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Everything posted by Cassis

  1. Cassis

    holes in garden

    I notice that hares have been mentioned a couple of times.  They don't dig burrows - they make a nest in a depression in the ground, usually in long grass.
  2. Cheers, Coops.  Well, in that case I can vouch for their hiking boots (mid-to top-of-range) but I've never bought their tents. The tents do not fit my feet.
  3. Was it a camera up the bottom?  I suffered that at an unconscionably young age.  At least a nice nurse held my hand.  Or was it a smaller orifice for Ernie?  Sorry, but that post is pages long! [quote user="oglefakes"] Cassis, You have far too much time on your hands to photoshop (or whatever) pics. [/quote] Ah, 'twas the work of two minutes, Mr Flakes.  [:D]
  4. Here's some available my mail order as part of a bio vegetable fertiliser.  I just saw it in my gardening mag today. It is the offer of the month so I don't know how long it will remain on this link. http://www.jardiniersdefrance.com/fr/boutique/offredumois_detail.asp?produit_id=1514
  5. This may seem like a dumb question but ... is Decathlon own brand branded Decathlon? I DK about their camping gear but their bikes cover a hell of a price range (both OB and other) and you seem to get what you pay for.  Ditto hiking boots.  Is it specifically the own brand camping gear that you reckon is poor?
  6. Hang on, I've found the answer.  After a while they all resemble each other. [IMG]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i26/cassiscassis/complete/adamspaisley.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Does a humour bypass require removal of the patient's elbow? If so, do they first check as to whether the patient can tell it from their arse? Does Gerry Adams still have his beard?  It's donkeys years since I saw a picture of him.  Has Paisley grown one?
  8. "5 couples coming for their honey moon(sic)" - careful.  Sounds like a Moonies convention.
  9. I know this is something that other people might find useful, if it is what you are looking for.  Can you let us know if it is any good? [:)]
  10. I'm not sure where you get it, but this product seems to contain "champignons mycorhiziens" http://www.vitalhumus.com/ Have a look at their site and perhaps contact them if they don't have a list of outlets.
  11. You can't really give everything that might be relevant to your posts in your personal details - maybe if people remember to mention these things in their post if the info is not in the PDs.  It's only common sense.
  12. Oh, Anton, I'm sorry - it's cruel, isn't it. Sorry! [:D] Signed, Smug Git.
  13. [quote user="chessfou"] Round our way, just remember to add a "g" after "n" and pronounce any old "s" and you should get away with being understood complimenting bakers on their "bong pang" or asking for  less ("moince") without any risk of being thought to be Belgian. [/quote] I recall on our first holiday in the SW many, many years ago I asked the man at the bar how much I owed for the drinks and I was told 'Veng frang'.  Just to check, in case I had misunderstood, I asked 'Vingt francs?' in what I hope most would recognise as 'normal' pronunciation.  The reply was, 'Non, veng frang'.  I handed over 20 francs and the deal was done.
  14. [quote user="Dick Smith"] I still remember my first evening in Sunderland, sitting on a full bus and realising that I couldn't understand a word of the conversations going on around me. [/quote] Perfectly normal.  I'm from Blaydon and I've been married to a woman from Sunderland for 25 years and I still don't understand her.
  15. Which one will depend on your usage pattern - there are loads of different offers (just like the UK).  It's a Carte SIM (pron. cart seem).  Most big supermarkets sell SIMs from a range of providers and staff are generally helpful, in my limited experience.  They will fit the card to your phone and get it running and registered with the provider for you (at least Carrefour do that). If you have a preferred service provider (e.g. Orange) then some also have their own dedicated outlets - generally in town centres or shopping centres.
  16. Musical!  Great horn section in the opening scenes! [:D]
  17. [quote user="ThomasD"][:(] Poor Alice. [/quote] Quite right, Thomas.  I apologise for making light of this personal tragedy. Not sure why Jc thinks Alice is a friend of the mayor's, though. [;-)]
  18. [quote user="powerdesal"] This is the message I got when I tried to access your pics:- We apologize the site you are attempting to visit has been blocked due to its content being inconsistent with the religious, cultural, political and moral values of the United Arab Emirates. What on Earth were you taking photos of?  [;-)][:$] [/quote] See my previous post, Steve. [:D]
  19. Oo-er, dribble, dribble, drool ... [:D]
  20. Doesn't sound like him.  Are you sure?
  21. Cassis

    holes in garden

    I think ragondin are supposed to make their homes in the banks of streams, rivers and lakes rather than lavender beds  as they like immediate access from the burrow into water.  I'd rather have rabbits than ragondin. [:)]
  22. Bloody hope so - or put him on ice until she gets back.
  23. Cassis

    holes in garden

    Anyway, it's not moles - you can't see thier holes unless you unearth the molehills, and they are tiny. I go for rabbits if the holes are deep and you can't feel the bottom (i.e. it's a burrow).
  24. Here is the response: Dear Alice I’m so sorry to hear that.  I hope that his condition improves soon.  I’ll let you know when we receive the cheque. Phil Fingers crossed that dad pulls through -  I'd hate to lose the booking.
  25. There's no question but that I would have fancied Toni Basil more than Dick at that time.  Which must come as a great relief to Dick. PS Then and now, in fact.  Still a great relief to Dick. [:D]
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