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Everything posted by DaveLister

  1. I always thought this, but not the case it would appear!! So, in other words, a Chinese whisper 😂
  2. Meanwhile in Belgium https://www.politico.eu/article/belgium-far-right-election-extremist-landslide-elections-in-europe-results-2024/ In my little village the vote was three to one for Bardella. More interestingly the village next door which has always been hard left has now swung to the right.
  3. https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-european-election-results-2024-emmanuel-macron-dissolve-parliament-france/ As the Chinese say ' May you live in interesting times'.
  4. Nope, lost that right post Brexit. Have kept my electoral card though. It'll save them having to issue a new one when we rejoin.😉
  5. Well you're in the right area. What specifically are you looking for ?
  6. According to the local paper there was a 'duck fishing' competition at the end where people were encouraged to don their swimming costumes and collect as many ducks as possible.
  7. I would suggest that anybody interested in seeing the REAL Trump should watch one of the Anthony Baxter documentaries.
  8. The only people not afraid of a second Trump term are the Christian right who are banking on him for the Armageddon.
  9. Unfortunately they can't. They'd still have to protect him in prison. That's the job.
  10. Personally I hope he doesn't get a jail service. His secret service detail already has to deal with so much. Community service on the other hand.........
  11. Although, one has to say, with one of the best theme tunes in the last decade.
  12. Not sure whether this will change your mind. Another version of this years UK's Eurovision entry.
  13. I think that ship has sailed. As someone who learnt their first rap over 45 years ago, I've never really considered it music either. More like rhythmical poetry.
  14. Not this time I suspect. For a start both the Netherlands and Belgium broadcasters are seriously pi55ed off by the attitude of the Eurovision chief Martin Osterdahl. Secondly participating artists are already coming forward with stories of the toxic atmosphere backstage. The E.B.U. are monetizing Eurovision like crazy yet still expecting the PSB's to pay the costs of hosting ( or even participating in ) the event. As you say,it's all about the money, and why should public service broadcasters fork out for a show that you can watch, for free, live on YouTube.
  15. I agree regarding Doctor Who. As far as Eurovision is concerned, I reckon that's the last one we'll ever see. Considering what was going behind the scenes, I surprised it made it to air at all. You shouldn't have to threaten artists to make them go out on stage. Petra Mede's an old hand but you could see the tension in her face throughout the entire show. Even Graham Norton sounded like he was commentating on a funeral. Like it or not the LGBT community have been propping up the show for years. By treating them ( and their artists ) with contempt, Eurovision have just lost their last major audience. I predict a rival company ( Netflix? ) will come up with something similar in the near future and Eurovision ( and possibly even the E.B.U. ) will be consigned to the trash. Frankly, after this week, they deserve it.
  16. Slightly annoyed that I missed nature's great light show last night. On the plus side it's been very quiet this morning and there are some nice new plants arrived in the garden. .
  17. DaveLister

    On the flat

    Lovely pictures. Know the area well as I've family in Varades and normally stay in the logis at Montjean. Beautiful part of the country.
  18. I find that most days I can either receive BBC news or Sky news but not both at the same time. One tip, when parliament is in recess, BBC news is run on the parliament channel so that's another way of receiving it.
  19. What has she got in her mouth? ( please tell me that's not her tongue ).
  20. Yes sorry, it sounds like the weather. Rain and heavy clouds will do it. Plus if you have any trees blocking your line of sight they will be beginning to come into leaf.
  21. How are you watching, satellite or internet? I'm on satellite & everything's fine.
  22. I wonder why you are now coming up on their radar.
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