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Everything posted by Suandpete

  1. Our willow trees are doing the same thing at the moment.
  2. My husband spoke to Xaffinity who are the pension provider for the Navy and they say that his pension was treated as usual this month: it is supposed to be available in a UK bank account on the 4th and so they transferred it 3 working days beforehand; this time it took a whole week to reach our French account.  It would appear that someone is making a reasonable amount in interest from these transfers - I can transfer money from one UK account to another in minutes.....
  3. Oddly the Navy pension wasn't showing in our CA accout at 2230 last night but it was there at 0800 this morning!  Panic over.
  4. My husband receives a Forces pension and I receive an MOD one and both would normally be in our accounts (French for him and UK for me) by the 7th of the month but neither of us have received them yet.  Is anyone else having the same problem?
  5. Wow - where do you live?
  6. It's sold in 20 litre containers in all the supermarkets and bricos.
  7. Are you sure that you can't fly?  The cheapie airlines don't do it but I'm sure Air France or BA would do it - at a price!
  8. Just had a look at their web site and followed the link to their twitter page - they closed down at the end of May.
  9. The kitchen looks really good.   Does the cooker have a gas oven as well?  Very few seem to be available in white.
  10. Hi We are looking at replacing our gas cooker.  We have bought various items from Darty over the years and have no problems at all but they don't have a particularly good range of 90cm gas cookers.  Does anyone have any experience of buying anything from Ubaldi?  Or have you perhaps bought a cooker online and can recommend the company you bought from? Thanks in advance...
  11. Thanks Katie.  Frenchie - where is the Niort one?
  12. Suandpete

    english food

    Thanks ValB.  Quite a long way from here.  We do cure our own bacon and last time I tried English sausages I found them quite inferior to French ones - but maybe every once in a while for a change.....
  13. Suandpete

    english food

    Which Intermarche was it ValB?   
  14. I received one almost exactly the same - the part after: order information in the middle of the email is actually a link and I guess whoever sent it expects you to click on that link. I have also had about 5 dodgy emails today allegedly from paypal - I get them quite regularly but not normally this many.
  15. Hi The repair to the wall looks like a bigger job than we thought so we have submitted a claim anyway.  If the Pompiers do submit a bill it will be covered by the insurance.
  16. We live in the centre of a village and last night, during hurricane Xinthia, our lime tree fell down across our wall and onto the main road through the village.  It was fine at 3am and at 7am it was chain-sawed into big chunks!  it had fallen across the road and the pompiers had made it safe.   The wind was so noisy that neither we nor our two dogs heard the chain saw! We have maison and jardin assurance and may or may not decide to make a claim.  The wall is about 2 metres high and about 2 metres of it will need to be rebuilt but ny question is about the pompiers.  Presumably we can expect a bill for their call-out.  Does anyone have any experience of how much it is likely to be?   We have a franchise of 258 euros on our assurance and so will only claim if the costs are likely to be much more than that. thanls Su
  17. Or a French one: http://www.castorama.fr/store/Poulailler-Camelot-PRDm297106.html?navAction=jump&categoryId=&sortByValue=&isSearchResult=true
  18. If it's anything like the Saint Varent by-pass don't hold your breath!   Ours has been on-going for about 15 years with a selection of different routes being "flavour of the month" each year.  Every now and again we get the chance to vote on the alternatives and then it all goes back to the drawing board. Mind you, Chiché probably needs one more than us. Su
  19. We have had a few each year for the last three years - we just squash them as we find them and, touch wood, they dont appear to get any worse.
  20. Virevolter - to twirl around....perhaps a complete change?
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