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Old Scam - New Look


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So the scammers have started in France now. Below is a copy of an email being sent out that appears to be from Crédit Lyonnais. It’s telling you that there is a new security system to stop fraud and every month you will be asked to log in and they will check the version of your browser and your IP address of you PC. After reading this you will of course have to go and log in via the link they give you. What you will then be presented with is a copy of what looks like the real login page but it’s not, they take your login and password, card details etc and away goes your money. The scam is so cleaver it actually checks your name and password against the real site so if you type in your name and wrong password it tells you, pretty clever.

The particular one I have received has had the host site for the scam already closed down as it has been reported (it was in China). If you get one of these emails you should contact your bank by phone using the number on your cheque if you are in doubt. In most instances if your bank does send you an email it will have your name on it. If you want to check where the email really came from you can copy and past the header on to a website called www.spamcop.com and it will tell you the email address of the hosting company should you wish to complain? I rather suspect that there will be more of these types of emails and probably appearing to be from other banks as well. It’s an old scam but it’s the first time I have had one supposedly from a French bank.


Copy of email


Bank Logo

normally here


Le test du nouveau systeme de securite. Notre devise: Banking sans fraude.

Compte tenu d'accidents tres frequents provoques par des activites frauduleuses sur Internet, notre banque a introduit le nouveau systeme de securite de nos clients. Conformement a celui-la chaque mois vous serez le destinataire d'une lettre confirmante vos donnee secretes. Nous esperons votre comprehension a l'egard de cet innovation. Les mesures entreprises nous permettront de reduire les risques d'acces non sanctionne de tierces personnes a votre compte personnel, ainsi que controler l'activite de votre compte en comparant l'adresse IP et version de votre navigateur de votre session presente et celle precedente. A l'avis de l'organisation mondiale bancaire ces mesures permettront de diminuer au maximum les voles d'argent des clients.

Log in: lecreditlyonnais

Si vous n'etes pas d'accord ou mecontent de cet innovation veuillez nous ecrire a lecreditlyonnais@banksecurity.fr
votre opinion sera prise en compte.

Nous vous remercions de nous avoir accorde vote temps et prions d'accepter nos salutations distinguees.

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[quote user="Tandem_Pilot"]Got one this morning, but I don't bank with them anyway !!


Same with me but if you only get one and you do bank with them and you do what they say then they win. They probably send out millions of these and if they get 10 that get answered it's worth it for them. I expect we shall start seeing the old lottery scam as well shortly in French. I also seem to be getting the old 5M$ to mve out of one country in to France plus a little bonus for me. Oh yes they old one about being an agent for whoever is also coming up in French as well now. Busy little bees arn't they.

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