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Where do I start !*!!?

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Bonjour tout le monde!

Just registered to day and I'm hoping to find some inspiration and a huge amount of help from you knowledgeable people.....!!

I'll try to keep this as breif as possible so you don't fall asleep before I finish!

My husband and I are planning to retire in about 7/8 years time and after many happy trips to France are considering retiring to France.  I won't bore you with all the reasons why as I'm sure those of you who have already undertaken this step will be only too familiar with them.

Anyway, having just returned from a trip around the Marquenterre/St Valery area I think we've finally found the ideal area for us to consider. It's ideal from all sorts of points of view not least because of the reasonable traveling distance back to blighty ( we have numerous children, grandchildren etc.,)  Given that retirment is some way off do you have any top tips for what we should be doing now before that day comes? and any "cons" against such an idea.  Also any issues that are likely to arise (changes in legislation, health care etc.,) in the short to medium furture that we may need to take into account before finally making a decision?

We're  keen to go into this with our eyes wide open and remove the rose tinted spectacles that we have probably viewed France through so far.  I appreciate living in france and making it your home 365 days a year is a world apart from having holidays so some feedback from those of you who have experienced both sides would be very welcome, no matter how depressing (honest!)  

I appreciate this shotish post covers a welter of information but I really need a place to start from.

Merci beaucoup!


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Bonjour TeaTime

Have you tried browsing this forum - I know it's huge but there are FAQ's and you can search for specific queries.  Meanwhile, read everything you can about France, make sure your French is as fluent as you can get it and consider going on a "Living in France" style seminar.

Good luck

Chrissie (81)

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Welcome to the Forum!  I'd echo Chrissie's advice to really learn French.  6 or 7 years is ample time to imerse yourself in some French culture - the internet can provide you with so much and there is masses of free or close to free help to be had. In 6 years you will be fantastic!

Whatever your current hobbies are commit to begin pursuing/reading/studying them in French, subscribe to the french-equivilant magazine of your favourite read, get some language cds for the car, find a penfriend, watch dvds in french (with english subtitles ... or though not as good; vice versa), listen to french radio online, buy french books, read french websites etc etc

It may sound like obvious common sense but your life here will be so enriched by being able to chat freely with other people (not just "get by") - whether that is finding stuff out, making friends, enjoying theatre/tv/movies/newspapers/books, troubleshooting, "getting" jokes, joining clubs etc etc.

Secondly be really sure why you are moving.  If your "why" is compelling enough all the (usually quite minor in hindsight) problems that are likely to spring up will be easily dealt with and won't throw you off track.  Make a list of your reasons and then write a few paragraphs why each of those reasons is important to you.

Enjoy the journey! Warm wishes,


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I would echo the advice about the language - we have recently bought a house in France and hope in the future to be able to spend increasing amounts of time there. But it is immediately apparent that the fact we speak French adequately for day to day purposes is helping us settle in and be accepted.

You don't say where you live in the UK but I have taken up french lessons at the Institut Francais in South Kensington and would recommend it if you are able to get there. They make sure you are placed in the right level of lesson, (slightly daunting 'test' to do first to assess your level but worth doing if it means you are in a class that really suits you, whether relative beginner or more advanced).  But apart from the technicalities of the language, I have also learnt a huge amount about French culture and ways of doing things by having a friendly French teacher who answers my idiot questions week by week! 

I think the Alliance Francaise may have similar classes elsewhere in the UK if you are not able to get to London.

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