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Final Demand


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This morning we received what appeared to be a Final Demand for payment for our rubbish collection (yes, we are fortunate to have a weekly wheely bin collection.). We have duly sent of the cheque to the Tresorie but my question is - why haven't we received any previous requests for the money - just this Final Demand!!. We were given 8 days to pay or they would recover the money by whatever means possible!! Here's us thinking we are all legal and above board and this happens!!PS We live here full time and have done for nearly two years.

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The Tresor Public (around here at least) tend not to send reminders, just the bill. Or, in our case they send them to a UK address that we have not lived in for 3 years then sequester the money from our bank account. Now, we go in (about this time of year) and ask for the bills, remind them that we live 3 miles away and are safe in the knowledge that they will continue to ignore us. C'est France!

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