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UK Benefits


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My wife and I are thinking about moving to France next Easter to live.

Now, this is where I have had so many different replies and need to know what benefits can I take with me?

I know I am entitled to have my Incapacity benifit, but have been told no for my full rate DLA and full rate Mobility.


I can not understand why as I was awarded these for life back in 1994, so surley I have the right to have them transfered to France, or do I ?


If not, can I claim the equilivant benefit over there?, would I loose my Incapacity though?

Please someone can you give me the correct ruling!!!




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You should not assume that being made any awards in the UK automatically qualifies you for payments in France, you will have to qualify for access to the French system and meet the French criteria for disability benefit to get anything.  I understood from messages here that getting registered in France as being disabled is very difficult and beaurocratic, one of the reasons that I didn't bother when we came here earlier in the year.

You are correct that you will get your Incapacity Benefit paid in France but your DLA payments depend on the date of your award.

My understanding is that the award date needs to be before 1992 (I'm sure somebody will confirm this or not) and if you don't qualify for DLA, you have to apply through the French system.

If you have a long-term disability you need to go through the registration process with CPAM and then get your GP to write a letter supporting your application to have your medication costs waived.

You will also need to check that all your medical costs are covered by the general exemption from charges.  If not you will need a Mutuel to cover the cost of any medication, visits or treatment which is NOT covered by the generel exemption for fees.  I'm lucky in that all my additional conditions can be attributed to the original condition so I should be exempted for everything.


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I know that lots of the benefits are reduced and eventually stopped if you move abroad. Some are paid if they started before 1992. What has the DWP got to say, have you contacted them? It is they after all who pay.

There are disability allowances in France. You would have to contact the CAF and COTOREP, if you search in google.fr you'll find them.

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