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taxation-final questions before deadline tomorrow.URGENT


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I have read that social levies CSG &CRDS is paid if you contribute toFrench state health.Pages30&33 of taxation laws.SinceI do not contribute then surely I do not have to pay these taxes and should leave blank item8TL on tax form or will the tax office fillit in and charge me or fine me.I paid 47 years N.I. in U.K. have carte vitale and pay a top up insurance.
Is 2%social payable on annuity taken out when I was 53 years as acash payment as Iwas not allowed to transfer pension on changing jobs.Is this classed as vie annuite assurance?THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR ANY HELP.
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I have no idea as to whether you will have this to pay or not, but for french people the CSG has nothing to do with their social security payments made throughout their working lives... they cop for this on their pensions. It was a stealth tax to literally get everyone and has certainly hit the poorer members of society.

There were posts recently saying that the EU had said that this was a social payment, but it isn't a 'usual' social payment.
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