board. They even let us watch a movie in the cinema for free. Year on year, it costs £60 to renew. That cost is immediately recovered on the first trip after that is paid. From then on, we're quids-in... Now, keep in mind that our circumstances are a bit different from yours, in that we travel from Portsmouth to St. Malo (or Caen if the ferry is not running on that route due to winter schedules). Hope that helps... Cheers! Richard
  3. Hello! We would like to purchase one of the car stickers of the Brittany Dancing Girl that you see on loads of cars. I believe it is to represent the various hats that are customary around the different regions of Brittany. We have been searching and searching for them, but due to not knowing exactly what they're called, makes the search a bit difficult. They look like a cartoon drawing. Many thanks! Richard
  4. Ok.... so, will a UK telephone work in France or not?
  5. Thank you everyone! Very valuable information... Much appreciated! Richard
  6. Hi All, We hope to soon be property owners in France, and are wondering about Brittany Ferries Club Voyage....  Is it worth joining up for it?  Does it provide enough discounts on ferry crossings to justify the membership costs? Cheers! Richard
  7. Hello! Thank you both for such great information.  Very helpful...  and has pretty much sealed the decision as to the area we want to buy in, and ultimately retire. Also, thank you VERY much for the information about the upcoming power lines....  Whoa!!!!   I had no idea that was coming.   That map from their website will be taken with us to show estate agents whilst we are looking. We had originally decided we wanted to live near Cognac & Jarnac; but have reconsidered due to the logistics of getting there....  Would be great once we didn't have to travel back and forth to the UK; and was chosen primarily because of the weather (we both ride Harley's). Again, many thanks! Richard
  8. Hello Everyone! Bonjour! We are in the beginning stages of our house/property search, so please bear with us as we ask loads of questions.... We would really appreciate "hearing" your opinions about the Mortain area from those who live there, or reasonably close. We have found a potential property that looks good on paper, but would trust first-hand opinions before treking across the channel for a viewing. Which port is best for travel to the area? Caen, Le Havre, St. Malo? Is there a weekly market? Distance to mod-cons; e.g. Super Marche's? Weather? Is it similar to southern England? Or is it more sun than gloom? (sorry, but ned to ask) How long have you lived, or owned property, in the area?a. And, are you happy that you chose the area? I think that should get some dialog started.... Many thanks in advance! Richard
  9. Doesn't do us iPad users much good.....   I have been requesting, and requesting that the digital versions be accessable/usable on iPads.  However, it just seems to fall on deaf ears....  :-(
  10. Folks!!! Hold on here..... My original question was an honest one. Not one to create all of this hostility and hatred. For goodness sakes, I thought I was conversing with pleasant folks in France... Not the angry population of England! Sorry I asked anything.... Bye!
  11. We both have V&H Big Shots; still with baffles. But, we've been known to set off car alarms and activate bike-to-bike Bluetooth helmet systems... I love the sound, but just wanted to check before we take them in to have them registered in France.
  12. Thank goodness we've held on to our OEM pipes!!!
  13. Hi All, Silly question, but will our UK telephones work on the French telephone system?   The reason I'm asking is whether to try and get our existing telephones to last until we move (they are on their final days, but "might" last if need be).  However, if they do work, then we can get the new set now.... Thanks In Advance, Richard
  14. Thank  you Andy!!!   Big help....  we'll check them out on our next trip down in April. Cheers!
  15. Hi All, In the Aquitaine area, where are the best places to shop for white goods? Also, can we get recommendations on DIY stores?  Similar to B&Q, HomeBase, Wickes, & Focus? Cheers! Richard
  16. Ok, I feel like a real numpty having to ask this question....  but how do I interpret a French postal address?  For example, my friend's address is (changed to protect the innocent): Le Guillery, 37290 Preuilly-Sur-Claise I am, unfortunately, so used to postal addresses being in the form: Name House #, Street Name City, County, Postal Code Thanks in advance! Richard
  17. Hey Big Mac! Yes, just over the hill from you...   How do you like 53?   Cheers! Richard
  18. Hi All, We're new to the forum, and have just started our research into possible areas to move.  We're reading everything we can so that we can make as informed decision as possible.  One question we have is about deux sèvres.  We've read in the French Property magazine and books that this area is considered to be one of the less expensive areas.  However, when compared to other areas in this region it appears to be considerably less expensive. Why is that?   Would love to know what constitutes the lower property values? Thanks in advance! Richard
  19. Thanks Craig...  I've just responded. Cheers! Richard
  20. Hi Folks, Well, we've begun our research and due diligence on our move to France.  We currently live just outside Portsmouth, and would like to concentrate in the areas of 29, 56, 44, and 85 (SW Brittany, Western Loire, etc.).   First, and foremost question we have is about our Harley's.   We both have V&H Big Shots on our bikes; which some consider to be loud....  not us, of course  :-) What's the overall opinion of loud pipes in France?   Are we going to have difficulties getting them registered?   Will people complain bitterly to the point where we might have to make drastic changes to the bikes?   We are NOT members of an MC, and are bikers for the shear enjoyment of the open road.  A chief constable lives across the street from us currently, and he has yet to complain. Thanks in advance! Richard
  21. My dearly beloved is insulin dependent diabetic as well.....   If it were not for the NHS we could not afford to own a home due to the cost of the insulin; c£560 pcm.   Thus, the reason why we can not look to retire to France, despite the fact that we have worked hard for >35 years to be able to retire at an age where we can enjoy retirement.    Anyone got an extra pin that I can use to burst this balloon???   [:(]
  22. [quote user="cooperlola"]Thread re power lines http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/998583/ShowPost.aspx I assume that you have also read the posts this morning, which pretty much confirm that, post E106, you would need full private health insurance.  Your existing conditions may well be un-coverable (if that's a word) so related costs would have to be paid for, by the looks of it. [/quote] Yes, everything I am reading so far has completely destroyed our desires/dreams of moving to France on an early retirement opportunity.   I'm sure the full health care insurance costs are going to be exorbitant; another opportunity for the insurance companies to take advantage of a bad situation. What ever happened to the EU understanding that everyone was covered under some sort of health care provision regardless of country, as long as you were a citizen of the member states?   This seems like a way to "keep the Brits out".... 
  23. [quote user="jane"]if you haven't purchased in normandy yet, then you would do well to make yourself aware of the areas which may be affected by the proposed high voltage power lines. jane[/quote] Hi Jane, Can you provide any further information on the proposed high voltage power lines?  Links to information? Cheers! Richard
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