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No Chris, just a case of handbags, but it will soon go down the pan [Www]

I think it's been a case of supply and answer, then find out what the question was?

15k? But it is a large tank and normally in a lovely shade of green plastique [blink]

"How can it just go out to the land, hows that work?"

Big field, saves the farmer muck spreading init [:-))]

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[quote user="dave21478"]Nobody cares what YOU would budget for it you fcking imbecile - thats of no help whatsoever to the guy asking the question is it?[/quote]

You have added nothing to this thread other than let other members know you are rude.
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Surely the OP needs to get a builder to study the terrain, the slope of the land etc, and to quote for a fosse septique? SPANC only come and inspect the functioning of an existing fosse.

I can't believe that the WC waste just pours onto the land. Maybe there is a "fosse étanche" (cess pit)? That is a sort of holding tank that has to be pumped out several times a year; we used to have one in our earliest house, and the "grey water" from kitchen and shower just dribbled out into the ditch. But that was in the 1960s...

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"I just logged on using a phone to say the same thing. Not a happy bunny. I don't do phones and it is harder than it looks.

Read the thread again, davey, I have tried to help the OP and bounce ideas. You, you just moan. "

Oh, you are not happy? well boo fcking hoo for you.

Read the thread yourself, you have pulled a figure out of your arse without the faintest idea about anything at all, done nothing but tell him he should move to a town with mains drains and talked rubbish about a subject you know nothing about, which is ironic since you and septic tanks share the common point of being full of sh1t.

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[quote user="Loiseau"]Surely the OP needs to get a builder to study the terrain, the slope of the land etc, and to quote for a fosse septique? SPANC only come and inspect the functioning of an existing fosse[/quote]

Is that all they do nowadays, Angela?  Of course with the fosses in both of our houses, anything to do with fosses was still under the authority of the water board.

For both fosses, the "expert" came to the house, did soil tests, studied the terrain and came back with drawings of suitable systems for the houses.

Then, we got quotes from fosse construction firms and had them built to the design provided.  The first house shared a fosse with the neighbouring property and we opted to build our own.  The present did have a fosse but it was not possible to discover where it was so the then owner had a new one built.

I wouldn't be too harsh on ALBF over this one folk.  Depending on which type of fosse, the cost can vary.  For example, if you didn't have the land and needed one of those micro épuration systems, the cost can be quite high.  For the fosse we built in our first house, we lacked enough suitable land in the front of the property and so we had to have a pump to get the waste water to the back of the house and there were a fair few metres of pipes required.  We opted for the best and most expensive pump, a Flyght, and the total cost for a 3000 litre system came to, I think, about 10k and that was 10 years ago.

A neighbour at the present property had one put in which cost over 11k because they had a very restricted courtyard and there were special requirements.  Yet another only paid 7k because there was suitable land and access was simple.

Still, the OP must have lots of land as the property is in the middle of nowhere and maybe only a basic system is all that is required.

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@ Dave

If you take on a renovation in France YOU HAVE to over budget.

If the house has no fosse, the chances are the whole house needs to be redone. Wiring, plumbing, windows, insulation, floors, and everything else that comes with it.

If you try and budget precisely for certain things then it will all end in tears. I bet most people who move to France go way over their budget with their renovations.

I would rather plan for 15 k and spend 8 k than the other way around.

Who knows how much it will cost. Who knows if it can be done.

I said right from the start that the owner of the house has to undertake a diagnostic for the sanitation before selling the house. The results of this diagnostic will tell the OP for FREE what needs to be done. You never know, there might be a servitude running through the garden and it can't be done. Who knows.

However, if it can be done I bet it won't cost more than 15k. So I am bang on. I thank you.

If you worried about the difference of 7k during a full restoration in France, then don't take one on. There are cheaper fully renovated houses on the market....many on mains sewage. Imagine that.

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Thats a perfect example right there.

Surely no real person can be this unaware....this oblivious to how pompously arrogant and clueless they are? You MUST be trolling....its the only explanation.

