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  1. We bought a wall mounted split air conditioning unit in Brico depot for 175E!
  2. [quote user="Blanche Neige"]Compared with sitting for hours on end in South or North terminal I know which I would choose! Plenty to occupy one's time in downtown Reigate...........at least for half a day! Two trains per hour and not that far by taxi either.[:)][/quote]  I thought Anton said his break would be between 0100 and 0600. Do you know something about Reigate that I don't?[:D]
  3. [quote user="Blanche Neige"]  "B A still the most price competative scheduled airline but still face a long time hanging round Gatwick"   Anton, how many hours in total?  Would it worthwhile going out to a nearby town for a breather? If so I would suggest catching the train to Reigate. [/quote] Wow Blanche, you really know how to have a good time![:D]  
  4. [quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]And cycling proficiency has been brought back in and it's road based this time around.[/quote] Could they get the grown ups to do it as well? Please!!
  5. [quote user="Loiseau"][quote user="postie"] ...hope to be move to our house in Le Vendee early next year. ...don't get much time in Le Vendee ... [/quote] Hi Darryl and Charmian, At the risk of being thought nit-picking, I just thought I'd point out that it's LA Vendee!  [;-)] Good luck with the move Angela www.the-vendee.co.uk [/quote] And Zimbabwe!
  6. My GP told me that everybody gets bitten but only some people have an allergic reaction. She also said that anti histamine cream wouldn't work (I'd already discovered that!) and that the best thing is Piriton tablets. I've slept through some great holidays, thanks to Piriton! So far the Avon stuff seems quite good although I've always sworn by the Mosquito Milk (how do they do that?) and we have plug ins in every room for most of the year. It's definitely a side of continental summers that I dread, although I also managed to get bitten in February in Amsterdam one year. I thank God that we don't like barbecues as I never sit outside at dusk if I can help it. Mosquitos - one of God's little mistakes!
  7. [quote user="KathyC"]No e's in it![/quote] Oh God, in my excitement I've misused an apostrophe! When's Mr Smith back?
  8. RH, you are kind. I must have been an awful child!
  9. Can I stick my hand up and shout "Me, me me?" And after only two minutes, as well. Thank God, I'm really not going senile after all!
  10. KathyC


    [quote user="RumziGal"]The land where I have friends with fertile fig trees and vines that produce grapes, of course!  [:)][/quote] That'll teach me to read posts more thoroughly! The fact that you seemed to be so happy rather confused the issue. Long may you remain so!.
  11. KathyC


    [quote user="RumziGal"] Lovely Easter Sunday here, sun shining.    Lovely day!  [/quote] But where's here, SB?
  12. KathyC


    Eeeh Suze, there's a rat in your choccies!
  13. My dad was a postman and I can remember when there was a delivery on Christmas Day! Obviously I couldn't open my presents until he came in from work, so it made an impression. If we're not careful this could turn into a version of the Four Yorkshiremen sketch! ( I used to dream of not working on Christmas Day!)
  14. RH, didn't mean to imply that the hours worked were actually longer, just that the hours were less sociable and extra shift premiums are rare. Just because there's a demand for something doesn't make it a good thing (anyone for reality television?) and surely a great deal of that demand was fomented by the large supermarkets who had their capital investments (stores) sitting idle for one day in seven.
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