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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. The place we like is just through the archway opposite the Ibis.  (There might, of course, be more than one Ibis.)  You enter the old town and after the Church, turn right until you see the hotel and the big parking next to it.  Not far.
  2. Quite true. You need a glass in your hand to balance.  A fag in your mouth so you have to squint through the smoke to see the board also helps[:D] There!  My secret, winning technique revealed! I always thought a balanced diet was a bag of chips in one hand and a lager in the other.  They must be around the same weight? Ooh!  Chips!  Can't remember the last time I ate chips......or had a lager!
  3. Lovely hotel in Boulogne...Eclos de l'Eveche.  Slightly more expensive than Ibis but we liked it.  It is in the old town and close to all the restaurants.  It is expensive to eat there...they do do offers though. You will find it on google.
  4. Well, I'm going to be just like you next summer then. Friday.  Let's get started (again) day. I did get weighed....[:(]
  5. What a disappointment for you.  Many years ago when I bought my first house, the Notaire just told me that beetle was 'rien'.  It could be treated.  Which it was and it is still standing! Wonderfull weather we are having at the moment.  Just right for house hunting.  Next time you come to Josselin, let me know and I will hide....no!  Meet you for a coffee I meant.[:D] If you want.  Market?
  6. Blimey. Is she one of those ladies who is force fed by a strange man?  I have heard about them. At last someone with more to lose than me....[:D]
  7. I've just looked at it again.  Can understand a bit more now. Some of the other stars seems a bit fatigue! Kamini is a nurse.  One of those nurses I can't spell the name of with psy in it.  
  8. I first saw this on the news this morning then again tonight on Ruquier. It isn't easy to understand but it is, apparently, the most looked at clip on Youtube.  Might just be France of course.  Rural rap... http://www.kamini.fr/
  9. No!  Ooh!  A new diet to fail on[:P]  Explain please. Well, I've started again.  Calories.  I will do it until the weekend and if I am null, it is Atkins. Not long until Christmas....when we can put it all back on again.
  10. Keeping our heads down....resting our chins on our tum's!!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha I've just got back from Paris so not a lot of weight lost.  I honestly can't be bothered. I'm off back on Atkins to kick start.
  11. You can find it all over.  Very small amount grudgingly displayed but it is there. I bought some on Saturday.  Bit dear though.....!
  12. [:D][:D][:D] I was forced to watch the Formula One too..... Rugby is my game but I must say, that ref was fit.....[6]
  13. Those of us who galivanted off that is. We had a fabulous time in Paris.  What glorious weather! How about you Cassis?  We passed near Alençon before I realised you lived close by (knew by your shameless advertising[;-)]) and my little Miki....get away?
  14. I watched it. France were very, very unlucky to not be allowed their first four goals.  Not their fault they were in the wrong spot at the wrong time. Scotland seemed to need a steadying hand every few minutes the way they held on to the French side.  Then, all of a sudden, their elbows would jerk up into the French sides faces and then their legs would go from under them and accidentally trip the French side up. Then, because of their bad memories, they couldn't explain their actions to the ref.  (and wasn't HE cute???) Scotland must have some maladie or other.  Mad Footballer's Disease?
  15. Redon?  I wonder why you thought that? Haven't you been paying attention all these years????[:D] Don't like Redon but the bit right slap bang in the middle at the traffic lights coming from Malestoit is pretty.  The old bit.  I pass by the new industrial estates on the way to Nantes so don't pass there now. Need your wellies in Redon....[;-)]
  16. I have never seen anyone 'dressed correctly' for a funeral until I went to FIL's. I like it best when you go to a dance or Fest Noz and the men are wearing blue combinations and wellies....
  17. What market?  What bus stop? (there is only one!) Why Josselin, of course.  Our Duc is Josselin de Rohan.  Right hand man or something. We have just been talking about the battle and just think, if Ségoléne wins, she can pick François to be her Prime Minister! Talk about keeping it in the family. Gilles thinks that she is too light weight and says don't forget Le Pen...
  18. Did you spot our Duc sat next to Sarky and opposit Dominique the other night on the news?  What a star! You often see him around the market.  I saw him stood waiting for the bus the other month. Bit pally with Jacques apparently.
  19. Well, I love IKEA.  Possibly because I only know the French variety. Anyway, 600 jobs is 600 jobs.  Not to be sniffed at if you are on the dole.
  20. They are doing it on purpose.  They know I am flitting! Just an article in the paper which talked about all the shop jobs that would be arriving.
  21. It is illigal in France.  There was a big hu-ha earlier this week.  (Can you tell I didn't really take any notice?) Ségoléne Royale was not born in France.  Was it the Gambia or Cameroon?  Anyway, she was there earlier this week.  Another story I didn't listen to... I'm hopeless.
  22. Hell, Miki.  You could have come here.  Shall I leave the door on the latch?[:D] Vannes is nice....  Josselin is better. SIL live in Neuphre le Chateau or somewhere like that.  Just ouside Paris.  She is known as The Duchess in the family....Apparantly it is a small village and she lives in a big longére.  She hasn't been there long but she has always lived close to Paris.  Doesn't like the country. We have got a Parisian coming to view here Friday afternoon.  Fingers crossed!
  23. Have a wonderfull time. Don't forget your brolly. We are off to Paris on Friday.  Chateau of SIL.  Best take some un-paint splashed clothes if I've got some.
  24. Jospin did Ségo a power of good the other day when he implied women weren't as good as men... Wonderfull. Then we had the dirty tricks with the papers publishing that her brother had blown up The Rainbow Warrior.  I can't be doing with her.  She ought to get herself married and be like us common lot.  Sinner! I think Sarky is more use in the street so to speak.  What good does a President do? Apart from Jacques, of course, who is a wonderfull man.  Sarky would be better toughening the laws and sorting out the delinquents. Apart from that, I couldn't care less.
  25. Never heard of a Victor.  I will keep my ears out. Can you hum it?[:D]
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