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Everything posted by Clarkkent

  1. [quote user="Kay"]I recently read the book "What French Women Know: About Love, Sex, and Other Matters of the Heart and Mind" by Debra Ollivier. In the book, the author said something that struck me. She said that Americans are obsessed with developing themselves, while the French are more interested in cultivating themselves. What do you think is meant by cultivating oneself? [/quote] I suppose that it could mean that:  Americans are concerned with learning new skills and abilities so that they are capable of performing a wider range of tasks, jobs and duties. French are more interested in honing the skills and abilities that they already have so that they can better perform their current range of tasks, jobs and duties. I can't help thinking, though, that it is just a piece of pseudo-intellectual bovine effluent that sounds impressive but actually means nothing. Its purpose is not to give you any greater understanding of the human condition but to make you admire the author's linguistic capabilities.
  2. He is being coached by Gerard Depardieu in the finer points of Russian life.
  3. Salmonesca was insistent.  She and Bazzer should have accommodation which would not only be physically separate from the gîte but have separate access so that they would not have anything other than occasional contact with tenants. Her part of the complex would be private so that she could sunbathe and swim in complete seclusion. Baz could deny her nothing.   Baz spent the first afternoon exploring the DIY sheds and builders' merchants. Despite his almost total lack of French he managed to source most of Kev's materials and to agree delivery before the boys' arrival. Kev had told him not to worry about any electrical supplies, Steve could get them cheap and, anyway, had a whole load of twin and earth left over from that factory rewiring job in Gateshead.
  4. [quote user="You can call me Betty"] And without the landlord, who did buy the property - or the local council - what would people like your parents have done? Someone had to buy the house they lived in. [/quote] Exactly. Landlords were then considered to be members of a respectable trade. Mass home ownership is a very recent development. L S Lowry's day job was collecting rent. I seem to recall hearing that Sir Edward Elgar never owned his home. Before WW2 home ownership was very unusual. It was the post-war insistence (I won't blame Margaret Thatcher - but I won't exonerate her either) that a home owning democracy was a healthy democracy that is responsible for a large part of our present economic state.  
  5. [quote user="suein56"].  Many French people just cannot afford to buy them. [/quote] And for some, reading and the possession of books is not seen as important. I know of many people, some being teachers, in both England and France for whom reading offers little attraction.
  6. I think that there is some shortsighted thinking (what a metaphor) going on here. Here is Woolly going on about house ownership and the property ladder when he lives in France where (according Wiki) only a little more than half the housing stock is owner occupied. Wikipedia shows the following owner occupier statistics: UK            69%    (2002) France       55%   (2000) Germany   42%   (2002) Ireland       83%   (2002) My parents never owned their own house and never wanted to. As far as they were concerned home ownership was about problems. They were quite happy for the landlord to do repairs and maintenance, all they had to do was pay the rent. I have never been certain of the advantages of a property-owning democracy. I'm sure that home ownership reduces labour mobility, ties up capital and gives people unrealistic perceptions of their own wealth. If people want to buy property and then let it to others they should not be categorised as scum but as enablers of flexibility for others.   Edit - I note that Woolly has withdrawn the objectionable word. Perhaps we would be better to follow the German model of house purchase where it seems mainly to take place at a late stage in life.
  7. I suffer from the same problem. Is it anything to do with one system being POP3 and the other IMAP? I think that POP3 delivers emails to a file which is physically in the hard drive of your computer and IMAP keeps them on-file at the server until such time as you "send" for them. Perhaps someone can provide reliable information.  [8-)]  
  8. The immigration officer looked at Salmonesca, and then gasped. He looked at her again. "Eet is not you, is eet?" He gasped in accented English. "You are Roxanna Vixen. Eet is an honour to meet you. I am your beeggest fan." He waved her through. She smiled condescendingly at him and walked quickly on. It had been several years since the strange man had walked into her uncle's kebab shop in Huddersfield where she had been for only three weeks since arriving in England. He had handed her a card bearing his name and mobile number and the words Talent Scout. "I'm at the Premier Inn. Come and see me. The camera will love you" That was where it started. She was told she had a great future as an actress. With her wavy hair, sultry looks and pneumatic figure she had a lot going for her. He gave her fare for the bus to London and told her to report to the studio in two days time. She could not believe her good fortune. Here she was, a country girl from the Balkans, in England for less than a month and on her way to being a film star. The film studio was not quite what she expected. It was a large room over a row of lock-up garages in the back streets near Kings Cross. The talent scout had told her that the studio specialised in films of an instructional nature. She was still somewhat puzzled when a fat, middle-aged man with what she later learned was a Brummie accent, introduced her to a small, skinny black man. "This is Errol, you're working with him today." And here she was, in France again with Bazzer. Although she was now retired, her reputation as Europe's most celebrated porn "actress" ensured, on a rare occasion, the benefits of celebrity.
