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Everything posted by BJSLIV

  1. We drive a car with British plates and out of date tax disc If the car is being driven on British plates why do you not have a UK tax Disc?
  2. Has he perhaps put both appliances on the same 16A circuit? At least its easy to check what he has done![:)] Unlike some dodgy deeds.
  3. Losueau/Angela If you are with EDf rather than one of the smaller exceptions the "strength" is given in Kw on the last or last but one line of page 2.
  4. I would get your application in ASAP. If you have an electric hob and oven as soon as you need to use two rings and the oven you will need to switch off everything else in the house. You would probably need to have someone  positioned by the tripswitch  to reset it every five minutes.  
  5. This appears to be the manual for your type of cooker http://www.ariston-france.fr/ariston/_pdf/manuals/19503730005_IT-UK-FR-SP-PO.pdf Page 17 gives the lighting instructions. Lighting the oven burner • open the oven door; • press and turn the thermostat knob "V" (with the symbol) and set it to maximum; keep it pushed. Should there not be any electric energy, hold a lighted match near the central hole on the oven bottom as in fig.3; • keep the knob pressed in for around 10 seconds; • release the knob, checking that the flame is stable release the knob, checking that the flame is stable, and hold the door open for approximately 30-40 seconds; • Close the oven door carefully to prevent the flame fromgoing out; • wait around 10-12 minutes before placing any food to becooked into the oven, so as to preheat the oven suitably; • set the temperature required for cooking by turning the thermostat knob to the positions ranging from 1 to 8 according to the following table: Important: if the burner flame accidentally goes out, the gas continues to exit for a few moments before the safety device activates. Turn the control knob to the off position and do not attempt ignition again for at least 1 minute, thereby letting the gas disperse, which could otherwise be a danger.
  6. The site was designed to handle 1000 simultaneous hits and is receiving millions. It will apparently be next year before it can be upgraded.
  7. Which Planet? Paris probably.
  8. The Complete Programme Vendredi 23 juin 2006 à 18H30 Vegastar Têtes Raides Sinsemilia Starsailor Hurlements d'léo La Goutte aux Nez (Fanfare) Pendant les changements de plateaux Samedi 24 juin 2006 à 18H30 Neïmo Bénabar Simple Minds Marcel et son Orchestre Dub Incorporation Bagapas (Batucada) Pendant les changements de plateaux
  9. http://www.flymo.fr/ assistance clientele will lead you to their service centres by area.  
  10. A single page website offering holidays, weekends, workshops based around music and recording studio. They are in the Limousin the "undiscovered" part of France. Sorry I couldn't resist that. Its just that recently every TV programme that mentions France seems to be about the undiscoverd L.......
  11. http://www.music.limousinholiday.com/ Works OK for me. Must be a Mac thing!
  12. The problem with LD is that as their boat has so few cabins, they can squeeze in a deckful of cars at little or no cost and offer what are truely bargain fares for those who are prepared to rough it. But they are not, and cannot ,offer a comparable level of service with their existing equipment. Unfortunately equiping themselves with a craft really suited to the Western Channel would mean significant increases in the fares.
  13. Until July 2007 only professional users can go to the alternative suppliers. Until then Edf ,or the few local exceptions, have a monopoly as far as individuals are concerned.
  14. Why not stick something non-reflective to the outside of the window for a few days? eg cardboard  The bird might then break the pattern of repeat visits and go away and annoy your neighbour instead.
  15.  we are expected to provide documentation in just about any language But France isn't so PC as the UK. At times I suspect that is one of its attractions to many of the Brits who are moving there.
  16. It wouldn't work , even if did register. Why? Full rate VAT is payable on newbuild in France , but at a low rate on refurb. In the UK its the other way round, ie  full rate on refurb, and no Vat on newbuild, hence the possibility of reclaim. PS They also charge further VAT on any profit on any resale within the first five years after completion.
  17. Speedferries T&Cs Vehicle It is possible to change the vehicle on the booking once without any extra charge if the new vehicle falls within the same category. If the change to a larger vehicle category, a price difference will be payable. Please note, that if the vehicle is changed, the lead passenger cannot subsequently be changed on the same booking.
  18. Of course if they had taken out proper travel insurance... In many (even most?) cases they would have still been stuck, as policies usually give some token cover if Departures are delayed, nothing for the return leg!
  19. They are that old Bistro favourite Lamb Shanks. Testimony from (Saint) Patricia Wells http://www.iht.com/articles/1998/01/09/food.t.php
  20. Speedferries T&Cs Vehicle It is possible to change the vehicle on the booking once without any extra charge if the new vehicle falls within the same category. Is the change to a larger vehicle category, a price difference will be payable. Please note, that if the vehicle is changed, the lead passenger cannot subsequently be changed on the same booking.   So I guess that means that  the answer is "no you cannot change car and driver".
  21. The first port of call are the children(if there are any). It is their responsibility to care or make arrangements for aged parents. Even those who haven't been in touch for many years can be tracked down by the system.  Must be quite annoying if you were expecting an inheritance rather than a bill!. I'm not sure how it operates where there is nobody to pick up the tab.
  22. The normal charge is roughly 11 Euros Rouen to Alencon and the same again for Alencon to  Tours. If you have a "badge" there have been some problems with double charging on parts of the route! Edit Extract form my latest bill  for a trip form Rouen to Sainte Maure De Touraine 12/03/2006 A28 LIMITE A28-ALIS A28 ST CHRISTOPHE 10,60 12/03/2006 A28 ROUMOIS A28 LIMITE ALIS - A28 11,40 12/03/2006 A10 TOURS-C/SORIGNY A10 SAINTE MAURE 3,10    
  23. Fully functioning since December 2005,  
  24. Its ironic that however much posters on Living France dislike the current French Government, the student problems M De VP is suffering at present  are a result of attempt to introduce precisely the UK type of labour flexibility many posters on here have said are long ovedue. The students are receiving a lot of support from their parents who worry about the future for their children. More irony!
  25. Don't know your company, but it is pretty unusual to include a fireplace in the base spec. Are you sure that it wasn't simply the  "upstairs" chimney up through the roof  that was included?. Many French people wait for two years before adding the actual fireplace, insert and chimney breast taking advanatge of the old TVA @ 5.5%. Did the plans  and spec of the house show a chimney breast and fireplace? The specs usually detail all the plugs and sockets, plus the nasty sink and drainer in the kitchen! In our case the pictures included a fireplace, but the spec amd plans simply showed a reinforced floor and a pipe sticking out of the ceiling.
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