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Everything posted by grumpyaudeman

  1. Hi Our first home in France 1996 for 8 years was close to Objat near Brive a lovely area The best times here in France is when the Swallow like Brits flock off home
  2. Hi Quote from Jonzjob The spirit, not the kind you chuck down yer neque, is a form of energy. As we all know, energy can't be destroyed, changed yes, but never destroyed. So when you pop-yer-clogs your spirit reformed to pure energy and will re-emerge as something different. Energy isn't alive or dead it just is. Therefore there can't be life after death, but your spirit will return. Maybe as a tree or anything. Nature is such a wonderful thing init Can I have a reference /proof that a " the spirit" exists and it is a known form of energy (let alone pure whats that ) because I suggest your argument has no foundation
  3. Hi Easter is from Eastre , from Eostre whose sacred animal was a Hare. Rabbits have nothing to do with this festival As for one poor soul, it was not happy Easter but who said hang on to those buns I will be back on Monday
  4. Hi The Mr Bricolage in Quillan/ Limoux are the worst Mr Bricolages I have ever come across I now never bother to go them but leg it to Leyroy Merlin /Brico depot Carcassonne/ Perpignan an hour away to visit their unfilled expensive shelves locally its just not worth the effort
  5. I agree with Idun 20 years back I moved to France yes it was cheap in the Correze £20,000 we left 10 years later for another area sold the house with just £2,000 of works for 135,000 Euros the entire village is now inhabited by none French families In the Pays Basque our next home prices were expensive and few non French residents and very few unemployed personal, it took a while but we sold up with a little profit Now we are in the Aude its Correze time again cheap properties many Brits Americans and Aussies and dying villages In some towns there are young teenagers demanding money from you in the street
  6. This made me smile a way to get around French resistance http://deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws.english/News/1.2267618 There is a plan B I will love to see one in France
  7. Would it be cheaper to fell the pines and not spend so much time and effort trying to stick your finger in a d%ke (its been deleted but its the opposite of a ditch ) What ever measures you use to eradicate these creatures will not work if pine trees are nearby After 19 years my dogs and me and my wife have not suffered any problems despite living with them, yes they are dangerous but many other things are harmful but just be careful in their presence
  8. Just looked in on FE its sad that its gone down hill Once it was great but the interesting posters have long gone I am proud to have been banned for life under different names 3 times now I had a pop at one of the admin last week and it was deleted in 5 minutes but reinstated and replied to 12 hours later they must be desperate The response below suggested I needed education strange as I have lived in France for 18 years Well, I could show you the best cafes, or where to park your boat, or get an education, or where Waitrose is or many other things. Neville
  9. Heard this today on the radio 4 A Sunderland foot ball team had a kick about with a Hedgehog By the time the RSPCA arrived it was winning 3 nil
  10. "HoneySuckleDreams wrote But from today in Luxembourg diesel is now down to €1.07 a litre....cheaper than Listerine 1.02 euros in Andorra last week
  11. I am about 50 metres from the Aude and its dropping but what a noise and the crap floating down
  12. Quillan said "I don't know what all the fuss is about anyway, I would like some rain, I am still watering the garden." Not sure why you need to water the garden, I, unlike you live in Quillan and it has rained in the last week what are you growing that needs extra water
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