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Getting old in France?

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What level of support can one expect from the French authorities, when you get old; registered in the French system  tax and health system but with possibly ailing health and capital?  As one gets older, these questions are upermost in my mind and it would be helpful if one could learn more information!
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I'll be interested to see the replies to this one.

I don't have much information, except to say that if your gross monthly income is less than, I think, about 1400€ you can get a supplement to bring it up to that amount.

Also at age 75 you are exonerated from tax fonciere, again if your income is low.

Then I think you can raise capital on your house throught "viager" system at age 70. There's a thread about this currently somewhere on here.

All this info needs confirming.

It's very difficult for elderly people living on a pension here, (as in the UK. ) That's why you find many living with their married children.


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Thank you Patf for taking the time to give me that information. I thought someone told me some time ago, that you are encouraged to stay in your own home when elderly so they send in daily carers and 'les repas sur les rous' (meals on wheels).

If any other reader has any imput on this vein, I and many others, will be interested in the outcome.



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My elderly neighbour got very ill 4 years ago and had to spend several months in hospital and a nursing home. She was 76 at the time and had been very able and independent up to her illness.

On her return home, her daughters had her needs assessed by a social worker and she was "awarded" up to 50 hours a month of care fees through APA (http://vosdroits.service-public.fr/F2112.xhtml). She/they decided to a home-help paid by CESU and the salary was refunded by the Conseil Général.

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Thanks Clair or your input. I Googled the website you mentioned and used their translator and have now accessed all the details of Care and support. It explains everything in detail and answers all the questions that I wanted answering. Thank you!
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