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  1. ali-cat


    [quote user="velcorin"] Unfortunately brianagain "Aerospace" is not within the scope of the "Manufacturing" catergory, so officially is not considered "Manufacturing" ! Bizarre, I know, that was my point in an earlier post. UK strengths in Defence, Aerospace, Pharma, Petro, Plastics, the hi-tech, hi-value, areas of an economy are not considered (internationally) as "Manufacturing" which is just low value metal bashing, inorganic chemicals, etc. The definition needs dragging into the modern world. [/quote]   Are you sure Velcorin?  UK Standard Industrial Classification SIC 2007 places Aerospace manufacturing firmly with Category C - Manufacturing under heading 30.4.  Same as the Eurostat NACE and North American NAICS systems.  Unless you're talking about technical consultancy which would be a service activity or the media's use of industrial classifications which are typically all over the place. Slow day, I know.   Mr Cat  
  2. Just been announced that ALL Eurostar trains from St Pancras have been cancelled, today.  Edit: Make that all trains from all stations!!
  3. Dodged the bullet this time but now Gordy's promising to tour the world to drum up a better deal along the lines of the rich countries (including us) needing to fund the developing countries (including China and India) to grow more sustainably. Now, I believe that the major creditors for the massive public debts run up in the UK etc include China and India.  So Gordy's intending to borrow billions from China and India at extortionate interest rates so that we can then give it back to them to spend on 'green technology'. Is he 'aving a larf? Mr Cat  
  4. Could Peak Oil be the real reason behind Copenhagen? From Wiki : "Optimistic estimations of peak production forecast the global decline will begin by 2020 or later, and assume major investments in alternatives will occur before a crisis, without requiring major changes in the lifestyle of heavily oil-consuming nations. These models show the price of oil at first escalating and then retreating as other types of fuel and energy sources are used.[4] Pessimistic predictions of future oil production operate on the thesis that either the peak has already occurred,[5][6][7][8] oil production is on the cusp of the peak, or that it will occur shortly.[9] As proactive mitigation may no longer be an option, a global depression is predicted, perhaps even initiating a chain reaction of the various feedback mechanisms in the global market which might stimulate a collapse of global industrial civilization, potentially leading to large population declines within a short period. Throughout the first two quarters of 2008, there were signs that a global recession was being made worse by a series of record oil prices"   Mr Cat
  5.   Well worth a read before our illustrious leaders sign away billions more cash we don't have to keep the Maldives above sea level. http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/12/understanding_climategates_hid.html Now I admit I'm in no way capable of understanding all the science - even if all of the information was available and uncontested. But I am old enough to remember the 1970's and being continually told that we were heading for another ice age.  Moreover I'm always suspicious when politicians and the media jump on a bandwagon and apparently stifle any discussion to the contrary.  But the clincher for me is that politicians worlwide are not exactly known for long-term thinking or altrusim. So whats going on? Mr Cat      
  6. Rubbish in, Rubbish out![;-)] Mr Cat  
  7. With the long winter nights once more upon us I have started to cross stitch a few of my favourite Xmas designs, normally a few cute angels and santas etc.  I then did this one which I think is particularly cute, so if there are any other stitcher's out there, they may want to have a go!!  I do them on plastic canvas, back them with red felt & attach a gold thread so they can be hung on Christmas trees!! [IMG]http://i308.photobucket.com/albums/kk325/markatards/kit2.jpg[/IMG]
  8. For once in my life I agree with Roy Keane. [:D]
  9. So why have they said, since the takeover of Brawn, that they wanted an all German driver line-up?
  10. [quote user="Frederick"]Its no good Henry saying the ball hit his arm you can clearly see he opened his fist and with the palm of his hand hit and changed the direction of the ball .. There is enough film of it to be seen . Whatever happens from now wherever the French team end up in this competition Henry his team mates and the whole of France will know it was by his dishonest act . It will take the shine off any victory they may achieve . Irish Justice minister is demanding the game be re played such is the disgust in Ireland[/quote]   Personally I think it will be forgotten about pretty quickly. These things usually are - by everyone except the people who have lost out. As for a re-match - do they also re-play every game where a goal was disallowed for being off-side, when it wasn't .... when a goal was scored, but a player was actually off-side ... when someone dived & was awarded a penalty ..... and on and on and on. Calling for a re-match is pointless & stupid – where would it end?!! Spotted this in the Belfast Telegraph ..... [Www] Croissant €2 French Beret €5 Bottle of French Red Wine €8 Watching Thierry Henry playing gaelic football, PRICELESS!!!!!!
  11. Having not been on a plane for a couple of years I don't know what the restrictions on liquids (e.g. shampoo, shaving products etc.) in hand luggage are now?  If you can't carry these sort of products on-board & have to purchase them on arrival & dump them before flying back, surely that could cost more than booking a bag into the hold?! [8-)]
  12. For the first time, Fernando Alonso has been implicated as being part of the Nelson Piquet 'crash-gate' scandal.  According to Piquet Snr. Alonso "knew everything". - http://www.motorsport.com/news/article.asp?ID=345109
  13. If you can pick up the August 2009 issue of Moto2 magazine (French) they have detailed maps of all the rear facing speed cameras in France. If you're heading to Dordogne could I suggest you take the D7 from Angouleme through Claix, Champagne Vigny, Blanzac, Montmoreau, Villebois Lavalette to la Rochebeaucourt rather than the main Periguex route from Angouleme to Brantome.  It may take a bit longer but much more scenic.  But not if it's wet! Mr Cat  
  14. Not usually my favourite journalist - but an interesting theory : http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/opinion/columnists/robert-fisk/robert-fisk-for-the-truth-about-lockerbie-look-to-tehran-and-damascus-ndash-not-tripoli-14463453.html Mr Cat  
  15. [quote user="Clair"][quote user="nectarine"]Hi there, when I want to reply to a message and press the 'quote' function I get the original script in my message and then type my response. Problem is, when my message is posted the original 'quote' doesn't appear as a light-coloured box but it appears with all the computer-thingy script before and afterwards, and looks really jumbled. Any idea why? I am using Google Chrome as my Internet program. Many thanks all a puzzled Nectarine[/quote] I suspect Chrome might clash with the forum software... This is quoted using Firefox [:)] [/quote] That's just showing off!!  Opps, I'm doing it as well! [:-))]
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