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isolation pour 1 euro?


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Anyone else been approached to have this done?  Apparently it is a programme being rolled out under loi Pope to help people insulate their roofs and sou sols.

I have seen notices outside a number of houses when out on my walks advertising this service.

Complete scam, too good to be true or a real money-saving offer?

Any thoughts or, better still, any real experiences to recount?

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This 1 euro rubbish selling makes my blood boil!!!

For many months now I (and many others I am sure) have had relentless phone calls offering this service. Yesterday for example I had 14 calls and today I have had 9 and counting. They stop about 8pm....

I have gone ex directory but still they come. I have answered calls and "politely" explained I don't want this but still they call.. Apart from ripping the phone out of the wall I really don't know what else to do. I have left the phone off the hook at certain times of the day but then missed important hospital calls. I can't win!!!

If this was anywhere else it would be classed as harassment and intimidation.

Real experiences.

Some friends had this done. They are in rented accommodation and the owner organised it. Polish gentlemen turned up who were very polite and pleasant, but when they had gone my friend went into his sous-sol to find they had put insulation on the ceiling covering all the lights completely !!! Surely a fire hazard, if the lights were left on for any length of time!!

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I have a small area of the roof that is not insulated but it was apparently too small for the people to bother with. The phone calls have stopped largely though but then I have told most of them to sod off.

My French neighbours waned me to be careful as there have been a significant number of arnaques but what they are I dunno.

If you have a decent size loft to get done, it should be OK but check with neighbours on the company, maybe and that there are no tricks to try and increase the cost.Not sure about cellars as I d9nt have any.
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The answer seems to be that if you approach a reliable, local company then they will know all about it .. they won't approach you, you need to approach them. They will do a good, reliable job and you will pay just a €1

The ones who ring you are scammers .. so don't go there.

My aged friend .. who is in Hospital at present .. had 10 such identifiable calls yesterday .. all scammers I have no doubt as the Tel numbers were so closely aligned .. and none of them were local ?.
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I have my 'phone set to go to answerphone after 10 seconds so that I can select who I want to respond to, but sometimes inadvertently pick up and get someone who rattles off some shpiel about insulation.

I tell them I have already insulated my house and that I could probably give them some advice on theirs, but it doesn't stop the calls coming.

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Sorry the phone rang .. no, not a scam call .. and I had to sign off.

The really funny part is that my aged friend .. almost 89 years .. is not a homeowner, she rents her flat on the final floor of a low-rise block, so she doesn't have any rights over the loft, which is presumably above her and equally she has no access to any loft-space ?

Possibly, as she is an avid Face-Booker when she is at home, they got her details somehow from there.
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It is not a scam. But do not entertain talking to cold callers. Search for genuine providers. We did this we were required to show we were eligible and all was done. We had to show the guys doing it the evidence we were entitled to have it done, proof of id/residence and a one euro coin. No copies taken. They provided us photographic evidence that roof space was xx cm deep in 'fluff'. You don't get much for almost nothing these days!

Go for it - carefully!
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