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  1. I have always had the log in automatically box ticked and have always got in when I go to this site.  But for the past few weeks I have had to log in each time.
  2. No, juice and coffee, not together of course.
  3. Unknown


    Hello Moggy, do you live near each other, or is she just feeloading a holiday[:D]
  4. No Katie, but I would if I could.
  5. Thanks for the tips folks, heads have now been chopped.
  6. I'll take obnoxious, though I had thought thick was better suited to me.  Damn you Jay jay.
  7. Hello I hope someone can answer my question.  I have grown my own onions for the second year running, this time though I seem to have some white floery type heads on some of my yellow onions.  Any ideas why? Many thanks
  8. Unknown


    Hello JK I have many areas which sound just like yours, I am getting rid of them slowly by spending lots of long hot days, cutting and strimming, then using the type of weed killer RH mentions.  Its taken me two years to get 11000 m2 under control and its bloomin hard work. Just do a bit at a time, mentally sectioning off areas and you will soon get there. Good luck
  9. [quote user="cooperlola"]Oh good, glad it's not just me.  Good to see you, Dotty.  Are you or the o/h at the race?[/quote] Just sent you a pm.
  10. Any clues as to the right part of a wood to look?  Or is it specific to certain woods only?
  11. Every body gets bitten just some react differently to others.  The younger you are the less yo ureact, or so I'm told.  As a family we went to Pezenas for a holiday.  Hubby and I got bitten by vine spiders and were covered and I mean covered from head to toe.  I counted 50 bites under one arm. The kids had 5 bites between the three of them. I believe garlic helps, I really stink at the moment.  
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