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Everything posted by Fridgeman

  1. Sweet, no not really as I use it straight away from frozen, I aways grate it from frozen the flesh is inside the grater and the skin on the outside then into the pan so the juice does not get a chance to seperate, same with the chillies out of freezer chopped into pan, you will never beat fresh but frozen is not far behnd, we do the same with herbs, off the plant into freezer within minutes so when used just llike fresh but they MUST be dry when you freeze them otherwise they stick together and you want them seperate.
  2. Hi sweet tumeric is a tuba, looks like a skinny ginger only a dirty yellow, ginger in our intermarché is fine, why not try another supermarket? like I said buy loads and freeze it, never thought about ladies fingers, mmmm might try then
  3. Hi T & all have tried growing ginger does OK to start but then dies off, great success with chillies though, had 12 plants last year all the same type, this year have at least 20 plants 5 different types so should be interesting one of them blows your head off so can't wait for that one as I've only used it dried, got hold of some fresh tumeric (now in freezer) what a difference in taste much sweeter, coriander is doing well but could really do with some sun, pak choie (spelling) is sprouting so should be OK there, my bean sprouts are sprouting well too.
  4. Sweet .......how can you not have fresh ginger !!!! next time you buy some buy 3 times the amount you normally do, use what you need that day put rest in plastic bag and pop in freezer, next time you need it, take a piece out and grate off what you need ( the skin will be separate from the ginger ) and replace in freezer, use grated ginger as you would fresh, now you will never be without fresh ginger and what a difference it makes.
  5. Hi Theiere I love this dish, too much sometimes Bengan Bhajee Aubergines are best cooked in plenty of hot oil so do not skimp on the oil during cooking although you can strain it off afterwards. Enoough for say 4-6, freeze what ou don't eat 500 g aubergines 1 small green pepper 1 large onion 1 clove garlic (I use 6 / 10) 1 teaspoon salt ½ teaspoon chilli powder or to taste 1 teaspoon garam masala 1 cup vegetable oil Wash and cut the aubergines lengthwise into quarters, and the cut into about 2.5cm thick wedges. Cut the green pepper in a similar way, and peel and chop the onion coarsely, separating the slices. Place all the vegetables into a bowl and sprinkle on the salt and the spices and mix well. Heat the oil in a deep pan. When hot put in the vegetables and cook, stirring frequently on a medium heat for ten minutes. Turn down the heat slightly and cook for a further 10-15 minutes until the aubergine wedges are soft but still hold their shape. Allow the oil to settle for a few minutes and drain off if desired. Serve hot.
  6. And there was I thinking you where an interesting person :) no more curry recipies for you my man. what they don't tell you is you need to eat 10 lettuce a day for 6 months or eat 7kg of chickpeas a week for 9 years and these findings where found in rats and not us humans eat everything / anything in moderation makes sense to me most bad things happen at the toss of a coin ie. if it's your turn "IT HAPPENS" you ain't going to do anything about it.......it's called fate Bonne chance
  7. Theiere mushy veg curry.... never had one. try this:- chop an onion, some garlic and say potatoes and some spinich (note. there is no exact amounts as it is down to taste) next your spices again to taste (would you add 4 / 6 hot chillies like I do?) or you could cheat and add your fav curry powder. OK, now against what I have just said I feel I must guide you a little so 1 onion 2 cloves garlic 500g potatoes cut in to bite size pieces (I just wash leave skins on) 200g spinach (well washed inc tender stalks) 2 tbsp ghee, butter or oil 1 tsp turmeric 1 tsp garam-masala 1 inch fresh ginger (grated) chilli powder or fresh chilli to taste Method fat/oil in pan medium heat, add onions fry 2 mins add ginger fry 2 mins add garlic fry 2 mins turn heat down to low allow pan to cool 1 min add turmeric and chilli keep mixing (you want to cook the spices not burn them) 2 mins then add the potatoes allow to sizzle 2 mins keep them moving then cover pan anallow to cook 15 mins, drain and chop spinach and add to pan, mix well and cook 15 mins uncovered, when you will find most of the liquid will have vaporated now mix in the garam-masala, transfer to a serving dish cover and keep warm in a low oven until ready to serve. Try the above exactly as I have stated if you are not happy remember why and we can change it next time but I promise "no mushy"
  8. If you want a kitchen siphon at a sensible price go here: http://www.creamsupplies.co.uk/cream-whippers/mosa-whipper-1/4l/prod_703.html?category=1 a lot cheaper han frenh sites    
  9. Hi Sweet I think you will never have a soggy bottom again....................................   I always used creme fraiche NEVER milk....................try it, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.    
  10. Hi George Just read your post, seems the Arbortech worked a treat as it did for me, I have mixed wood dust with PVA to repair wood many times (normally splits) and it works a treat but personally I would not use it over a large area and looking at your picture it shows the work and effort you have put in to make the beam look really good why try to then cover that up, I would leave it as is, just treat it with a wood preserver (you know the stuff) then a finish, someone on here will know exactly what to use, then you can sit back and say "I did that".......and well done you.  
