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Impots.gouv.fr website


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I have to hand it to the Impots people in Flers - they seem to have got their act together very nicely.  I wrote to them in the summer asking if any future post could be sent to us at our UK address, to avoid it being left unopened over the winter.

I didn't get a reply from them and I wondered whether my schoolboy French had completely mystified them.  However, much to my surprise I received my Tax Foncieres this morning.  Things are beginning to look up.

The amount was almost 100 euros above last year's bill - but we have had quite a lot of renovations done to the property and the value has gone up accordingly, I suppose.

The Foncieres bill said I could choose to pay on line if I wished, so I gave it a try.  Well, I have to give the designers credit - the site was very clear and simple enough for even me to understand.  It took about 3 minutes and it was done.  They then sent confirmation by email.  The only thing you have to remember is to print the Direct Debit attachment from the email and send it to your bank.

I was quite impressed.



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