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Everything posted by Catalpa

  1. Was it good for you? [:D] I loved it... it has real potential... really gripping.
  2. [quote user="woolybanana"]YCCMB, weren't you a mod over there under another name?[/quote] Genuinely rotfl [:-))]... and now covered in cat fluff... Gods, it would have been a better site if you had been, Betty... [:D]
  3. It's had very good reviews and if you like that sort of thing (I do [:D]) it sounds as if it'll definitely be worth watching.
  4. I think the chasse is your only legal option. They will probably (or should) dispatch the captive animal in the cage so no transportation is necessary. Bear in mind that if Mr N has not got his own licence to chasse (he's passed his exam etc) then it's illegal for him to be shooting anything. I don't suppose anyone locally will care but... Ensure your chasse doesn't put poison down for them - can be a very painful and drawn-out death and indiscriminate in what it kills. Can you scare them off? We have a couple of visiting ragondin for a few weeks each spring but they seem to object to us tramping round the pond so they eat some of the surrouding foliage, renovate a few existing holes and then disappear again.
  5. [quote user="BJSLIV"]By the time I remembered to continue the booking, I had to restart and the price had increased by another £30. [/quote] I've had that - I've got a quote for X and then the internet connection has failed before I've had time to complete the booking. When I try again, even just a few minutes later, the price has increased. I think it's cookie related. Either clear your cookies before starting again or use a different browser to the one used for the first attempt at booking. I normally use Firefox so I use Chrome to re-do the booking. This method has always delivered the original (lower) price.
  6. [quote user="Russethouse"]Why I or any other UK tax payer should subsidise Mick Philpotts life of arrogance, dogging and debauchery heaven knows - do you ? [/quote] But how do you provide support for the children without 'subsidising' the parents. I'm not entirely sure removing the children at birth is an option (who makes that judgement and on what criteria?) and apart from providing their children with abysmal adult role models, it appears from the little I've heard and read, the children were well-cared for and weren't truanters (is that a word?) and there were no concerns from social services (or anyone else) about their general welfare. Until... [:(]
  7. [quote user="Phoenix PR"]We post in this regional section deliberately and this is, of course, to reach local people. There is no point someone in Alsace getting excited about adopting an animal, to find out that the animal is in the Dordogne. [/quote] In the main adoption sub-forum, you could always include postcode and nearest large town in the subject thus managing the expectations of potential adopters... Beautiful labrador x urgently needs home - 46005 Cahors
  8. Katie !! How nice to see you. How was Paris? I remember KKK... but I can't now remember what it stood for... [:$] E2A: KatieKopyKat (or something like that!) Twinkle, Tressy and Just Katie. Those were the days... or daze... [:D]
  9. [quote user="Pierre ZFP"]You wouldn't have a bit of buffalo horn would you? say about the size of your thumb? [/quote] I haven't - my Ouessants are about a twentieth the size of a buffalo [:D] but a quick Google delivered this website: http://www.highlandhorn.com/buffalo-horn/1.htm
  10. When a couple of our ram lambs relocated permanently to cooler climes, I had the horns back and have since made some horn buttons and toggles (with the tips). I'm rather pleased with them. Probably the lambs had been, too. [6] I don't have so many that they need sorting, though. One day, perhaps... What will you be making your buttons from, Betty?
  11. [quote user="You can call me Betty"]If, as a member of the Royal Family, the Government, the "A" list or for that matter a bog-standard member of the public, you can't expect privacy in your own front garden or in a secluded place without some (*^()_!! taking your photograph, then the world is really going mad.[/quote] Indeed. [quote user="You can call me Betty"]I think it odd that people feel the need to "remind" us that there's famine, war and destruction going on in the world. Is this based on an assumption that because people choose to have a discussion on a particular topic, they have no knowledge of, or interest in other subjects? Or is it because they feel a need to establish some sort of moral or intellectual superiority? [/quote] I think it is exactly that - and yet... they are spending their valuable, sought-after time reading and responding to a thread on a subject about which they care nothing. Allegedly. People are endlessly interesting. My opinion is that peeping toms / voyeurs should be prosecuted.
  12. [quote user="ericd"][quote user="KathyF"] So the fact that they are already targets somehow makes this no big deal? And if it was someone you loved whose privacy had been similarly invaded - would this still be no big deal? I think you should be ashamed of yourself! [/quote]   I am not ashamed at all, as this doesn't bother me one yota. Please do get a life, there are people dying of hunger in Africa, what are you doing about it? [/quote] Wow. It's rare to see such a spectacular and comprehensive own goal. Hoist. Petard. Much?