  9. [quote user="Rabbie"]Does the Sale of Goods Act apply to things bought privately rather than through a business?[/quote] Wasn't the provider of the goods a sole trader running a small business?
  10. Under the Sale of Goods legislation his claims would be, either: Goods not fit for purpose - unlikely to be able to proceed on this criteria, it has been established that the goods were of the usual design for his purpose. Goods not of merchantable quality - if the goods were able to perform their advertised function, then he would be unlikely to succeed here. Goods not as described - this could be the basis of his claim. He should not have contacted the police but Trading Standards. I have no idea how Trading Standards would make its evaluation. [6]      
  11. A few years ago, my camera was stolen. The insurers replaced it with a Lumix FZ50. I wondered at the time whether or not I should have asked for a Canon EOS (and paid the difference) but was attracted to the idea of owning something bearing the name Leica. I'm glad I accepted the Panasonic camera. Its lens doesn't have the range of your camera's, but it consistently produces sharp, well-balanced photographs in almost any lighting conditions. I shall keep it until it falls apart (or I do).
  12. If they listen to mine then they must be bored out of their skulls!
  13. What has the legitimacy of the invasion of Iraq to do with the present state of the French economy?
  14. People often see Sweden as a nice calm quiet country ... Where have you been hiding, Q? Don't you know that the Swedish police force and legal systems are both corruptly engaged in persecuting young women with big tattoos? Don't you know that the small southern town of Ystad has more murders than the whole of Midsomer?  [6]
  15. I did not pass at my first attempt. Nor my second, either. My instructor was a former police driving instructor. I think he saw me as a cash cow! The car was a half-timbered Morris Minor estate car.
  16. Price is important to me. I used to use Brittany Ferries when my wife was alive but now that I don't have her needs to consider I try to find the best value. In general, the winners are likely to be Le Shuttle (my travel is heavily subsidised by Tesco Clubcard vouchers) or Newhaven - Dieppe (with substantial pensioners discount - I lie about my age!)  
  17. [quote user="SC"] So when you spray your greenfly, remember that Bayer made the gas for the gas chambers. And when you turn on your gas hob remember that Siemens designed the ovens. [/quote] Are you advocating the continued punishment of these companies for wrongs done two generations ago? I do not dispute the horrors perpetrated on France (and elsewhere, including the Channel islands) by Hitler's vile regime. But ... 70 years on ... is it not time to stop blaming people for the sins of their grandparents? Eugene's experiences were terrible and you rightly remind us of the inhumanity that washed across Europe, but why don't we accept that that was not the Germany of today? Obsessing with injustices of the past has been the main fuel of many of the problems of the modern world (consider the IRA). Hitler's rise to power was partly a response to the impositions placed on Germany following WW1. EDIT I'm sure, SC, that I may be misjudging your motive in posting the above. If so, I apologise. On the wall of the railway station at Penne d'Agenais is a plaque commemorating the abduction, in May 1944, of (I think) 1200 compatriots to concentration camps. When I look at this I often wonder how much local enthusiasm there was for this horrific action. and how much assistance the occupiers received from neighbours and acquaintances. I suppose that I must be thankful that I have never had to live in such an environment as that which existed during WW2.
  18. [quote user="sweet 17"] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2289564/Vicky-Pryce-guilty-perverting-course-justice-taking-ex-husband-Chris-Huhnes-speeding-points.html Excuse me for posting two topics in one thread but I've only recently learnt the use of this word "épinglée" which I translate as "nailed" [:D] I do always try to use new words and phrases I have learnt as soon as I possibly can but didn't think I'd have such an early opportunity in this instance!  [/quote] Have you come across any French expressions for: -   Be careful what you wish for ...    -   Hoist be her own petard ...    -   Shot herself in the foot ...    ? And, I suppose, beware of Greeks bearing gifts ...    ?
