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  1. You could try the pan on something to isolate it from the hob.  Maybe an ally ring? Aluminium will block the passage of the induced magnetic field and eddy currents though so you would need to make it small.  Or have some feet to put the pan on.  You would only need it to be a couple of mm above the glass.
  2. Thanks for the tip. Yes Julie quite likes the Californian Rosé, not quite as nice as the Zinfandel but good enough.  I think we shall have to try the other one from Aldi next time we pass a shop, the nearest one to us is in the other town to the one we normally shop at. To be fare John, I can see her point, it it a bit sour, even when cut with some lemonade.
  3. My god, that's huge.  It's even wearing boots. I new the title would get you looking Coops[:D] The poor thing got run over just after the photo was taken.  I am not joking, I have never seen a worm bleed before.
  4. Worm that is.  And no, that's not a toy hammer [IMG]http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u263/crossy67/IMG00070-20120419-0902.jpg[/IMG]
  5. Thanks a lot Pip, good name by the way[;-)]
  6. Has anyone ever seen a seedless grape vine for sale in France?  I love grapes and would gladly eat my own weight in them if I could find them sans pépins. 
  7. They have a really nice French Bordeaux at the moment, it's called Les Gravettes.  It's a little too nice if you know what I mean, open it and before you know it it's gone.  They stock a nice Rioja to called Cepa Lebbrel but obviously that's Spanish not French.
  8. Lidle have stopped selling Julie's favourite Californian Zinfandel by the looks of things so we are trying to find a French equivalent.  We are buying a couple of different bottles to try every time we go shopping but they end up in the sink.  Any one know of a sweet and fruity rosé similar to the white Zinfandel please?
  9. The original plan was to burn them but the colour, oh the colour!  They are a beautiful rich dark oak with stunning grain pattern.  I did look at some "seasoned" oak but it's way lighter than what I have.  I know they are going to be a bit of fuss and may not even be much cheaper than buying new but the 150 year old colour just can't be bought. I have burned some of the ends I cut off, they weren't rotten at all being the ends that sat in the I beams.  They were really hard to get burning, it was a bit of a joke that we would put one on the fire if we wanted to put the fire out.
  10. Now that's the sort of idea I like.  It involves fire, danger and it might just work.  Good man!  Could we ad something explosive too
  11. Problem with this method is the nails are quite rotten and snap off at the surface so you can't pull them very hard.
  12. The beams are two meters long, I would make a bench to support both ends.  I realise it might sound a bit obsessive but they really are that nice.  I'm going to a local wood yard next week to ask nicely.  The nails are  in a neatish line down the middle so they would be cutting with plenty of clearance either side of them.  Fingers crossed.
  13. Ahhh, just found another site that lists the circular saw as 66mm and the chain attachment as 190mm. 
  14. Surely that can't be right?  66mm is less than 3", the circular bit looks bigger than that and the chain bit looks much bigger than the circular saw blade.  I think some more investigation might be in order.  Thanks for that Alex. Anyone had any experience with these saws?  I was thinking of getting a band saw and bringing it back with me from the UK when I visit as it might be a bit easier to sell on when I have finished with it.
  15. Hi. We have replaced a lot of old oak beams due to them being eaten by wood worm where they sat in the sockets in the wall, on most it's only the end 12" that are effected.  I want to re use the wood to make beds, the wood cleans up beautifully being very dark with a gorgeous grain.  I am having a few problems though.  There are rusty nails embedded in the top of the joists, some I can get out, some I can't.  Any one have any ideas on removing them?  It's not a deal breaker but it does make my next task awkward.  The joists are 75x175mm, I can loose 25mm off the top making them 150x75 but this doesn't go deep enough to get rid of the pesky nails.  I also want them cutting down their length into 22mmx150mm planks, this is where I am really struggling.  I could take them to a wood yard and ask them to do it for me but with the nails still in I doubt they would touch the job, even though the nails are in the middle of the beam and they would be cutting either side of them with about 10mm clearance.  I would be more than happy to buy a table saw or band saw to do the job if I had to but finding one that will cut 150mm is harder than I thought.  I have looked in the UK but anything that big is a huge piece of equipment and I'd need a trailer to get it back, a lot of hassle. I know I could easily buy seasoned oak but it wouldn't be from our house, it wouldn't have the same colour or grain and I'm sure ours won't change shape being 150 years old.  These joists clean up lovely with a deep rich colour and grain. Any ideas please? Thanks. Ian
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