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notice of intent from neighbour to alter exterior wall


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Thus far, Bettyboo, we have you riding down the Mall, naked on a camel, trying desperately to get some cover for your nakedness from a child's dressing gown and being admired by a lot of building chaps who you in turn are secretly slavering over, and holding a large banner which says 'I will not mention ze damp to ze saurkraut'.

Could you please have a sanity check?I suggest you try Mr Corbyn who has about as much brain as a retired, stuffed crocodile and the scruples of a piranha, wrapped up in a nice plain speaking charade, whilst his minions stuff and destroy those who oppose him by means you aint ever heard of yet.
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I may be a little off-centre in the sanity stakes, Mr Banana, but I'm not bad enough (nor ever will be, I hope) to seek advice on my mental state from a politician of any persuasion. Except, possibly, Mad Boris, who I am considering employing as my stylist.
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