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Everything posted by zeb

  1. Wozza - you 're just looking for excuses to go to the bar daily, are you not? LOL, I'm now going to spoil all that - have a look at http://www.sortir16.net/ That goes for you too Nick, you might find something on/open which will entertain your mum.
  2. We have an electronic zapper outside on the patio but unfortunately it only works after dark (and then it's quite entertaining - sorry). We also burn citronella candles if we can get them (there seems to be a run on them at the moment). For indoors, buy mosquito/fly netting from the bricos. Cut to fit and either staple it to your window frames or make a frame to fit the window opening and staple the netting on so that you can remove it for the winter. Seems to be the only way, as I can't stand sprays or sticky brown strips - ugh!
  3. Impressive! You make it sound sooo easy Chris. A note about safety: be careful, very, very careful! Our neighbour was rushed into hospital a couple of hours ago after cutting his forearm badly. He was on a stepladder sawing through a beam (he's 73 and is renovating the cottage next door), slipped and fell when he got kickback. He's no novice either and is usually very safety conscious, but, you can never tell what's going to happen. He's lost a lot of blood and is having an op now, so we hope he'll be OK.
  4. I really think it will give you lots of extra cleaning to do Coco, and feel that if folks want to prepare their own food indoors they should go self-catering. However, just an idea, what about a summer kitchen where the barbeque area is, or is this a complete no no up north? It would be in the open but under a hanger or something like that, with utility sink, workbench, fridge underneath for guests use and BBQ. Just tell guests that it's available for theim to use in good weather but they have to provide charcoal and keep the area clean. They are very popular around here in 16. Folks could always make themselves the odd salad there, cremate their own burgers if they want and sit at the garden table to eat. They then won't be tempted to take it back to their rooms.
  5. Well, I'm writing a book on things (and people) to avoid when renovating. mostly from personal experience! I'd post the top ten items/people here for you Katie (and Debra) but 50% of the list may be considered libellous. Dunno how I'm going to get over that one when it comes to publishing!
  6. zeb

    Bulk buy trees

    Can't you get expert advice from your local pepiniers? Have a look in www.pagesjaunes.fr Good luck.
  7. Cor - this is easy; I was a south easterner in the UK and am now a south westerner in France. I must get a life..............
  8. LOL - someone saw an old gardening advert of mine in French News and phoned asking me to come and cut their 20 acres "which hasn't stopped growing since they came over at Easter"!! I told them I was a gardener and suggested they ask a neighbouring farmer. The guy got cross and asked why I advertised grass cutting services. Oh well, back to the strimmer........
  9. What happened there, Gay? Edit: Yippee, just noticed - 1000 posts!! Do I get a prize now?
  10. All over France for the next few weeks, but starting tonight. We'll be in Angouleme - loads of street bands everywhere from 9pm onwards, where will you be? http://www.sortir16.net/ or buy today's Charente Libre for details and street venue map. Have fun - it's a great time of year to be in France!!
  11. Steel toe caps, shorts and sox............. OMG SB - OH has gone off to work in similar attire today, plus one of those sexy leather tool belts (which builders like to sport to hide their bum crease) and a bottle of water!
  12. Oh no, TU, you can't go!! I need to know urgently how to thicken my cream......... (and I'm sure to have many other culinary queries). zebxxx
  13. zeb


    Have you got Babou? I just love it - everything from tacky polyester fashion stuff to "Moroccan" furniture and see-through purple curtains. There's one in Poitiers which is next door to the now defunct BricoLots - OH spent hours in there searching out bargains for our ruin, whilst I headed for Babou! Oh happy days! We've just about finished the reno now so don't go anywhere interesting to shop!
  14. Not much street violence here in rural Charente but I'm sure there is in the large towns and cities across France. But even here in r.C., there are beatings, stabbings and shootings - many reported in the local paper - mostly domestic, so they go relatively unnoticed by those who don't read French newspapers.
  15. Thanks, guys! James, where are you?
  16. I can vouch for Anna's fruit salad syrup suggestion (4 tbs honey, 1/4 pt boiling water and splash of brandy)! I made a fruit salad for lunch with our neighbours today with cherries, strawberries and melon balls and it was delicious! Served with small coffee meringues and a dollop of ice cream. Thanks Anna!
  17. Thanks so much for that Kali , I think you've sorted out our week nicely. Is it possible to buy the book you mention on-line or by phone from a local tourist info office?
  18. Thanks for that! Was planning on buying a new duvet so that the cover will fit it, but now I'm not so sure and may wait for a trip to the UK, as I'll only have one cover to fit one duvet so will have to change duvet and the cover weekly and.....oh heck, life is too short....... Will treat myself to something far more interesting instead!
  19. Thanks for that KKK, will do the cable car and definitely the white- water rafting, as long as it is gentle. I fell off an inflatable raft in Greece not so long ago! Yes, it's the first time I've admitted in print that I'm middle-aged. I'm sure I am now!
  20. Well, we are taking a sortie down from the Charente and have booked our gite in the Ossau valley south of Pau for a week in September. Obviously there is lots of walking, chilling out, a visit to Pau, Tarbes and, maybe, Lourdes, but is there anywhere that we, as four middle aged active adults, really should see and do in the area?
  21. I never know where to post queries about non food related products and where to buy them. Maybe a shopping forum would be a good idea.
  22. Hi - I'm in need of new bedding so plan to go to Ikea. Do they sell ordinary English style duvets covers, without the famous French tuck in piece at the end? Thanks in advance!
  23. This reminds me of my father in law who first came to stay here around four years ago. MIL told us that he only eats very plain "English" food and couldn't eat anything fancy or spicy. Her words. Anyway, he got very plain English food (nothing difficult - a chicken leg or pork chop with veg) whilst the rest of us tucked into delicious meats, sauces, gratins, paellas etc. His plain diet lasted 2 evenings, then he said that he thought he'd like to try the same as the rest of us, and also decided to try wine (after telling us all that it was pretentous and horrible!). He loved it all and when they got back to UK he started trying all sorts of different foods. My advice would be not to upset them, or make it difficult for yourself. Serve tomato and mozerella, or garlicy eggs on tomatoes as a starter in a large bowl, then chicken breasts stuffed with blue cheese (or with a white mushroom sauce), fresh mixed veg and new potatoes, or something similar. Then a strawberry flan and cream dessert after the cheese course. Give him the plain chicken breast (tell him your chip fryer has broken) and see what else he helps himself to!!
  24. The holdup is the extension of the runway at a cost of 1.5million euros. Don't think O'Leary will pay. Val - I thought it was being named Angouleme/Cognac. I see Limoges has become Limoges International!
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