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Everything posted by Rabbie

  1. When I first started driving in the 1960s the cars I drove had a comfortable cruising speed of about 50 mph  but now cars have a much higher cruising speed and are perfectly happy cruising at the legal maximum or above. So for older drivers it often does not feel as fast as it is. I think it is more important that drivers are watching the road rather than the speedometer so it is not a question of dangerous inattention. Also there are some roads near us where the the speed limit seems to be set unreasonably low - for example a long straight stretch of dual carriageway with a limit of 50mph with no exits or exits except at the ends. It also seems a little bizarre to have a main road restricted to 40 mph with narrow roads leading off with only the national limit of 60mph What worries me more are drivers who are overtaking in unsuitable places even though they may be within the speed limits.
  2. [quote user="lilly"]We are wanting to sell our beautiful 6 year old bungalow in Lesterps, near Confolons, our tenants are moving out, does anyone know how long houses are taking to sell at the moment and also is there any web sites that may do house swop? I would consider swopping our house in France for one in England[/quote]As in general property is cheaper in france than in England you may find that you either have to give the English person some cash as well or accept a smaller property in England if you go down the Swapping route
  3. You will find a lot of helpful information in this thread http://services.completefrance.com/forums/completefrance/cs/forums/2996693/ShowPost.aspx
  4. Thanks very much for the replies. It looks like the weather in Normandy has been similar to ours here. Lots and lots of rain and very little frost. I wanted to know if that were the case this winter as we were over viewing properties with land this week and it helps to put their soddenness in to context if you know how much rain there has been. Still looking - the land was fine but the houses we were looking at were a bit small for our taste
  5. Thanks for your replies. I was hoping that someone living there might reply in the absence of official figures
  6. I would be very grateful if someone could let me know how much rain there has been the last 3 months in Basse-Normandie or point me in the direction of a website where I can get this information. My google searches have just given me average figures which is not what I am looking for
  7. There is often a fine line between somebody taking a friendly interest and being "snooped" on. Sometimes it seems that neighbours are so nervous about being thought "snoopy" that they ignore warning signs that something tragic has happened. People are different in this respect. I am happy in my own company when Mrs R is away while she gets lonely quite easily if I am away. We are both not very sociable people and but provided we have each other then no problems.
  8. [quote user="Russethouse"]Dare I mention Gareth Malone ? I really enjoy the programs but since If I hit a note its a fluke and I suspect I am tone deaf it may not be much of a recommendation[/quote]I suspect you are not tone deaf. People who are genuinely tone deaf don't seem to get any pleasure from listening to music.
  9. The reader may have  been misled by the commas and other punctuation at the end of each line. At school we were told to continue straight to the next line where there was no punctuation other wise pause for a count of 1 for a comma, 2 for a semi colon, 3 for a colon and 4 for a fullstop.   I agree in this case it is better to continue as you said
  10. [quote user="Cendrillon"]Exactly!  Richard Why is the Spam post still on here? [/quote]I reported it as spam to the mods yesterday lunchtime so I am baffled that it is still there especially because Quillan (a mod) has cpmmented on it. Perhaps he didn't consider it Spam
  11. [quote user="Quillan"]Sort of makes a joke of the OECD results doesn't it. I mean they (Indians) are supposed to do better than English and French kids but NOT obviously when it comes to geography unless France and the UK have suddenly become a part of the Indian subcontinent and nobody told us. [/quote]Mind you many English people are seriously challenged on the geography front. Many seem to have a very vague idea of where towns less than 100 miles away are. They also seem to have problems distinguishing between Switzerland and Sweden.
  12. I agree, Finding a house is difficult especially in a foreign country. So far it has taken us 3 years of looking to find  the right one and that will take a lot of work to get it the way we want it. Currently waiting for quotes for the work that we want before putting in an offer.
  13. Since the OP posted over 9 years ago I suspect she has found her curtains
  14. Really enjoyed last night's performance. My only small criticism was that the promenaders at then end did not sing the correct lyrics to "Auld Lang Syne". The last lines of the chorus should be "For Auld lang syne" and not "For sake of auld land syne". Still a minor quibble and a very enjoyable evening. See this link for more information
  15. After giving this some thought I think the main problem is not too many animal rescue posts but not enough other posts. The forum seems to be going through a quiet spell just now which is a pity but this happens from time to time and I am sure it will pick up again soon
  16. I think that it is helpful to have the animal rescue posts in regional threads. This means you can look for a rescue pet relatively close to home and ignore ones too far away
  17. [quote user="Cappicenno"]If I would buy a residence in France. I could get the authorization to live in france as a residence? Is that true? Do you have any details about that law ? Thanks for your help.[/quote]You will get better advice if you tell us what nationality you are. I would advise you to check with the French Embassy or the nearest French Consulate in your home country
  18. SW17, you made your self very clear to me at least. I was however a bit perplexed by Idun's reference to Mistral as a translation "blowing like the clappers"
  19. This link suggests it might be cheaper to buy in UK if you can
  20. [quote user="NormanH"]http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/philip-hensher/philip-hensher-will-nobody-mourn-the-death-of-classical-music-7766906.html[/quote]How very depressing[:(]
  21. [quote user="nomoss"]Oh, those apostrophe's![/quote]So many former greengrocers[:D]
  22. [quote user="NormanH"]And what a pity there was a dumb blonde talking over the music  as poor old Roger Norrington was conductiinng the Amen... Talking of Byrd did I give you this link...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjjDwoh0h0M [/quote]Pedants' Corner : If the blonde was dumb how could she be talking?[8-)]
  23. Glad you have had 30 years more and continuing[:)]
  24. I am sure that's the reason. Primroses obviously can't take the cold winters.
  25. [quote user="andyh4"] [quote user="simi90"]. I'm not from here, I'm from Denmark! And over,there these kind of flowers do not exist,[/quote]   Oh yes they do.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Primrose   From the Pharoe Islands and Norway to Portugal and East to the Ukraine and Turkey.   As someone else posted by taking these you deprive everone else of them not just for this year but forever, since they will not produce seed and create next year's plants.   Just three, suppose I came to your house and took away just three items - I think you would be justified in calling me a thief. [/quote]I have just checked in my Swedish Flower book and there is no mention of Primula Vulgaris which suggests to me that they are not found in Sweden so maybe not in Denmark either. I do remember being told by a Swede when I was living there that they did not have primroses.I have seen good displays of wild Cowslips however
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