  19. [quote user="NormanH"]Here is a second article, concentrating on the 'sausage' side http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2013/mar/07/are-sausages-bad-for-you-processed-meat [/quote] I have not seen the original paper but only heard comments about it. As I recall, it was about the greater risk of heart disease (I may have got that wrong) and the Guardian article, concentrating on cancer risks, looks like a bit of journalistic oportunism. I think I recall someone on Radio 4 this morning talking about curing and high salt content. If that is the case then Idun wan't be happy - she posted not long ago about how much she likes cooking with salt. But I am looking forward to the venison mountain.
  20. I am rather puzzled and skeptical about this. Chancer presents a commercial view - which seems to be sensible. The only NICE that I can identify is the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence, which is an investigatory, advisory and licensing body. I can find no indication that it is - as you imply - some kind of central purchasing organisation:  "Pharmacies normally get there drugs through NICE." Do you really mean that NICE, when it approves a drug, also negotiates a price for NHS supplies of the drug, which pharmacies then pay? If so, this is rather different from - as you imply - NICE actually supplying the drugs. And if Tesco can negotiate a better price - what is wrong with that?  
  21. [quote user="Rabbie"] Thank you for your gratuitous lecture on the British Constitution. I was well aware of that. If you read my post you will see that I actually said that some voters may well have wished for a coalition as a final result. I did NOT say that they voted for a coalition. BTW are you giving your grandmother a lecture on sucking eggs[:D] [/quote] Good Heavens. Do you mean someone actually read it? Does gratuitous mean that you liked it? We have fried eggs normally but since my grandmother is dead I can't teach her anything.
  22. [quote user="Rabbie"] [quote user="Hoddy"]"OK, hands up. Who voted for a coalition?" I agree Betty - no-one voted for a coalition. It's for this reason that I'm not worried by the recent UKIP vote. I think it was more of a curse on all your houses vote than a pro UKIP one. Hoddy[/quote]I agree that there was a large element of protest in the UKIP vote. However I think that many people who voted for the Lib Dems may well have wanted a coalition or powersharing government not necessarily with the conservatives.  I doubt that many Lib dem voters thought they had a chance of winning an outright majority so a coalition with Lib dem ministers was the best they could hope for.[/quote] British Constitution 101 In General Elections the British do not elect governments, they elect representatives to the Legislature. It is customary to ask the leader of the largest party in the Legislature to form an administration, the Government. The members of the government usually, but not always, come from the elected representatives. Some of the members of the government may be people from outside the party (when this happens, they will usually be made life peers so that they can sit in the Lords and report to the legislature) there is no reason why members of the government cannot come from other parties - hence coalition. The expectation is always that there will be sufficient supporting votes in the Commons to enable legislation to be passed. (Edited since original posting)   Don't forget, the first thing that happened after the last election was that the queen asked Gordon Brown, who had not yet resigned as prime minister, to try to form an administration. He tried to form a coalition with the LibDems and failed. Only then was David Cameron asked if he could form a goverment. Until he succeeded, Labour was still in office. I seem to recall tv pictures of Brown arriving at Buckingham Palace to resign only minutes before Cameron arrived to accept. No-one voted for a coalition. But a coalition - of some kind - was the only way of preventing a second election taking place, and in the intervening time, Labour government would have continued. Looking at the behaviour of Conservative MPs leads me to think that the Conservative Party in the House of Commons is more of a coalition than the government!  
  23. So everyone who wants a religious ceremony has to have two ceremonies? Seems a bit wasteful, actually - the second ceremony takes up good drinking time! A point which many people forget is that at a wedding, the people who do the marrying - the celebrants - are the couple themselves. The registrar, priest, minister, imam or whatever are really official witnesses. I dare say that this is also the role of the maire in France - a kind of notary. It is also not usually known that the fashion for church weddings in Britain is little more than a couple of centuries old. Only the wealthy and prominent had religious weddings. Ordinary people simply declared themselves to each other and then considered themselves married. That is all that really happens in any wedding ceremony today anyway, except that bride's parents are bankrupted!
  24. [quote user="Hoddy"] ... I can't see why we in Britain can't adopt something like the French system where everyone marries in the civil system and those who wish to could have a religious ceremony. Hoddy[/quote] But that is EXACTLY what happens in Britain. Everyone does marry in the civil system. The legal role of a minister of religion is to register the marriage - hence he or she is a registrar as well as a minister. The only difference between the British and French systems is that if a couple want a religious wedding it can take place at the same time as the civil wedding instead of following it. Nobody is obliged to hold their wedding in a church.
  25. Now that horsemeat has gone global, French cuisine makes another attempt to prove its pre-eminent status.    
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