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grouting: advice, suggestions and tips svp


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I am introducing the exciting topic of re-grouting of showers[:D]

Not been idle and have done some preliminary research.  I understand that it would need to be epoxy grout.  Is that correct?  Is it hard to put on?  Where do you buy it?  What is the French for it?

Thanks, everybody.  Bon grouting to all engaged in this enthralling activity!

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Hi Les, long time no see.  Hope all well chez toi?

Thanks for that suggestion.  I haven't been able to get to a DIY yet so will see what is available.  I'm going to try on a small patch near the shower tray where it isn't too noticeable to begin with.

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This is a VERY appropriate topic as I have just last week, finished to tile and grout 20m2 of beautiful Travertine. Before that, it was 2 x bathrooms with the 3rd one to be completed by summer.

As you are re-grouting an existing surface (either old grout is porous or flaky or black ...), you will need to remove it it as much as you can. You can find hand tools available in specialised shops but I have never found them to be up-to-the-job .... Google "Electric removal tool" and you will be spoiled for choice (but must admit, never had to use one so far).

Once the space between the tiles are "old-grout-free", clean with appropriate liquid (white vinegar is good) and let dry thoroughly.

For the new grout itself, I find it a) cheaper and b) easier to buy in powder (bags of 1Kg) and go 500g at a time following the instructions on the pack (of course, half the amount of water if only using half the bag or whichever rule of 3 you want to apply). Mix according to the instructions (always water first then the grou powder then mix thoroughly (a kitchen hand mixer will do for small batches)).

At the very beginning of my grouting experience, I found that old Credit Cards did the job well and were a good size for the hand (now that I am a professional ...... I use the appropriate tool).

Force the grout inside the gap between the tiles and cover a small area (half m2) at a time. When the grout only starts to harden (all depending on weather conditions), start raking the grout with a coffee spoon (you want to have the grout flush with the tile but not too flush). As it hardens further, use a wet tiling sponge to clean the excess off. Clean again without putting pressure on sponge.

At the end, when it's all dried off, buff with an old cloth, vacuum and apply silicon around the shower tray and on all vertical angles.

Hope this helps.

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Wow, Eric, good job you found my post and took the trouble to explain in such detail![:)]

Yup, am a happy bunny now and feel up to the job.  Nothing like some good advice to impart confidence and enthusiasm........mille mercis!

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No worries mint. The first time I ever tiled was in that same house in France, above the kitchen sink (ie. not much at all ...). Had to get up early as I was stressing but it all went well at the end.

You buy your grout from BricoDepot.

For the kitchen last week, I had bought a 25Kg bag which I divided in handy batches of 5Kg mixed into 800ml of water (rule of 3 from the instructions on the bag that were 4 litres/25Kg)). It said that mix would harden within 2 hours but as it was cold, I managed to finish my 5Kg batch before it had a chance to harden. It went rock hard overnight.
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