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More than one agent


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Yes, you can sign a 'mandat simple' with more than one agent, and also reserve the right to try and sell the property privately through your own efforts.

POINTS TO WATCH: Agents sometimes get into disputes as to who first introduced the client to the property and is therefore entitled to his/her commission. Also whether a buyer was introduced by them or genuinely by the vendor him/herself. They will protect themselves by having the potential buyer sign a 'bon de visite' and I have known cases where they have sued a vendor for their commission.

There are mixed views about the value of having more than one agent handle a property. If it is seen for sale in several agent's offices it can hint at desperation. Also, potential buyers get annoyed when they are sometimes shown the same property more than once by different agents (then disputes arise as noted above). Ensure that all the agents advertise the property at the same price to avoid confusion, as the price can vary according to the level of commission.

If you find your own buyer, they will ivariably expect a price reduction, arguing that your are saving the commission, so you are not really gaining anything.  

Your best option might be try a sole agent for, say, three months and see how you get on. Even in these difficult times, good properties correctly priced should sell within this time.

Sorry, a long answer when a one-word reply would have done.

Peter-Danton de ROUFFIGNAC www.francemediterraneanproperty.com


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Homework, homework. You need to spend time investigating your estate agent, that includes several different visits (just to check out values - our last house was valued with a difference/range of over 100k!!). I think SD wrote in another subject/forum about the importance of local agents(with a good web site), this is so true.

I obviously can't be sure it was the agent but our last house in Picardie sold in under a week!

Thats not to say I would not consider a personal web ad.

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