  11. Right that's me of to Lidl Monday morning as I found it missing from the shelves and none of the overpriced junk for me, so many thanks for that wonderful piece of info    
  12. Hi Fi Jambon = leg, rond = round, avec os = with bone.......and you now know you bought...... a round piece of leg of pork with the bone in.....what you want is porc salé or fumé salé = cured, fumé = smoke cured Hope it helps ps I would cook up some onions in olive oil add garlic and cook a couple of min's more then add a tin or two of tomatoes and cook for 10 min's then add your pork and cook on a low heat for about an hour (you may need to top up with liquid)......... you could add a glass or two of red wine just before the tom's and a little sage, salt / pepper to taste. All the best      
  13. Hi Teapot only just seen your reply (thank you) will take a look and see which day its on, only need one tub as can then make my own from that tub will work OK for at least 4/5 times before new pot needed, there is something special about Total yoghurt and Greek honey    
  14. Sunday Driver Firstly, thank you for your prompt post, and pray tell where do you keep all this information, I sometimes struggle with my own name :) fully understand except for J1:Genre, I know it means type, would that mean l'essence? Thanks again    
  15. Hi All A friend of mine found an old 50cc suzuki scooter in the barn of the property he bought sometime ago which he has kindly given to me, it was a non runner, I now have got it running although it runs rough so still needs sorting, no number plates on the scooter it's about 1980/85 ish and no carte gris, do I need a carte gris for such an old scooter as with no number plate, what do you register?? may be a question for Sunday Driver Many thanks    
  16. Hi Cat Thank you for post, had a look, no "CHEAP" ones Thanks    
  17. Hi All Look for a cheap and I mean cheap 90 / 125 cc M/C not worried about condition as long as it runs OK. Many thanks    
  18. Hi Clair The original poster was looking for "Crumble mix" hence why I mentioned it, so the answer is Yes!!!!!!!!!! Why cut your fingers when you grate cheese, you need one the graters that you put the cheeese into then turn handle and out comes grated cheese available in most super-markets    
  19. Hi All Interesting posts, but I thought we where trying to "SAVE" money?  Buying British food stuffs here or on the Internet is expensive, not money saving!!!!! Now don't get me wrong each to their own, if you want something and you are willing to pay that's up to the individual but not for me. Bacon is easy, keep an eye on special offers for potrine fumé normally €4.50 / €5.00 Kg when it's at this price check it's not too fatty if the piece you are offered is ask to see another piece then get it thickly sliced, their eyes pop out when I say 2 Kg, it is not full of water so crisps up lovely, will freeze OK, just wrap in cling film or freezer bag. Why buy crumble mix? Flour, butter and sugar (for every 100g flour add 50g butter and 25 g sugar) into processor, wizz until it looks like breadcrumbs (or by hand) for a interesting change add cinnamon or grated lemon / orange peel. Baked beans, easy just add what is missing, tomato puree, vinegar, sugar and salt, cook rather than just warm up, keep stiring to stop them sticking. Bread, I sometimes cheat and use Lidl / Aldi bread mix (Granary style is very good) in bread maker using "dough setting" then into loaf tin or if you want that rustic look on an oven tray and cook in oven, make sure you put a bowl of hot water in bottom of oven or I use cheap super-market flour instant yeast, olive oil, water etc into bread maker and make as above and I do this despite having a superb baker in the village. I hope this helps you "to save money"    
  20. Hi All I  miss Total yoghurt and emailed them, their reply was rather vague "available in most supermarkets" so if anyone finds it (Dept 86) please post, I have looked for a Greek/Turkish shop in Poitiers but to date no luck and why are olives so expensive here    
  21. Hi Sorry to hijack thread, Dave I have sent you a private message. Regards    
  22. Hi Guys Thanks for your replies there will be 4 of us so hopefully can lift it OK    
  23. Hi All I had a quick search but could not find a post with the answer, I am sure there was a post regarding the weight of a oak beam, my question is what (approx) weight would an oak beam 200mm x 200mm x 6 mtrs long be. Many thanks in advance    
  24. Hi All We have been here since Jan this year and find veggies and fruit in supermarkets either very good or c**p nothing in between also finding little places about selling really good produce at reasonable prices, I give most of the markets around me a miss as I find them expensive and not that good quality mind you I am sure there must be a decent market near me but have not been to them all, pork is good value and when its on special buy in bulk and freeze, have just been told about a farmer selling lamb at €5.50 kg for a whole lamb, need to get another freezer before I go down that route, beef, well that is interesting I find it hard as it seems lots of others do to find a decent bit, thankfully do not eat a lot of beef, chicken and rabbit are reasonable and have taste not like the UK tastless bits of cardboard, for want of a better word, don't do ready meals never have, but each to their own, all our meals are made from scratch and have had some really nice comments from our French friends when they have been to us for a meal, we have a great baker in the village so not making as much bread as I did in UK, I do find biscuits expensive so now making our own, and we have laying chickens so we have plenty of fresh eggs. Overall I find a better choice of tasty veggies and fruit as they are sold "in season".    
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