The guy asked a question.....a pretty dumb question, I would say, but thats not the point. If you had said "Get the diagnostics done and budget 15k, that would have been not unreasonable. You have NO IDEA AT ALL about the house or its situation, so your reply is uninformed and he could have taken your advice with however much salt he wanted.

But no, its been discourse on how terrible tanks are, massive assumptions about his budget and the state of the house and how only idiots would choose to live in the countryside and everyone should buy a house with mains sewage.

Time to stop posting.

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Now, what questions do you ask when you don't know what questions to ask?

My other favorite is. The only dum question is the one you don't ask.

"Surely no real person can be this unaware..."

Why not? You seem to be unaware that some of us don't know all the answers and very often don't even know where to start looking. If I had had that attitude with my customers when I worked for IBM then I would have been out of a job toot-flamin-sweet. So please try to be aware that some are niave at some things?

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You only need 5 sqm of land now for a micro system. The cost is around 8000 euros. Personally I would have thought the original question is a wind up. Four bedrooms, three shower rooms and no drainage, it is possible but un likely.
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Hi Ok

Donot let the bemoaners put you off it`s a Doable DIY job ,I live Parthenay way Chiche..

The formulae is 145 lts per person and you must have a 3 day stock ...so 3 double bedroomed house is 6 (people ) x 145 x 3 =2610 ltr tank plus a 25m3 sand filter


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I guess it could be a wind up thread. Well Dave certainly got wound up anyway. It only takes two seconds to Google and find the answer.

If it is not, then my hunch is that the house is connected to mains sewage and there is a breakdown of communication with the owner. You can't have that much sanitation in a house discharging waste water into nowhere.

And please can no one mention IBM (OR eeebm) on a French forum again.
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There you go with the assumptions again.

Im not wound up in the slightest - I find your posts to be funny. However I genuinely cant tell if you really are this oblivious to yourself or if it is trolling.

aaaand again with the assumptions - you have NO IDEA what the guys drainage situation is, and believe me there are plenty of houses all across France just pouring sewage into a field or ditch....I can name at least 4 in this small commune here.

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One of the meanings for IBM, a very good firm to work for in my day, was Involountary Bowel Movement which might well be appropriat for this thread [8-|]

I assume that assumptions are always wrong then? I thought that it was that generalisations were always wrong [:-))]

When we lived in Villemoustassou we thought that we werer on a fosse and there was one in the garden, but it had been bypassed and connected to the mains. There had been a blockage and it din arf confuse the plumber .

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The post is not a wind-up but a real question from someone that has never come across a fosse or the lack of one before.

I do feel some of you need to get-out more and spend some time socializing as you seem to lack some people skills.

Thank you to everyone that has try to generally help.



Only a fool thinks he knows all where as a wise man will ask many question.
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If you go to your mairie, they should have a list of "approved" fosse installers in your area.  They generally have good local knowledge and should be able to give you the ball park figure that you are after.

Though I still think my first suggestion is the best.  Get an inspection done and get a quote, have a clause suspensive in the compromis and go from there.

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Chris, is the house lived in ?

Are you trying to budget the renovation in order to work out the right offer for the place ?

You know, in France a common way of doing this (if it is a complete renovation) is to just multiply the Sq metres of the house by 1k - 1.5 k euros. 100sq metres = 100k- 150k Euros renovation. That is how architects do it.

Now work out the market price for said house renovated 'tastefully' in that area.

Then deduct the two. That is your offer....Ish.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Chris, is the house lived in ?

Are you trying to budget the renovation in order to work out the right offer for the place ?

You know, in France a common way of doing this (if it is a complete renovation) is to just multiply the Sq metres of the house by 1k - 1.5 k euros. 100sq metres = 100k- 150k Euros renovation. That is how architects do it.

Now work out the market price for said house renovated 'tastefully' in that area.

Then deduct the two. That is your offer....Ish.[/quote]

At the moment it's used as a holiday get-away by a English family, the family have owned it for over 40yrs.

Yes trying to work out the cost of the work needed and my only stumbling block is the cost of the fosse.

That's very interesting figure not far off from what I had worked out so-far.


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