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TV Licence

Ian 56

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We paid the Redevance 116,50 € last December and it was for the period of 1/12/2004 until 30/11/2005, so I guess, as most residents are now fully aware, that we have to pay Redevance with the Habitation, that it will again be for the following year?

If you haven't paid for this year, then I can only guess it is an error, as far as I am aware, TV licences in general, are always paid for in advance, not in arrears.


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What makes me think an almighty c o c k up is in the offing late next year.

As it stands now, some therefore will not have paid their TV licence for this year, others like me will have paid for the present year and no doubt will get their taxe hab bill through around October with another demand for this year or maybe just for next year, then again maybe for the two !

Some like TU,  may then get a 2 years Redevance demand to keep it in front, or if not and only one year is demanded, then some will be paying behind and some like me will be paying in front. Happy days are here again !

And more strikes again next week, this is more like La Belle France I have grown to admire, chaos and more chaos, it's what fonctonnaires do best

Why am I not surprised by all this though, that is what is worrying me now


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[quote]I have checked my last years licence and see it is overstamped DELAI DE PROPCLAMATION PORTE AU 31-12-2005. My reading is that I have the bonus of 10 months without paying. Thanks for your replies ia...[/quote]

Call me a cynic, but sounds too good to be true !


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I didn't pay mine, because on my tax return, there was the number 23 in brackets, which on the reverse, explained I was exempt. I sent a photocopy of this to Rennes and heard nothing.....except every nastier demands for money, incresing each time as they added of a surtax for late payment, another for late, late payment and so forth.

I wrote again. I still didn't pay.

Eventually, I got a snotty letter saying that, as a special one-off favour, they were letting me off the bill. I don't pay taxe d'habitation, so wonder what they'll do next year?!
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Just look how heavy it is getting already !

All the different choices, have paid, haven't paid, don't pay will I pay, so is it upwards and onwards to another case of "oops vee 'ave made a nuzzer boules oop"

Rather be as in TU and others case who haven't paid yet. I can see me paying twice and some once and some none !! Oh woe.....pay now sir and then apply for a rebate eh, c'est normale !


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They have simplified it the easy way, by keeping things complicated.

You keep the same period for your licence as you had before, its just that everyone pays at the same time in November/December.

En effet, jusqu’ici, la redevance était payée à la date anniversaire de l’acquisition du téléviseur et pour les 12 mois à venir. En 2004, un particulier qui avait acheté son poste quelques années auparavant, au mois d’avril, par exemple, a dû s’acquitter de la redevance au mois de mai 2004, pour la période allant de juin 2004 à juin 2005. Cette année, il paiera sa redevance (qui passe à 116 €) le 15 novembre ou le 15 décembre prochain, selon la date à laquelle il paie habituellement sa taxe d’habitation, pour la période allant de juin 2005 à juin 2006.

I'm pleased to see that as us usual the cynics win, it was too good to be true!

The only bit of too good to be true that remains is that Maison Secondaire are now exempt.

So I assume that in future we will have some Maison Secondaire that are deemed to be Maison Principale at least as far as this is concerned. But they  will remain Maison Secondaire as far as any Taxe D'habitation surcharges are concerned.....

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Please try to keep up with the rest of the class.

It wasn't a hard question . Always chattering about football, never paying attention. Carry on like this and you won't get your Bac 2+, and will miss out on all the good jobs out there. Thsy will all  be taken by  these hard working immigrants moving into the area.

Now where were we?

Yes. Your case is one of the simple ones. You paid last year under the old rules. The new rules started on 1st January, so you pay at your normal time of year for the 2005/6. No refunds , no gaps, no free periods.

No change. C'est simple.

Stop gossiping about football...........


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Pay attention it is ma fille not me who took the baccalaureate exams and after a couple of plus marks, I would struggle badly with the Brevet

Yeh I do fink I got it now.

Now, we dropped a point on Sunday but we is still 9 clear. We still have the gooners and that there team, where the supporters are known only to eat Prawn and Salmon sandwiches and do not live in the city, to play again ! Oooh getting scary, rather talk football than redevance any day





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I am puzzled now,  We have a maison secondaire and when I enquired at TV licencing was told we had to pay for a licence, this was last November.  We received a form to complete which we did and sent back with a cheque for the money.  I havent received a licence but the cheque has cleared the bank.  can someone advise what I need to do now please.



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can someone advise what I need to do now please.

When you paid last November the system was that you paid in cash for the Redevance (Licence). From the first of Jan 2005 it will still be  separate charge , its just that it will be collected along with  the Taxe D'habitation.

Up until 2005 you had to have a licence for your main residence AND your maison secondaire. Unless you took the same TV set backwards and forwards between the two. In which case your were exempt from the second charge. Now maison secondaire are automatically exempt.

What happens in the year that you move in , when the former owner will get the bill, who knows? What happens if you only have a maison secondaire and no primary residence, who knows?    (But I can guess!).


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