  13. [quote user="cooperlola2"]You may see me on here from time to time, but don’t expect the quality that Deb delivered. That has gone for good.[/quote] I hope we do see you here (though I can't talk having been an infrequent visitor / contributor over the past few years) but you should have no fears about delivering quality. This tribute was fascinating and sad in equal parts; and so beautifully written. The quality is there, be in no doubt about that.
  14. I'm so sorry. In her contributions to forums, Deb had a very distinct "voice". I liked that voice and I'll miss it. My condolences.
  15. [quote user="Russethouse"]...we are all anxious for Coops, and for you too, sometimes I think it's much harder for the loved ones... [/quote] So do I. Those that are ill have no choice but to get on with what their illness will bring and I think somehow the body and brain cooperate so that gradually the brain only processes what it can cope with. I can't explain that very well but I've seen it with several seriously ill people. They were really quite serene despite severely difficult situations. Whereas those that love, comfort and wait have far more to cope with and often feel so helpless because they can "only" be a support... welcome though I know that love, support and companionship is. Best wishes to Deb and look after yourself, Ian. the nurses at the hospital sound very practical and kind.
  16. [quote user="woolybanana"]Oh Mr Pooksie, what can I say except b ugger b ugger b ugger, it is so unfukinfair. You are both in my thoughts[/quote] It's rare the banana can say what I think but this time he has. Of all those who something like this should never happen to... well, Deb heads that queue. I'm so sorry life can be so unkind. My very best wishes to you both, little though that is.
  17. 5-E has said everything I would like to say (and better) so can only echo her words above. Best wishes to you both.
  18. Now is the time to prune walnut trees - the worst time is early spring as the tree is becoming active again and the wound bleeds sap. However, if you want to prune after the wanuts have dropped that's fine too - just do it before it gets really cold so say by November.
  19. Bother. [:(] Not the news I expected to see when I signed in this morning. Sorry you're both having to go through this again but very glad that Deb is back where she needs to be. Very best wishes to you both and I have things crossed in the hope of good news in the next day or two.
  20. We have bought most of our more recent appliances from a sort of small warehouse distributor in Wiltshire - a family business. They stock many of the obvious brands of most things but avoid those brands they don't trust because they offer an after sales and repair service too and they prefer to sell stuff that doesn't often need repairing. They are particularly pro Miele and Bosch. They don't sell Dyson because the machines are too unreliable and getting spares takes ages. The Dysons built in the original Malmesbury factory were generally excellent; when Dyson moved manufacture to the Malaysia (I think) after a falling out with the local council about planning, the quality and reliability took a nosedive from which it has never recovered. I still use an ancient Miele - a heavy cylinder jobbie about 25 years old - and a Lidl bagless thing (about 70€) that is good enough on tiled floors but doesn't cope well with animal hair. I do save a fortune each year on bags, however and it's easy enough to empty the container regularly.
  21. Chortle. [:D] How are you Betty? Are you under involuntary house confinement at the moment or are you relatively unaffected by the 'Lympics borough closures?
  22. Gorges de l'Ardèche - though not particularly accessible from where you are. Stunning, though. We drove along the river one day years ago when we were staying just south of Le Puy-en-Velay... my favourite town in France.
  23. [quote user="Will"]I also remember that he used the forum for a personal crusade against a hotel (which I don't think was even in France) where he had stayed and had a bad experience.[/quote] Gods, I remember that. It was a hotel in the US, I think. This thread is proving to be a real trip down memory lane. [blink] The Green forum - one where roses flourish, if I understand you correctly* - came about when Finlay (and Monica) sold out ([;-)]) to NHM but over the intervening years there have been subsequent breakouts from the asylum and there are at least two other forums I can think of that have been started by the disgruntled and possibly disenfranchised (and neither of those was the one so successfully populated by Refugees). [:-))] * and that's another forum I've not been for years. I had used to enjoy looking at the pics in their photo competition, though. And HWH is still a hero of mine.
  24. [quote user="Boiling a frog"]It is now reached the stage where Mods are fighting amongst themselves. One Mod has been dismissed and banned from the forum with no explanation,so for us mere mortals the signs are not good .[/quote] I've not been on that forum for months but suddenly I feel the need to visit... ... though probably not to post.
  25. Welcome to France, Pads. [:D] Glad you spotted Jasper. Maybe he's just destined to be an outdoor cat - till winter, anyway. Could you send Normandy some of your sun? Please?
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