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Avis D'Impot


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Please can someone help with the following?  Its typed at the bottom of our Avis D'Impot below the line where the Revenu fiscal de référence figure is shown.  I can translate the words literally but I need to know what they mean by it.

" Compte tenu des éléments déclarés, les plafonds dont vous pourrez disposer pour la déduction de vos cotisations d'épargne retraite versées en 2004, pour la déclaration des revenus à souscrire an 2005 sont de  vous           (figure)

                                                   Conjoint      (figure)"

Has anyone seen something like this and knows what they're telling me?          


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[quote]Dear Sheila, It is only if you've suscribe in France an "Assurance vie"(life insurance) or a PERP(which is a special saving which is not available before being retired) which allow you to deduct the ...[/quote]

Hi Celine, perhaps you can help me understand this better.

I thought that this was a statement showing the amount that you can invest into a PERP in the current financial year and that it would then be deductible when calculating next years tax demand and that the PERP was in planning for retirement rather than after retirement.

I do not believe that it is an allowance of some description against investment in an Assurance Vie, but if it is I would be well pleased to discover more.

By the way, whilst an Assurance Vie does include a small amount of life insurance cover (to satisfy the taxation advantages it provides), it is, in essence, a wrapper for a flexible, tax advantageous, savings and investments vehicle, in a similar fashion to PEP's and ISA,s. They also provide an excellent vehicle for minimising or completely avoiding inheritance tax.

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