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Finance - Tax return- Converting


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My income is all from UK. I have to covert into euros, and my local tax office have told me to use 1.76 to the . This means a loss of appropx. 15%. I have not seen such a rate in two years, the highest being 1.63. Any comments. There must be many who have submitted tax returns. Info most appreciated.
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In 2002 the form 2047 had accompanying notes 2047 NOT - Notice pour remplir la dclaration des revenus encaisss l'tranger. The first section, Aplications Gnrales, has as its second point the following:
Revenus Encaisss en Monnaie Etrangre
Si les revenus ou benfices en cause ont t encaisss en monnaie trangre, ils doivent tre dclars pour leur contre-valeur en euros, calcule d'aprs le cours du change Paris au jour de l'encaissement (rception en espces, inscription au crdit d'un compte, etc. )
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