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CA Britline still in "business"???


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I was a little aghast to read all the adverse comments re CA Britline, as I sent off the application form a few weeks ago to open an account.

To date, I've heard nothing from them

Attempting to telephone them results in a pre-recorded message stating their offices are closed

Are they still open for business or what?

Someone mentioned a tie-up with HSBS and CCF - who they?


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Try 0033 (0)2 31 55 67 89.

Don't forget they are 1 hour in front and take a long lunch. I have never had a problem contacting them. I don't find them much better or worse than UK banks but I do find French banking in general rather strange, it's probably OK once you get use to it. Don't forget you can only pay in cheques in their region (Calvados) outside that you have to post cheques to them which slows things down, cash is no problem, you can pay that in at any branch.

Using Britline is very useful in the first instance till you get yourself sorted out. We have been to visit our local banks and have found english speakers in three of them. Once settled we will open a new account at one of these banks. Don't get me wrong about them speaking English it's just that it helps untill I'm a more fluent French speaker.

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  • 11 months later...
I know this subject has come up before, and I did add my penny worth then, but I do believe most people, with a little bit of help could build their own website.

It is interesting to compare the two 'web services' sites listed as both are totally different, yet both seem to have faults. One trick I use when looking at websites is to view the source, as this will tell you a lot about the author, and any software tools being used. There may also be some useful code(javascript usually) which could be useful.

I am just as guilty as many others at trying to be too clever, with too many gimicks(eg flash) so have now re-engineered my own website so only those who want to be taken through a flash intro need to, and the number of mouse clicks has been reduced. It will probably not suit everyone but at least I am trying.

I am trying to talk my local college into setting up a web creation program for local businesses, as there is still only a very small percentage of local businesses with some type of website, and search engines such as Google work better if there are more websites with some type of link, which not only helps the businesses but also helps the town itself.

For webspace for the beginner I definitely recoment Geocities/Yahhoo.com as this has a very good simple to use online website software, and assuming you know roughly what you want you can have your first page up and running in less than an hour. It can also be created/amended on any computer linked to the internet including cyber-cafes etc.

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