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Everything posted by BJSLIV

  1. You may find it worthwhile to check with the hotel that you really have got a room for the night. Its not unknown for a late booking agency to accept bookings for a hotel which  already full.....
  2. I assume that you are tracking your parcel via their site. http://www.mondialrelay.fr/lg_fr/espaceconsommateur/suividecolis/exp_suivi.aspx I think you will find that the event at Dijon was when it was taken into their system. You will  know the day that it is coming to you as it will show as arrived at your local depot, then probably be shown as being on the van. Overall it normally takes about a week, but with the holidays it will take a bit longer. I don't think they deliver on Mondays.  
  3. The catch is that if you use it often it costs more than the 30 euro deposit scheme , plus its only available from Norautos Down  South or direct from ASF http://www.asf-telepeage.fr/telepeage-particuliers/liber-t-temps-libre.htm     (ASF Site) http://www.asf-telepeage.fr/telepeage-particuliers/souscrire-telepeage-partenaires.htm   (Norauto Branches) However I expect that as many of the Autoroutes are now owned by Vinci they will roll it out to other areas in due course. As I see it you can get a box from Cofiroute for 30 euros which means an interest charge of 2 euros per year. If you use it six months of the year  including 3 months where you use it twice then you pay 12 euros less 3 euros credit. So the equivalent of 11 Euros per year. With ASF you pay 2 Euros every month that you use the box that means 12 Euros. Now with the rate of exchange being what it is, every little helps, as someone once  remarked[Www] On the other hand if you haven't got 30 Euros to spare........
  4. Well they are certainly touting for business. http://www.chateauroux-airport.com/low_cost.pdf Perhaps if Tours upset Ryanair by withdrawing their subsidy, the taxpayers of 36 might be persuaded to fund Ryanair instead.
  5. I suspect that most products are in fact OK for the fosse. However Calgonit's website proclaims Tous les produits Calgonit sont inoffensifs pour une utilisation dans des maisons avec une fosse septique.
  6. Must be a very good pension Something like £1250 per month . Would that still register as a "very good pension" these days?  
  7. Reading some recent UK newspapers I see that to gain the support of the Green party, the recently re-elected Mayor has pledged to end Ryanair's subsidy at Tours airport. If this goes ahead it is thought likely that Ryanair will withdraw the Stansted to Tours link. I hadn't picked this up in the La Nouvelle Republique, but sure enough there is quite a heated debate going on. Some of JG's supporters think the subsidy should continue, but many think they should obey EU laws and end a subsidy which was only legal in the context of supporting a new route. It will be interesting to see how it develops but one can imagine that Mr O'Leary would miss the Region's current hand-out of 830,000 Euros per year!
  8. I think we can all see what is happening at Travelodge. Their new Private Equity owners have moved to a fluid pricing model, a la Ryanair. Instead of the old simple but high priced model, they are offering a range of flexible prices aimed at maximising occupation, but are also adding the little charges around the edges to enhance profitability. As with Ryanair if you can stick to the rules of the model you can save money. If you don't like the rules go elsewhere. I imagine in the near future it will be additional charges per person, per suitcase, and per pillow.  
  9. The £1 insurance is optional . I was however amused to note that the benefits include that you can get your prepaid monies back .....  for room only expenses and pre-paid breakfast costs which you have paid to Travelodge and which you cannot get back, if it is necessary and unavoidable for you to cancel your trip for specified reasons, including: you dying    Handy![:)]  
  10. You still have the choice, unless yuou have one of their super special offers. Its all set out in their T&Cs. For Saver rates (including "Sale" rates), you must: make the booking on our website; and pay in advance and in full at the time of your booking. For Flexible rates, you must: pay in advance and in full at the time of your booking for "pay online"; or pay when you check-in to the hotel for "pay-on-arrival".
  11. The best idea is to keep an eye on the Port's website. http://www.doverport.co.uk/?page=TrafficTravelWeather Their travel updates are usually refreshed every couple of hours. Not only does it cover news of the ferries it also update you on the current roadworks and Operation Stack. The main problem at present is the Seafrance strike, and the weather isn't helping! At present the officers of Seafrance are still on strike and are asking the Government to intervene. It may be settled by the weekend but it has been going on for nearly a fortnight.
  12. Dithane is available http://www.plantes-et-jardins.com/catalogue/catalogue4.asp?id_variations=2371 Try the more serious agricultural shops such as Gamme Vert, rather than the hypermarkets or garden centres. If you want something greener , and less noxious you could always try the old Bordeaux Mixture (Copper Sulphate) spray.    
