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Posts posted by Gyn_Paul

  1. We are just buying a house in the northern part of Limousin (304m above sea level). The house has a long, west-facing rear garden with an existing potager which will have been more-or-less untouched this year. There are a couple of rows of soft fruit canes and about 4 or 6 rows of veg. I would guess that by the time we get over there for good it will be mid April and the place will be waste-high in weeds.

    That late in the season, and without (this year) a greenhouse, what would any of you folks attempt to grow this year?

    I would particularly welcome advice from anyone in that part of the world with experience of growing things here (how soon/late it gets frost etc.).


  2. Just to endorse what Patf said about the weight; get one powerfull enough for your needs but not so heavy that it's throwing you around rather than you controlling it.

    I rotorvated my Father's 100M garden prior to turfing it. It was a hire machine, and damned heavy. This was 20 years ago when I was a good deal fitter than I am now, and after 3 hour's work (we'd only hired it for the day) I was completely knackered and couldn't stop my arms and legs from shaking: I looked like I'd been struck with some biblical curse!

    Obviously, you don't need to go at it like a bull-at-a-gate if it's you own, and you can pace yourself, but for me it was a lesson well learnt.


  3. On the subject of transferring money....


    All the UK clearing banks are now subject to money-laundering laws which are (or at least the pressure to implement them is) US-derrived.

    It is my impression that the clearing banks are applying the chapter-and-verse of them with varying degrees of severity.

    We live in France but retain interests in the UK, thus retain the bank accounts there. I have banked with the same high-st bank for over 20 years, but have recently been appalled by their singular lack of help bordering on indifference when moving money to buy a house.

    For instance, I was told I couldn't move £20k from one account to another using Phonebank (both accounts in my name in the same branch!), nor could I move more than £10k/day out of any account.

    When I was last in the UK I went into the branch and - only with the greatest difficulty - managed to fill in a moneymover form for the house purchase and lodge it with them undated. Ultimately, this was useless because by the time I was back in France and had the exact amount (inc Notaire's fee) for the purchase it, didn't match the money mover form.

    This is a continuous bone of contention with this particular bank who have no mechanism for transferring variable amounts of money out of sterling to Euros unless you can visit the branch. I was told catagorically that arranging something like this was NOT POSSIBLE if you live outside the country.This is rubbish, of course, as any Bank of Scotland customer can readily attest. I move variable percentages of my pension this way each month !

    In the end I transferred all the money to Bank of Scotland (4 accounts; 4 x £10k twice, across 2 days : what a nonsense ! ) and then telegraphed the money directly to the notaire's Tressor account. £25 fee, arranged over the phone in 10 minutes, by the most delightful (Irish call centre) staff. Most importantly, I was not made to feel I was trying to clean drug money or do something else illegal.

    I know this is nothing exceptional : it's just another example of draconian legislation designed to catch the big baddies (and signally failing) which simply inconveniences ordinary people with ordinary requirements.


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