  13. In fact there are over a dozen registered UK cheese types. http://www.defra.gov.uk/foodrin/foodname/pfn/products/registered.htm Its a bit strange , in that the most recent registration is for Staffordshire cheese. I know a fair bit about that county and I have never encountered the cheese. Oatcakes I know well, but no cheese. The list of UK products being considered for registration is quite interesting. http://www.defra.gov.uk/foodrin/foodname/pfn/products/index.htm#4 Some of the items have been so debased by commercial exploitation, eg Cornish Pasties, i find it hard to image the successfully gaining registration.
  14. Yes. As I reported before Do I have to declare the cash I am carrying when I enter or leave the country?..............  There will continue to be no requirement to declare your cash if you are travelling to, or are arriving from another EU country. Whether or not you are required to make a declaration, you must answer any questions that an HMRC officer may put to you about the cash that you are carrying.
  15. Press Release http://www.flex-news-food.com/pages/13842/Dairy/France/france-entremont-alliance-start-cheddar-production-quimper-plant.html Cheddar doesn't have the Appellation protection that most French cheeses and Stilton enjoy so virtually anybody can have a go at making it.
  16. Forget the lamb. If the UK pulled out of the EU as the Daily Mail etc seem to want, it  would certainly give everyone living in France using " E " forms something to think about.  
  17. Sorry, I happen to believe that in the UK you are innocent UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. So who was accusing you of anything? Do I have to declare the cash I am carrying when I enter or leave the country? Before 15 June 2007, there is no legal requirement to declare the cash that you are carrying when you enter or leave the UK, whatever the amount or currency.However, as from that date if you are arriving directly from, or are travelling directly to, a country outside the European Union (EU)1, and are carrying 10,000 euros or more or the equivalent amount in another currency, you must complete a cash declaration form. These will be available at the port or airport of your entry to, or departure from, the UK. Please read the form carefully before filling it in. You will be liable to financial penalties if you fail to comply with the obligation to declare or provide incomplete or incorrect information. There will continue to be no requirement to declare your cash if you are travelling to, or are arriving from another EU country. Whether or not you are required to make a declaration, you must answer any questions that an HMRC officer may put to you about the cash that you are carrying. Can HMRC officers seize my cash? HMRC officers will not detain your cash if they have no reason to doubt its legitimacy and, where appropriate, the cash has been properly declared. However, as with cash found by HMRC or police officers at any place within the UK, if it amounts to £1000 or more (or the equivalent in other currencies), it may be seized if the officer has reasonable grounds to suspect that it is either the proceeds of, or is intended for use in, unlawful conduct. Source : Advice to travellers HM Revenue & Customs http://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/idcplg?IdcService=GET_FILE&dID=86377&Rendition=Web
  18. I suppose its an easy mistake to make, assuming that Abingdon carpets are actually produced in Abingdon.[:)] http://www.abingdonflooring.co.uk/about.php As For Trees, I hope that I never have the misfortune to be behind him/her  at the port. That kind of response to reasonable questioning only causes delays for other more intelligent travellers.  
  19. I think Toy Boy has arrived in France...... http://www.elleadore.com/on-adore/people/toyboy--ashton-kutcher.php But probably hasn't reached French classes just yet.
  20. Not sure its quite that simple. It depends whether you are a B&B  renting out rooms in your own house., or if you are renting out a dedicated property (gite). It alsodepends on your registration, your VAT status, inside leg measurement............ http://revuefiduciaire.grouperf.com/article/3109/hb/rfiduchb3109fisred01.html
  21. You need to use Colissimo International. If you pack it yourself it will be 15Euros plus the insurance say 18 Euros  in Total. Or you could use one of their boxes, probably a bit on the large side, for 25 Euros  plus insurance. http://www.laposte.fr/IMG/pdf/Depart_de_France_metropolitaine.pdf  
  22. Your Nationwide card doesn't need to be swiped it should be put into the card reader slot like any other French card. If they try to swipe it it will be rejected because it expects you to use chip and pin.  
  23. Is their charge of 30 Euros per month really that expensive in the context of second homes and flitting to and fro back to the UK?
  24. BJSLIV

    super U

    You need to change your points at reception for a bon d'achat 1350 points = 20 Euros. Or you can select a goodie from the gift catalogue. http://www.magasins-u.com
  25. Itr replaces the existing Nantes airport http://www.ouest-france.fr/Feu-vert-pour-l%E2%80%99aeroport-international-de-Notre-Dame-des-Landes/re/actuDet/actu_3631-555952------_actu.html
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